Well hi there! It's been 3 years! October of 2014 I believe. It's almost October of 2017 and I'm finally getting back to this project. Whew… I'm so so sorry you guys. But you know what, it's okay, do you know why? I never fully gave up on this story and I'm going to tell you why.

Because of you! I've gotten countless reviews and messages and questions and PMs asking me when I was going to continue this story. People have had full-blown discussions on Tumblr about this story, and the common factor is this: You guys want more. Who am I to quit?

Not that I ever decided to "quit" mind you; I put the story on Hiatus because I wasn't regularly updating, but I never fully gave up on it. Today we continue the story.

Now please bear in mind: I write full time for Growing Up Haddock series with The Intuitive Special (formerly KateMarie999), I work full time, I have family, church and friends that are priority. I may not update this story again for a little while. I actually have to find a new job in a month and I have no idea what I'm going to find or what the hours will be…

So please, just bear with me. I really want to make this story a priority again. But I promise you this: It will NOT be another 3 years before I update :) I love you all so much! You are truly amazing! Thank you!


Chapter 16: Escape

Torchlight filled the cavern as the troupe hustled forward, dissipating shadows and casting golden rays onto the stone walls. The thick darkness enveloped them from all sides but they followed the Chief without hesitation, their minds unified on their destination. There would be no room for mistakes or distractions.

This was their heir's rescue mission.

Snotlout kept his eyes forward as they stalked through the darkness, his fingers clenched on the sword hilt strapped to his belt. His friends were likewise prepared. Spike and Hookfang and Meatlug followed close behind in the darkness. Ruff and Tuff were already waiting at their destination by the docks. At the exact planned time, midnight to be exact, they would fly out to sea toward the Lava Louts' territory. The twins would draw the eye of anyone spying on the Hooligans, giving Astrid and her assembled team enough time to escape.

The plan circled through his mind once again, his worry only building. There was so much room for error and, while he felt terrible for leaving all these injured and terrified people behind, he knew what he had to do. No matter what, Hiccup was depending on him. He was depending on all of them. Still, the knowledge that he or any of his friends might die tonight did not sit well in his stomach.

A hand rested on his shoulder. He peered into the darkness beside him, catching Heather's strong look. He sincerely hoped nothing bad happened to her… She gave him a small smile as if she could read his thoughts, but said nothing. She didn't need to. The look enough gave him strength. The bitter tang of anxiety in his stomach ebbed away and he gave her a firm nod.

Kiev came to a halt before them, raising his hand. They stood in silence for a few minutes. Fishlegs' burly body cast a long, thick shadow against the wall. He made no movement except for twiddling his fingers anxiously in front of him. Snotlout's eyes fell on the other young man in their party: Colt.

The blonde was standing there with his hands shoved high in his armpits, as if trying to keep his fingertips warm. Snotlout withheld a snort. Wuss. He had to give the guy credit though. When he himself had returned to the platform with Heather, Iven Pike in tow, he'd been shocked to see the amount of blood covering the young man. Turned out that he'd saved Hiccup's life with his quick action. Cold fingers he could deal with, but at least he didn't have cold feet. Trepidated though he may look, Colt didn't have any intention of leaving or revealing their position. In fact, he'd nearly jumped at the opportunity to help them.

Heather had snuck into the Deathblows' borrowed home. She'd explained the situation and, with the hopes and prayers of the Hooligans at her back, asked him to help Hiccup make it back to Berk in one piece. Colt had readily agreed and packed a small satchel of belongings and medicine and wraps that he had for emergencies. He'd come with Heather without breathing a word to his mother or brother. They were ever thankful for his willingness to help. If something happened and they got stranded somewhere, they'd need a healer. Even an amateur one.

Snotlout's gaze snapped forward when he heard footsteps.

At long last, Gudrik's stocky form appeared in the darkness. He surveyed the group with beady eyes. "You're alone?"

"Yes." Kiev replied, and followed the healer forward.

Snotlout stole a glance over his shoulder, eyes sweeping behind the dragons. The darkness shared no secrets. Only after patting Hookfang on the flank did he relax and catch up with the others. He trusted his dragon. No one was following them.

