![]() Author has written 47 stories for Inuyasha, Anime X-overs, Ouran High School Host Club, Elfen Lied, and Naruto. ~Konochiwa Friends!~ I'm anime poison my favorite past time is writing stories and poetry. I love to write stories and poetry so much! I love anime, hence the name anime poison. I love it so much it's poison to me! lol. A little about myself, I love romantic evenings while walking along a beach at night with that special someone that makes your heart throb and want to explode inside of your body. lol not. This is the real me... all that i have said about romantic evening and walking on beaches at night nah-ah. What i like to do is really write stories and poetry. I love sitting at my computer thinking of new ideas and i love to fantasize throughout the day of what i'm going to do next. It's like watching a movie inside my head and once i get a idea thought up there is nothing that will stop me from writing it down! I am back for good on fanfiction.net and here to stay!!!!!!! A single spark was good but i missed u guys to much. Have you've ever tried an energy drink called "Bawls?" honest that's what it's called I'm not joking lol. Well they're really good take my advice for it and if you haven't go to your nearest gas station and buy a bottle lol. Warning, energy drink may contain high levels of caffine and sugar lol. Well that's what us anime loving freaks need to keep us up late at night putting hard work and effort into our stories right? for the people that need us to entertain them. Gosh I didn't know how many people rely on me in my life what about you? lol. these are my favorite anime shows. Sorry to announce but i have rescently became addicted to a new anime...which is Ouran High School Host Club of course!!! (New Favorite). 1. Inuyasha- love the character sesshomaru, he's a hottie! 2. Naruto 3. One piece 4. Rurouni Kenshin 5. Chobits 6. Code lyoko 7. Ghost in the shell 8. Boondocks 9.robot chicken 10.full metal alchemist- ed he's a cuttie lol plus many more so many to list I cant My favorite kinds of music are anime music, japanese, techno, and eurodance. I basically like anything but these are my favorites. My favorite artist is Utada Hikaru she is the bomb. Favorite Video Games: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2, All final fantasy's but final fantasy seven rox! DDR, gotta love DDR and the sims lol. I've become to addicted to a new DDR game called Supernova!!! I have a new favorite video game as well, known as...Dead or Alive!!! it's wicked awesome!!! Favorite movie: I would have to say final fantasy advent children it's so amazing and cool. Sepheroith is really hot and they make the characters look so real and life like too. Occupation: Unfortunately Mc'donalds. (Not anymore I quit!!!) I only work at the animal hospital lol. Hobbies/Pastimes: Talking to my friends, Brenna she's cool from online Hi brenna lol. Writing stories and poetry, reading. I love reading fanfiction from off this website that's all I read anymore. ONe story I love that I read was called the Dark Light but it's not finished yet sadly. Go boating and praise anime lol. I have three storys in progress right now. The newest currently is Forgotten Dreams of Darkness and it is finished!!! 1. My RP character Story- it's where I am the main character and I have all sorts of anime characters in there and my friends too it's going to be a smash! 2. Burned Blinding Desires- kouga/ kag story has been put on hold, my computer crashed so now i am tryin to save my compy T.T but it can be fixed and i will get the story back up and running_ 3. Forgotten Seal of Darkness- its got demons and vampires!!! that's all i'm sayin for now THE OFFICIAL ANIME HOTTIE LIST-MADE BY ME AND MY FRIENDS LOL. JUST FOR FUN! 1. Axel-Kingdom hearts 2 he's a hottie 2. Sepheroith- From Final fantasy seven, Gotta love him and his 6 foot sword. (take that anyway you want to.) smirk 3. Sesshomaru- From Inuyasha so cold yet so warm and fluffy lol. 4. Ed- FMA!!! 5. Cloud- final fantasy seven 6. Vincent- final fantasy seven 7. Reno-final fantasy seven 8. Sanju- one piece 9. Zolo- one piece 10. Kenshin- From Rurouni Kenshin 11. Hikaru-Kaoru (Ouran High School Host Club). Twins!!!! 12. Tamaki Souo (Ouran High School Host Club). 13. Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club). plus so many more... lol. If ya want read my stories and poetry and review I"ll have some new ones up soon I promise! Also if you want go to google and there you will find videos i made dedicated to sess-kag. my first video is called, "Desires of a Heart." hope you guys like it because it's all dedicated to all the sess-kag fans out in the entire world!!!! shout outs to my best friends Go Kag-Sess Fans for life!!! You rock!!! I reccomend u all to check out my bff profile and stories as well her screen name is Vaneles so have fun and she is a sess-kag fan of course!!! Favorite Pairings... 