Author has written 9 stories for Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts. Hey everyone finally got around to doing this hope you find all this crap interseting. ~Love Eiri Yuki-sama Name- Bridget Age- 19 B-day- May 4th Pref -Guys Likes- People InAnime- Eiri Yuki-Sama, Naruto, Sasuke, InuYasha,.Ryuichi, Thoma, Itachi, Jing, Hikaru, Sai, Dark, Daisuke, Wiz, Shuichi, Ero Sennin, Kakashi, Games- Kingdom Hearts(1 & 2) Halo (1&2) StreetFighter, Final Fantasy 7& 9 Just a list ofAnime, that I watch- I'm just going to list them off, so -takes deep breath- here I go. Naruto, Gravitation, King of Bandits Jing, HandsOff, Shaman King(manga ver) Absolute Boyfriend, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Full metal panic Fumuufuu, DN Angel, One Peice, Gashu Bellru (Zach Bell), Kyo Kara Maoh (God? Save the king), Black Cat, Disney movies I love- Aladdin, Little mirmade (red hair!) Other stuff you want to know! ~ Ok these are some other sites I'm on, feel free to talk to me! - kitsune2736- my lovely art work. |