It was another ten minutes walk through twisting turns built like an underground maze before another light filled the passageway, like daybreak on the horizon. Instead of the sun, it was another torch. Astrid perked in her bundle of blankets on the ground. Her parents stood and rushed toward the group, eager to begin their kids' escape. Stoick nodded at the teenagers from his stool beside his son.

"Everyone is in position?" He asked quietly. Even murmuring, his usually booming voice echoed down the passage.

"Yes sir," Fishlegs murmured. "The Twins are ready."

"You're sure they understand that they must take off at exactly midnight?"

"With the cost so high sir, I think they understand exactly what will happen if they fail." Heather replied, kneeling beside Astrid to give her a one-armed hug. Snotlout patted his friend on the shoulder as he took in Hiccup's condition. He held in a wince.

Though up to his neck in blankets, Hiccup shivered. He looked asleep but Snotlout doubted he was resting peacefully. Drops of sweat dotted his forehead, which Astrid dabbed off every few seconds. Chills, sweating, fever… Snotlout didn't need to ask.

"His condition is worsening," Gudrik was saying to Colt, who was now leaning over the heir. He placed the back of his hand on Hiccup's forehead and hissed.

"His fever is too high. I don't know if we should move him."

"We can't keep him here any longer," Gudrik insisted. "The best thing for him is to get to Berk's healer. She'll know best how to treat him. Without supplies or a proper place to rest him…" The old man rubbed his forehead in frustration. "He'll die in this chamber if we don't move now."

Colt sighed. "I know."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Stoick growled. "Get him ready."

Gudrik and Colt set to work, quickly removing the large bundle keeping Hiccup warm. Snotlout frowned at the way his friend's teeth chattered when they removed the thick blanket.

"Wha'sgoinon?" Hiccup whispered.

"We're going home, Hiccup." Astrid murmured, helping Gudrik strap Hiccup's left arm to his chest to keep it still. "Does that hurt?"

Hiccup shook his head, trembling like a leaf.

"Hurry." Gudrik quickened his pace, just as Colt did beside him. They worked together like a well-oiled machine, as if they'd worked together for years.

"You seem to know what you're doing." Heather commented. "You learned all this from books?"

"Survival skills," was Colt's only reply.

"Faster." Stoick hissed. He and Fishlegs were double-checking Toothless's rigging and flight gear to make sure all was in working order. Astrid would fly on Toothless with Hiccup on her lap. They'd fly hard and fast, double their speed to get back to Berk before anyone noticed they were gone. It had been a hard decision on Astrid's part to make, but eventually she'd decided that Stormfly must remain behind. It would look too suspicious for a presumably dead woman's dragon to also disappear.

Within minutes, Astrid was sitting in the saddle. On a count of three, Gudrik, Stoick and Colt had lifted Hiccup into the saddle on her lap. He'd been bundled in numerous thick sweaters, which Kiev had brought down in a large rucksack. Thick pants, gloves and a thick coat large enough to fit Snotlout completed the ensemble. Hiccup looked like a troll with his overly large torso and twiggy legs. It was almost enough to make Snotlout laugh.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," Hiccup hissed through the pain, leaning on Astrid.

"Son," Stoick said, resting a hand on his shoulder. Hiccup grasped his dad's wrist, despite the thickly wrapped digits. "Be safe. Get strong again, take your tonics." Hiccup breathed a short laugh. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Hiccup nodded weakly. "Be safe, dad."

Stoick looked up at Astrid and turned a look to the other teenagers. "Fly hard. Don't look back. Get him to Goethi."

Snotlout nodded and mounted Hookfang, just as Heather did with Spike. She held out a hand to Colt, who took it and swung into the saddle behind her. Snotlout tried to stem the flare of jealousy in his stomach. Now was not the time for fantasies of grandeur! He had to focus! A moment later, Fishlegs mounted Meatlug behind them.

