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Joined 03-11-06, id: 1005946
Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon, and Warriors.

Updated June 18th, 2007 by Blackpelt


Umm... Ok, so I might not finish the Blindswipe story afterall...

And my reason is this: I have a new story idea that will include Blindswipe, at least a little bit. And plus, I'm stuck. D:

But anyways, this new story you can blame on two kids that go on my bus. One was explaining how his wrist nearly fell off or whatever, and I started imagining very... gory Warriors ideas. The new story is full of gore. It's called 'Pain', and it involves characters that I've created for random reasons. Soooo... Those of you who get squeamish/hate blood/are very imaginative and hate blood and or are squeamish, I warn you not to read it. I swear that even I, who has a very unhealthy addiction to blood, am frightened to even write it, let alone imagine what's going to happen.

And the first chapter will be what the Blindswipe story was originally going to be about; Blindswipe and a MidnightClan apprentice, Darkpaw. You pretty much know what's going to happen, but not to whom the fate will befall. :D

Sooooooo... Yeah... That's it...



Still haven't finished the one-shot. I have to redo half of it, since I screwed it up horribly. Bah, whatever. And if you don't here from me on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you'll know why: Exams.

But, the story will be finished. I promise that once I get on the computer that has the story on it, I'll start to type. If I don't, then I'll pound myself in the head for forgetting. XD.

... So... That's it... Soooo...

That's all for now...



Alrighty, I'm procrastinating again. For those of you who have visited my DeviantART profile, you may have noticed the 'Procrastinator' title. Yeah, and I'm being kinda lazy and forgetful. But I think I'll finish the story by midnight today or when I get back from school tomorrow.

Also, those of you who have looked at my new journal on DA, you may have noticed me rantiong about the final exams for the school year. Not fun. This week is an all study week for me, and I know that by the end of the week my brain might've exploded. D:

But that's it for now. I'll update later today maybe if I remember to, so check back if you want. But my rants will most likely be in my DA journal, so whatever.

That's all for now.



Holy crap. It's been over a month since I last updated. :O

Ehe. Sorry about the inactivity. Friendly_Dragon and I were working on a Dragon Forum, and Tori and I are making the Freewebs site.

And I bet you guys don't know who the hell I'm talking about, so I'll just link you guys to the Website and the Forum.

And another thing, I've been reading comics on DeaviantART because I've been bored. My DeviantART account is right here:


Click if you want, I don't care.

Ah, and I never got to finish that chapter. I started a new one-shot story called 'Blindswipe', which is a Warriors fic. It isn't finished yet, but I've got three pages done so far. Squee for me.

Yeah, that's all.


Name: Blackpelt

Gender: She-Cat

Appearance: A pure black She-Cat with one red eye and one blue eye.

Age: 81 1/4 Moons old (Born in late Leaf-fall) (13 years, 14 in November)

Clan: TopazClan

Random Stuffs

Yeah... This section is pretty much going to be filled with random stuffs that I'll put when I'm bored...

If you have ever been so obsessed with something that now everyone is scared of you because of it's effects, copy and paste this into your profile.

Obsessions: I am absolutely OBSESSED with Mello from Death Note. And people are scared of him, so I assume that my obsession is very scary...

Mello rawks. My nickname is Mello. :D

Pokemon Games: Yes, I play Pokemon. But can you blame me? It's so addicting, mainly because it's violence in the form of cute little creatures... Well, mostly cute. XD.

Games I gots: Crystal, Gold, FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire (Lost somewhere.), Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, and Diamond.

Current Favorite: Diamond. :3

Currently playing: Diamond.

Current Mood: Happeh

Why?: Because I had a half day at school.

Current quote: E-mails are like phone calls, except they don't ring when you ignore them.

Black Fire

This section is dedicated to my story, Black Fire

Alrighty, since I didn't post the cats of FireClan in my story, Black Fire, I'll put it here to save myself the trouble of deleting the story and re-posting it.