1. Sesshomaru/Kagome all time 2. Haruhi/ Kyoya senpai 3. Kouga/ Kagura-newest 4. Sesshomaru/ Sephiroith 5. Sesshomaru/ Kouga 6. Sesshomaru/ Naraku--bad boys...smirks..._ 7. Inuyasha/ Kagura 8. Kagura/ Kouga That's so far for now... If its' not to ur liking it's allright but remember it's okay to judge everyone has got their opinion to say what ever they want and this is what i like I bet you gots some great pairings as well!!! Recently me and my friends have been arguing now tell me my friends say that Sephrotih is all evil but I don't believe that. You have to take into consideration that his life was messed up alot. But I believe basically he was just misunderstood. Well that's what I think and my friends don't believe me. They say that he wasn't and he was evil. They say people that aren't evil don't blow up towns or slash people in the gut with swords. I said unless they have a good reason. : ) lol. May 4,2007 Vaneles: "Ha. You might not be. But I am. _" Anime Poison: "Yeha... riiiiight." Vaneles: "I'm serious. I enjoy screwing around with Ken's mind. But trust me. when it comes to evil plots and conspiricies... I am the queen of all bitches." Anime Poison: ... "I enjoy the occasional screw around but uh... when it comes to my friends, I have none to worry about. I only have my minions and my furby army. (I have the army copyrited so ha!)" Vaneles: "Well..." sticks out tongue . "Nyah! Stupid whore. I have dust bunnies! My dust bunnies will eat your fat furbys for dinner!" looks around at random objects in room And the llamp too! Anime Poison: "I believe... that that is my line." mummbles under breath Whore Vaneles: gasps in shock. "I do believe that you have just insulted me!". makes fist and shakes it at Rhonda ."I, vanessa of the dust bunny clan in the west, declare war against the furby army of Rhonda!" Anime Poison: "And I, Rhonda of the furby army , dweller of darkness, accept your challenge! What shall be the consolation prize?" Vaneles":... um... I haven't actually... gotten that far yet." Animepoison: "You need to think your plans through a bit more..." vaneles: "Screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!" animepoison: "you already have!" vaneles: "um...eww?" animepoison: "oh yeah... right. sorry. forgot about the whole.. us and privacy thingy... ma bob." vaneles: "yeah. i'm leaving now." animepoison: "no!". don't leave me alone! looks around slowly. "I'm afraid of the light..." vaneles:"..." animepoison: ... "are you there?" vaneles: "no." animepoison: "oh ok."... a minute goes by. "Hey wait a minute!!!!!!" vaneles: "smirks." So my friends and I have organized a new club over the weekend of Acen. FYI: The Anime Convention! While we were there, we got extremely bored one day in the room from total exhaustion so we were sitting around and a idea struck my imaginitive mind. Yaoi+ extremely hot anime guys= (Extremely pleasured fangirls). We came up with, The Chibi Yaoi Supporters Club, TCYSC for short. Pretty soon we are going to be creating our own website for this organization and will be wanting some new memebers. There will be benefits! Free buttons for committing members! President: anime poison Vice president: Vaneles The general/right hand man: Alex Don't take this little furry creature as a cute little bunny rabbit as being sweet and innocent because that isn't true, what is going to happen is this little bunny rabbit is going to domminate the world!!! lol had to put him in there. I found him on the profile of "Eana." Eana if you read my profile just to let you know i support your bunny and it's quest for world domination!!! Just to let you know the ultimate evil are furbys!!! and rabbits too, especially dust bunnies!!! also i learned something new besides how to type the bunny rabbit you see here above. See I learned how to type something very naughty lol but comes to a fascination to all guys. / /( . )( . )\ \ seriously are these really amusing and funny to look at? lol it's just a natural development in all females, ladies you would know this but for the male species, who would go figure that breasts would drive them crazy? Unless they are fanboys of Yaoi then this does not apply to them at all. Who would have ever thought just by walking into a crowd you would get guys staring not at your face but mostly at your chest. Sigh but i guess ladies this is something that we all must live with in life, but there is nothing to ever fear...because remember ladies we are the ones that are in control of our relationships with the opposite sex, or same sex, whatever floats your boat. If your parter trys to go against this and refuses to recognize your over powering dominance reign then there is truly a problem. But that does not mean you cannot inflict obedience of pain uppon them. Also remember and this goes to both partners and couples out there. Not all punishment has to be bad in fact it can be rather pleasurable. Wow I really can talk alot lol I did not realize this. Hopefully this little random/speech thing i came up with has entertained your brain for a little while if not then I have not completed or reached my goal, therefore I must now go sulk in the corner and draw very small circles in the ground... lol. |