With a final look at Stoick, Kiev and Gudrik, they faced the looming darkness ahead. With a firm arm around Hiccup's waist and sitting tall in the saddle, Astrid urged Toothless forward. The blast of his wings sent sparks from the torches skittering through the air. Snotlout drove Hookfang forward, knowing the others were on their tails. The group picked up speed, following Toothless's sonic vision through the tunnels until finally they broke through the surface, cold midnight air slapping them in the face. Toothless and the other dragons rose high into the air.

They didn't look back as Brawn shrank behind them. They should have left Brawn with fond new memories; the Treaty was meant to be an exciting time where they'd make new friends and be sad to leave. Instead they were eager to leave the island behind, and they did not take happy memories with them. Instead, they left with images of blood, fire and terror burned into their minds.


Hiccup was holding up well, given the change in air pressure. In fact, the fresh air seemed to be doing him good. Or perhaps it was being in the sky, where he felt the most free with his best friend under him and fiance at his back. Maybe it was all in her head and she was merely relieved to leave Brawn behind, to accomplish something, that had lifted Astrid's spirits. Whatever the case, she felt she could breathe easier, and watching the tension leave his face was everything.

It had been a long while of fast flying before he spoke. "You remember our first flight?"

Astrid fought a grin. "Useless reptile almost killed me."

Toothless growled in indignation.

"Hey, he had a good excuse I think." Hiccup murmured, his nose cold against the underside of her jaw. "Technically I was his before I was yours."

Astrid guffawed. "Are you kidding me?"

"Dragons are quite territorial, you know."

Toothless rumbled in agreement. Astrid suspected the dragon was only happy to hear Hiccup's voice after nearly three days of constant sleep and fevers.

"Oh, so it's dragons before fiances now?" She muttered.

Hiccup gently kissed the skin at her pulse, his cold, chapped lips making her shiver. "You'll always be first, milady."

Astrid tried not to preen, but after so much worrying and wishing to hear his voice, she couldn't help herself. She kissed his nose gently and faced forward again. "You should save your energy."

"Jus' talkin'." Hiccup murmured, snuggling up against her when a large wind buffeted them. Toothless angled his wings to keep them level. Astrid glanced over her shoulder to see how the others were holding up. Colt clung to Heather's waist for dear life, nearly making her laugh. Snotlout was scowling as usual. Fishlegs flashed her a thumbs up with a grin. Clearly he'd heard Hiccup talking, which he took as a good sign. Oh, she hoped it was a good sign. She'd really started worrying in the tunnels when his fever had worsened.

Hiccup suddenly stiffened in her hold. "Astrid." His voice hadn't sounded that alert in days.

"What?" Astrid prompted. "Are you-"


Astrid looked over Toothless's side and there, far below them on the ocean was an armada. A group of nearly thirty ships was beneath them, bright in the moonlight. Astrid turned in the saddle and waved for complete silence to her team. In the darkness and with their altitude, they couldn't make out the flags. But they were clearly sailing toward the place their group had just left: Brawn.

"We have to go back," Hiccup whispered.

"Absolutely not." Astrid said firmly. Though her heart thundered in her throat, they couldn't turn back.


"No!" Astrid hissed, clutching him tighter when he tried to sit up against the saddle. "Listen to me. Hiccup, listen."

Hiccup stopped struggling with a huff.

"We cannot go back." Astrid said fiercely. "You don't have the strength and there's no healer who can help you-"

"This isn't about me!" Hiccup hissed.

"Yes, it is! They want you, Hiccup!"

"And what's going to happen when they get there and realize I'm not there?" He demanded, green eyes fiercer and clearer than they'd been in days. "They'll slaughter those people, all of them! My… my dad, your parents… our people are there, Astrid. We have to help them."

Astrid stubbornly ground her teeth together and looked away from those eyes. Their friends flanked them to hear next words. The ships were disappearing on the horizon. Even if they turned around now, they wouldn't have much of a lead on the armada.

"We fly for Berk." Astrid announced. Saying the words felt as if she was driving the nails into her parents' coffins. When Hiccup opened his mouth to argue, she glared at him. "No!"

Hiccup's eyes were full of anguish. "All those people will die because of me. You'd make me live with that?"

"You'd make me live without you?" Astrid asked.