Fire Clan

Leader- Blazestar: A ginger and black tom

Deputy- Snowfur: A pure white she-cat with yellow eyes


Shadefur: A black and gray she-cat

Apprentice- Earthpaw

Shinetail: A silver she-cat with a white muzzle

Yelloweye: a yellow eyed tom with white fur

Berrytail: A red eyed she-cat with gray fur

Goldheart: A gold She-cat with a speckled tail

Riverheart: A gray tom with amber eyes

Apprentice- Streampaw

Treeclaw: A dark brown tom cat

Leaftail: A green-eyed tom with a torn ear

Apprentice- Mousepaw

Moonshine: A white and gray she-cat with blue eyes

Starfang: A white tom with unusually large fangs

Topazfire: A gold and ginger she-cat

Mudtail: A light brown tom with green eyes


Earthpaw: A small gray and brown tom

Streampaw: A gray she-cat with blue eyes

Mousepaw: A brown tom with blue eyes

Russetpaw: A brown and white tom

Grasspaw: A brown tom with green eyes

Redpaw: A red tom with wite paws

Twigpaw: A brown and white she-cat with blue eyes


Smokefur: A smoky gray queen

Kits- Blackit, Icekit, and Brownkit

Icefur: A white and black queen

Medicine Cat-Fernbreeze: A gray she-cat with a white tail and muzzle

Apprentice: Russetpaw


Rosethorn: A black and red she-cat

Bearfang: A brown and black tom

There we go. Enjoy the list of names that I made up on the spot. :3. Hehe, it's actually easier to keep a list on my profile so I can update it easily. XD!


Yeah, this is the fic that I got inspired to write when I was going to school. It's a very gory fic, so read it if you like that kind of sick and twisted stuff. XD.

Clans Involved in Pain

HawkClan (StarClan)





(Ask if you want the listing of cats and rouges)


You don't know what true pain is. These cats, who have been brutally murdered by cats of the other Clans, know true pain. True pain is something that only those who are trying to grasp life get, those cats, like poor Darkpaw, know true pain. Cats like Blindswipe cause it. Cats who kill for their sick amusement cause true pain, cats who suffer because of it all die. And they die horrible, sickeningly, and bloodily. Imagine a bone sliding out of place underneath your skin.

That's exactly these cats' suffering.

... By now I must be frightening you. XD.

Ok, I just want to warn you about the blood content of the story, so...


This story is not for squeamish people, people who hate blood, or people who are extremely imaginative and hate blood. There is a lot of blood in the fic, and it's got some very... Disgusting content, and torture in a way.

Hey, don't blame me. Blame the crazy she-cat who has nothing better to do. -Points to self-

Yeah, that's it. If I update my profile with more stuff, then yay for me. If I don't and you complain about it... Well actually, I don't even think I have to worry about that. Nobody's going to PM me and beg me to update my profile. That would be very... wierd... Anyways, Bye for now!


Note: If anyone would like to E-mail me for comments or just to talk to me, my Yahoo e-mail adress is storm_the_pikachu@. You can e-mail me at my Yahoo adress to see some of my art, because sadly doesn't allow IMG tags, which means they won't allow me to put images up... I think...

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Death Note - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,083 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/30/2006 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Pain reviews
The summary is in my profile, since it's too long to type here. R&R if you have the time. Rating is because of a lot of blood
Warriors - Rated: T - English - Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,414 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Published: 6/19/2007
Black Fire reviews
Shinetail of FireClan fears for a kit, Blackit, who was lost in the forest and found looking different. One eye Red, and the other Blue. Shinetail now wonders if this is a prophecy from MoonClan, and will soon be brought into a world of confusion...
Warriors - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 6,836 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 4/13/2007 - Published: 4/6/2007
Blazing Hatred, Dragon's Fury reviews
Three Dragons, One of Pearl, one of Topaz, and one of Sapphire, will stop at nothing to destroy each other, causing destruction in their own world, leaving nothing, but a barren wasteland called Earth. Can nothing save us? R&R.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,551 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/14/2007