Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, House, M.D., Harry Potter, and Sherlock. Hello! I’m 21 years old, and I study literature. Unfortunately English is not my first language, but I’d say I’m doing all right despite this inconvenience. I used to write here back in -06, -07, and while I still hold great affection for these early stories they are not really representative of me these days, as I give fan fiction another go. My current obsession is BBC’s Sherlock, and that will probably be reflected in what I put out here. I came into the wonderful world of fandoms through Harry Potter, and later on found manga. However, I am afraid I have now grown up to leave Naruto and his friends behind, though I still enjoy the occasional story from the good old days. I also used to love House MD, back in the golden years of seasons 1-3, and I have quite a few unpublished stories from that time lying around. This was the show that opened my eyes to the wonders of TV-shows, and I am forever grateful. Now, I could go on and on about the beauty and possibilities of fanfiction, but there are two main qualities that I look for when reading or writing a fic. 1. The ever so important, to genuinely "get" the characters. The dialogue has to feels right, the dynamic between them has to be right, the relationships between the characters needs to feel organically built on what is already there. You just tweak the perspective a little, to get that slightly altered point of view, while keeping the feeling of the canon. 2. To have something to say. You need to have a story to tell, to expand the world of a show by making a character or situation richer. A lot of stories are written for specific pairings or outcomes, without staying true to the tone of the show. I can read the occasional OOC crackfic, or an AU, but I prefer the real deal. I also really appreciate going easy on the romance, which is always really hard to pull off and hardly ever worth it. Finally, if you write in any of these fandoms, I am probably interested. Sherlock, Harry Potter, Dead like me, The Wire, House MD, Glee, Veronica Mars, Sailor moon, Naruto, Tsubasa I hope we can find some common ground, and I'll see you around! |
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