"Astrid, that's the most selfish thing you've ever said to me."

Astrid recoiled as if he'd slapped her. Selfish? She was trying to save his life! All of them were risking their lives to save him! He was the future Chief, and her soon-to-be husband! How was that selfish!

"Your father gave me an order." Astrid remarked, staring forward.

"Don't give me that," Hiccup groaned, trying to sit up.

Colt leaned forward in Heather's saddle, momentarily forgetting about the height. "Hiccup, you shouldn't-"

"Turn around!" Hiccup commanded. None of them moved. Toothless crooned at him but kept his course toward Berk. Hiccup growled in frustration. "Don't you want to at least warn your parents!"

"We wouldn't make it in time." Fishlegs replied quietly.

"And with that number of Chieftains still there and all their people," Snotlout added. "They'll have an advantage. One armada can't possibly wipe out more than half the Archipelago!"

"Unless they box them in and there's nowhere to go!" Hiccup shouted.

"Hiccup, please, you need to stay calm!" Colt insisted. "At this altitude-"

"I know what I can handle." Hiccup struggled against Astrid's arms, but she clamped on him tighter.

"Hiccup, this is for your own good!" Astrid cried indignantly. "I'm trying to save you! You don't deserve to die like this and the village-"

"There won't BE a village unless we turn around!" Hiccup finally sat up and stared her full in the face. Despite his pale skin, his eyes were as green and vibrant as ever. "You honestly want to risk losing everyone for one man? It's not happening!"

"We are going to Berk and that is final!" Astrid shouted back. "Even if we did turn around, you can't fight! They'd kill you within a minute-"

"So let them!" Hiccup yelled, his voice cracking. Astrid noticed Colt digging for something in his bag over Hiccup's shoulder. "I don't want the weight of hundreds of people's lives on my shoulders for the rest of my life because you didn't-"

Colt, being held up by his belt by Heather, leaned over suddenly and wrapped an arm around Hiccup's shoulders, pressing a small white cloth over his mouth and nose. The heir gasped for a moment in surprise before slowly going limp and falling face first into Astrid's arms. The group stared at Colt as Heather hauled him back into his seat. He smiled sheepishly and held up the cloth.

"Sleeping draught." The group sighed in relief. "Don't worry, I didn't drug him. It mainly has lavender and valerian root, plus a few secret ingredients. I'd say it worked pretty well."

Astrid carded a hand through her fiance's hair, frowning at his now twisted position. Her face felt hot and flushed in her anger. "How long will it keep him out?"

"At least until we get to Berk. He was getting way too worked up and the last thing we need is for him to rip his stitches."

Fishlegs shivered in his saddle.

Sighing heavily, Astrid faced forward again. Selfish. She wasn't being selfish for wanting to save Hiccup's life. He was being selfish for wanting to throw away his life so easily when he couldn't even fight! When they didn't even know why all of this was happening! They were lucky to have escaped Brawn in the first place and he wanted to point fingers at her! He was so stubborn and ridiculous and-

"He didn't mean that, Astrid."

She looked up at Heather with weepy eyes.

"The issue isn't selfishness," Heather said. "He feels responsible for all of this. You know how he gets."

"Yes, but to say that when we're trying to save his life-"

"Can you blame him?" Heather asked.

Astrid sighed, running a hand through his hair again. "No. He's always in the middle of the action. He always feels responsible for everyone else. He cares too much. For once in his life, he has to stop caring about everyone else and take care of himself. His life depends on it." With a final, terse nod she added, "And if I have to help Goethi strap him to a healer's bed myself, then I'll do it."

Heather cracked a smile but said nothing. It occurred to Astrid then that she wasn't the only one leaving her parents behind. Brawn was Heather's home… and it was being invaded.

"I'm sorry," Astrid said. "Maybe once Hiccup is stable with Goethi, we can come back."

"We will go back," Snotlout interrupted, gesturing between him and Heather. "The rest of you will stay behind and guard Hiccup."

Astrid wanted to argue, but she held her tongue. Gripping Hiccup's waist harder, she leaned toward Toothless's large triangular head. "Come on, big boy," She murmured. "Let's pick up the speed."

