­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Thank you to all the people that reviewed; rainstorm007, Littlewhisker, Jadeclaw, PearlaH.Sweden, Pinefur of Dragonclan, Aviation and Shaded-strike. Thank you for reviewing and even though this is the final chapter; please Review! If you know me, you know i LUV REVIEWs! How did you peeps like Joypaw's warrior name (Joythought)? REVIEW! And this is going to be another sad chapter.


6 moons since last chapter-

Greenclaw curled up on the stone cliff ledge; looking out upon his clan. Moonlight's kits; Foxkit, Cottonkit and Robinkit frolicked playfully in the dirt, and Moonlight watched them with amused amber eyes. Grieffeather was organizing a patrol; her belly hanging lower than usual; she would need to be moved to the nursery soon. Copperblaze was watching her with concern and pride; from his new position; deputy.

Greenclaw yawned and thought; that could have been Sorrowstream watching those kits; that could have been Sorrowstream organizing those patrols; that could have been me watching her with concern; but she's dead now. He curled up and fell asleep.

Twokit's POV-

I never really understood why Sorrowstream named me Twokit. She said it was because I had two sets of disloyal heritage, that followed there hearts. That doesn't seem like something I'd be boasting about.

She's been acting wierd lately; almost sentimental. Every time we look at her, she looks away and then licks the tiniest spot of dirt from our pelts. She seems worried and stressed.

What was even more confusing is that she changed our names today; I'm Twopaw and he's Boldpaw; wierd, huh?

Also she's been teached us how to hunt; I caught a sparrow on my first try! Boldpaw didn't, but he leapt out of a tree and knocked me over. I was angry at him for that, but Sorrowstream only said quietly, "He's as talented as his father."

She won't tell us who our father is. She only says, 'You'll see.' She never says anything about my father to me, except that Boldpaw is as talented as him. All she says about me is that I am, "So much like Grieffeather" ... whoever that is. Anyway, she's been really tense lately.

Sorrowstream's POV-

I know I have to do it, but I can't bear myself to. Over the past six moons I have fallen in love with Twopaw and Boldpaw, they're all I have left. Once I return them to the clans; what will be left for me?

The Gathering Island is a wonderful home; but if I were still a clancat I would have a lot to report. Riverclan cats keep on coming over before and after full moons to hunt and train; this was supposed to be neutral territory. But it was Thunderclan's fault to get rid of me, and as far as I can see, Riverclan isn't doing anything harmful to the other clans; only hunting and training.

I have had Twopaw and Boldpaw listen in on some of the training, but never show themselves.

My constant fear is that Greenclaw has given up on me. My constant fear is that he will hate me. My constant fear is that he won't care. My constant fear is that he will reject the kits. And they will go soon; they must go soon.

I hear my voice say shakily, "Twopaw, Boldpaw; come here please."

They cocked their adorable little heads and trotted perkily over. Boldpaw said, "What'sup, mum?"

"You must leave."

"What?" asked Twopaw confusedly.

"You must leave."

"To go where?" panic breaking through to edge his voice; Boldpaw.

"The clans, you must go to the clans."

"Which one?"

I have educated them on clan life; and here was my only chance. "Thunderclan."

"Why, mother?" asked Twopaw in desperation.

"I was once a clan-cat. Once you get there, ask for a cat named Greenclaw."


"Please, I love you my kits. But you must go before I think myself out of this and ot let you go."


"Your father. He will mentor you, and I promise, I will visit once and a while. But Starclan has determined my future for me."

"What is it?" asked Twopaw, her eyes brimming with tears at this abrupt dismissal.

"I will go between the clans as a neutral healer; never showing who I am, nor will they ever know of me. Starclan has granted me immortality, and I will forevermore be a medicine cat, healing cats of all the clans. Please, do not speak of me to anyone, my kits. Just tell Greenclaw I love him. And my kits... I love you. Now go quickly."

Twopaw and Boldpaw licked me once on the nose, and raced away, glancing once over their shoulder at me. With pride and sadness blossoming in my chest, I saw them climbing over the fallen tree on the side so no cat would see them. Twopaw let out a mournful moan once she reached the shore, joined by Boldpaw in a grieving song.

Their callings alerted cats, and I recognized the silouhettes of Moonlight, Seastone and Eaglestripe greeting my kits. My plan was working so far, and near complete; they had made it to Thunderclan. I scampered along the branch towards the forms of my aquaintences vanishing into the forest and followed uickly; inhaling the blissful scent of my old life.

Padding along the familiar path, I reached the borders of camp. I leapt upon the stone wall and onto an overhanging branch. I saw Tawnystar glance at the swaying limb and dismiss me for a squirrel. She was watching Twopaw and Boldpaw, clinging to each other as thought stuck together with sap.

They hobbled up to Tawnystar and I heard them say faintly, "Where's Greenclaw?"

Tawnystar looked confused and then pointed in the direction of the smaller ledge. Greenclaw was sitting there, his eyes widening as he saw the kits heading towards him. Twopaw said in an awed voice, "You don't look like I expected my father to look like... sorry, I kinda-"

Boldpaw nudged his sister with keen eyes, muttering, "that's not what you're supposed to say mousebrain!"

Twopaw nodded with bewilderment and looked back at Greenclaw who was looking puzzled but sad. She said quaveringly, "Our mother said that she loves you and that you'll mentor us, and that we're clancats now. She's im-mor-tal" she paused, having difficulty pronouncing the word, "and is a healer for all the clans. What does im-mor-tal mean?"

Greenclaw looked at them green eyes so full of tears and joy that they were brimming over, and he looked once at the branch. For a heartwrenching moment, he looked into my eyes, smiled, and then pressed our kits against his chest, saying, "My kits, Sorrowstream, my kits, Sorrowstream." Over and over.

Grieffeather looked up where she saw Greenclaw staring and smiled at me, mouthing, "Be at peace, my sister."

Soon all the cats in the clearing were looking up in a tribue to me as I floated across the sky, a fragment of life. My destiny was this; to heal, to live forever, and to spread peace. I knew there would eventually be an end. I heard the whole clan break into a long mournful note, but I laughed, I did not want to spread grief, but happiness and health.

My one last night without a grieving heart was over.

The End of "Doubted: Grieving Hearts"


Sorry, that was a kinda cheesy ending, but oh well, I can be sappy when I want to! So there! If you can't guess, seeing as Sorrowstream is immortal, she will be in the next Doubted story, but the rest of the characters will be totally different. The main character wil be:

Devilpaw (see her descriptiong on my profile.)

and I need more names for "Doubted: Divided" (Devilpaw's story) and please review!

P.S: I will start "Doubted: Divided" next week.


Hugs, and sorry for the sappy ending-
