Naruto rubbed his eyes and streched looking outside his window at the sunny day that had dawned. For some reason he smiled a true smile at nothing, it just seemed like the day would be the best in the world.

He ran towards the East bridge as he did every morning, but to his dismay no one was there. "Nanda sho?" Naruto looked around, but gave up and sat on the railing of the bridge and waited. An hour...two hours passed and still no one. Naruto decided to go see what was keeping the rest of his group from meeting. Surely they hadn't called off their meeting. Without telling him!

The blond ran to the Uchiha Mannor in hopes Sasuke would tell him what was going on. He walked down the worn down alleyways, the once happy feeling gone. An errie silence echoed from the cracked walls and told Naruto that he wasn't welcome there. He briskly walked towards Sasuke's house. He wanted to get out of the Uchiha distric asap. He walked up to the tall wooden doors. The blond held his hand out hesitantly in a fist waiting to knock. He took a gulp of air and the door swung open as he was about to knock. His fist landed softly on cloth. "I...I'm sorry." He reflexively responed bowing looking at the ground waiting to be hit.

"Why, you think that puny hit's gonna hurt me?" The voice was smug, but Naruto reconized it imedately. He looked up, into the dark ebony eyes.

"Sasuke, why wheren't you at the bridge?!" Naruto quickly jumped down the Uchiha's throat. The Uchiha smirked but didn't say anything.

"Come on inside Naruto." His voice was calm. Sasuke stepped to the side so that Naruto could go inside the house. A few minutes later they where sitting at the kitchen table.

"So you gonna tell me why-" Naruto irratatedly spoke out, but was stopped by Sasuke.

"Kakashi has already given us our missions for the day. He came by while it was still dark out. Surprisingly he was early." Sasuke bit into a piece of bread. "He told me, for us, you and me. To go to the outskirts of town and stop the bandits attacking merchants." Naruto nodded the scratched at his chin.

"So where's Sakura?" Sasuke twitched at the name.

"She'll be meeting us at the site. I told her I'd wait on you." Naruto nodded all he said made sense then...wait!

"If you where gonna wait on me then why didn't you wake me?"

"I was on my way out when you met me at the door." Sasuke repiled irritatedly, then ran his fingers through his dark mane. I wonder what his hair feels like...I wonder if it's soft. Naruto snapped out of his trance and shook his head. He hated the Uchiha, which ment no touchie.

"Alright then let's go!" He shouted exuberently.

"Yeah." They walked down the old trails and back alleys towards the side of town only the residents knew. The side Naruto hated.

--Flash Back--

A young blond laied on the ground a group of villagers yelling and throwing stuff at the boy who laid in a pool of his own blood.
"You stay on the other side if you value you life, you blond freak." A man in a blue tunic spat out, then kicked the kyuubi container in the stomach. Naruto crawled back to his appartment and vowed never to go there again.

--Flash End--

Ever since, the other side of town had put a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Naruto's hand went towards his stomach relfexivly in thought of the memory. Sasuke looked at Naruto's expression as they neared the worn down roads and poorly built houses. "You ok, dobe?"

"Teme!" Naruto spat back insinticlivly as he'd done numours times before.

"Naruto. What's wrong? Get into some bad ramen?" Sasuke said with smirk.

"There's no such thing."

"Fine then. I guess I'll have to keep this free ticket to my self then." Sasuke flashed an orange piece of paper in front of the blonds face.

"What is it for?" The kyuubi asked ready to pounce, like a cat, on the free whatever.

"You have to tell me why you look like that and you look worse with every step we take."

"Grr..." Naruto crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "Nope, never."

"Never ae?" Sasuke quirked a brow at the fox. "So not for anything. Anything in the world?"


"Not even this-?" Sasuke pressed Naruto into the wall of a near-by building. Naruto had begun to panic was Sasuke going to hurt him? Wasn't like he wouldn't. He normally did it to him on a regualr basis. Sasuke's dark hair caught Naruto's attention and he was going to touch it. When he felt a bite then a sucking sensation on his neck. It sent chills down his spine and stared to give him an errection. He was about to succum to the wonderful feeling when he realized, what kind of perdicament he was in.

"Sa...Sasuke! Get off!" He half-heartedly pushed the Uchiha off. "Fine I'll tell you." He said his face red with the darkening blush. "Some people..." He trailed off his eyes on his feet.

"Some people?" Sasuke said trying to get the blond back on track.

"Th...they treated me like a King and...and" naruto couldn't think of anything else to say."

"Right, I can see it now THE DOBE KING." Sasuke held his hands out like he could see the sign in front of him. Naruto growled at being mocked, but decided that if Sasuke was happy and wasn't asking further then he'd let him be.