Toothless rumbled his agreement and picked up the speed. The wind tousled her and Hiccup's hair as they flew. She pressed her lips to his forehead and held him close, closing her eyes against the bitter cold wind.

Please, just hold on, She thought fervently. We're almost there.


Colt had never been to Berk before. When it appeared on the horizon, all the Hooligan's dragons chirped their approval and flapped harder and faster. Gods, he'd never been up this high before. He couldn't wait until his feet touched solid ground again.

Despite his fear of heights and the impending doom of Hiccup's condition, however, he couldn't help the excitement blooming in his chest. No snipping mother or obnoxious brother at his side to nitpick his every move. It almost felt like he'd left for good, like a whole new world of possibilities had opened to him.

Then he remembered the sight of that huge armada sailing hard and fast toward Brawn and the fear of the unknown nearly swallowed him whole once again. Who were those people? Why were they attacking? Why did they want Hiccup dead so badly? What was going to happen if Hiccup was right and they did slaughter all the people? Who would rule the Archipelago then? Would they search every island until they made absolutely sure than the Haddock lineage ended with Hiccup?

These and other questions throttled his mind. Finally, his thoughts were diverted by Berk. It's vast landscape and sky-scraping mountain peaks, the crags and hills and forests beyond the humble village. The Great Hall, hatchery, fishery, forge and many other buildings could be seen. Sheep dotted the empty streets. Colt thought it was a charming village. He hoped the Hooligan villagers would return soon to create a busy hub that would continue on for another six generations.

When the dragons finally landed in front of the Haddock home, Heather dismounted and offered a hand to him. He slid a stiff leg over and nearly crumpled to the ground. Tingles shot up his cold, stiff feet. He hopped up and down on the balls of his feet to get the blood flowing again.

"I'll go find Goethi." Snotlout announced before flying off on Hookfang once again.

Colt reached up to feel Hiccup's forehead. His skin felt chill from the bitter air but it seemed that his prior fever had gone down. He was still fast asleep, his face mashed against Astrid's collarbone. She gave him an amused smile before glancing down at Colt with a calculating look.

"How are we going to do this?"

"I was wondering the same thing." He mused, looking up at the house behind them. "Where is his room? Or rather, what's the easiest room for Goethi to get to him?"

Astrid explained the layout of the house and Colt deduced that Hiccup's room would work just fine. "If Toothless has room to carry you both up the stairs, then we won't risk transporting him ourselves. It will be faster and easier that way."

Toothless made his way into the house, pausing only for Colt to open the door for him. Heather and Fishlegs set to making a fire in the hearth as Toothless carried Hiccup and Astrid upstairs, Colt on Toothless's tail.

The door banged open again and Snotlout made his presence known with a loud, "I'm back with Goethi!"

"Not a troll?" Heather teased from the cooking area.

"How dare you call Goethi a troll!"

"No, you were stating the obvious! I'd never call Goethi a troll."

"Could've fooled me." A resounding whack followed by jangling bones echoed through the house. "Ow!"

The soft pounding of a wood staff echoed up the stairs until finally the small old woman appeared. She tsked her tongue at Hiccup's pale face and pointed at the empty bed. She paused, looking at Colt.

"Colt Deathblow, ma'am." Colt held out a hand. She merely eyed him, her left eye twitching. He retracted his hand. "I'm a healer. In training. Here to assist and keep an eye on things… If that's okay-"

"Okay? It's absolutely fine." Astrid replied tersely. "You saved his life. You're staying." She didn't look like she would take no for an answer as she stared the Elder down.

Elder Goethi merely shrugged and gestured toward the bed again. Colt called for Snotlout, who ambled up the stairs at the pace of a newborn moose. Astrid yelled at him to hurry up and when he whined about cold feet, Goethi smacked him on the backside with her staff.

"Hey! Crazy old woman. Ow!" Snotlout finally did as Colt instructed, helping to carry Hiccup from Toothless's back onto the bed. Hiccup barely made a sound, so deep in sleep as he was.

Astrid slid off of Toothless's back gratefully, stretching and rubbing the Night Fury behind the ears. "Toothless, why don't you see if Fishlegs can take off your gear? Come back whenever you're ready."

Toothless sighed airily at her as if to say, "As if I'd dawdle", and marched back down the stairs, his long black tail dragging behind him.

Astrid took up her post at Hiccup's shoulder, watching in trepidation as Goethi and Colt removed layer after layer. They gently unstrapped his left arm from his chest and, judging by Hiccup's unconscious wince of pain, Goethi scribbled on the floor for Snotlout to get some ice.

"Eat some mice? Ow! Oh, ice. Got it." Snotlout left the room rubbing his jaw.

"You don't speak?" Colt asked.

Goethi merely grunted and pulled off the next layer of shirts from the heir. Astrid held him up as she did so, and spoke for her. "Elder Goethi took an oath after her husband passed that she'd never speak again. So she hasn't."

Colt blinked. "When was this?"

"Oh… forty years ago, Elder?"

Goethi tapped the side of her nose mischievously and continued working.

Colt hummed in amazement. Snotlout returned with a bag of ice, which Goethi promptly pressed over Hiccup's left shoulder. That, it seemed, woke him up.

Groaning, Hiccup's face contorted in pain. "What… the bloody…"

"Just ice, babe." Astrid replied quietly.

Hissing through his teeth, Hiccup finally opened his ice. He looked a lot more tired than he had in the sky. Maybe that fresh air had done him some good? His exhausted eyes fell on the old woman. "Goethi. We meet again."

Goethi pinched his cheek knowingly. Hiccup whined about abuse before she tapped him for silence. The wrappings needed to come off the wound. Goethi gestured for Colt to grab her bag, which she'd left by the door.

In a few moments the old woman had laid out all her jars of salves and herbs and wraps, amongst many other things. Colt looked around in amazement at all the tools and things people could use for healing. This is what he needed: A place to learn. A teacher.

Blinking out of his reverie, he refocused on Goethi's hands. She began removing the wraps slowly. Hiccup stiffened as the wrap came undone to reveal the wound, dark and inflamed, thick, red veins spreading out away from the stitches.

Goethi tsked and instantly reached for a vial. Colt kept an eye on Hiccup's face, which had paled considerably in the last few moments, and on Goethi's work. She began wiping down the wound with a ball of cotton and a clear liquid. Hiccup recoiled, gritting his teeth against the pain.

Astrid held him down by the shoulders. "It's okay; it's just cleaning the infection."

Hiccup growled when the pain became unbearable. Over the next few minutes Colt assisted Goethi in cleaning the wound and disposing of the old, smelly wraps. Clean cotton was wrapped around his chest and Goethi set about hanging lavender, witch hazel, lemongrass and many other herbs with natural healing properties. Soon Hiccup's bedroom went from smelling of leather and parchment to an in-home garden.

Hiccup's eyes were drooping by the time the old woman had finished. Toothless had rejoined them minutes before and licked his boy's cheek lovingly. Hiccup didn't seem to have the energy to reply or even scratch his dragon's nose. His mouth merely lifted in a small smile.

Goethi scribbled something on the floor with her staff and Astrid translated. "'When was the last time he ate?' We gave him some broth a few hours ago."

Goethi gestured for Colt to fetch some food, which Astrid said he'd find downstairs. Sure enough, upon leaving the staircase he found Fishlegs already ladling out stew to the others. To Colt, he handed a bowl of stew, a chunk of bread, and a separate bowl of broth and vegetables.

"For Hiccup and Astrid," he said brightly. "Make sure she eats it. She'll probably worry about him and forget."

Snotlout snorted, his mouth full of bread. "With Goethi here, I'm sure she'll make Astrid eat three bowls."

"You know, Snotlout, she may not speak, but she's not deaf." Fishlegs said, shooing Colt up the stairs. "Come back down for yours when you're ready, Colt."

As he returned up the stairs, Colt found himself grinning. He found he rather enjoyed the Hooligans, despite the circumstances. Perhaps the best way to make friends was in highly stressful situations?

He entered the bedroom with the bowls and bread in hand. Goethi took the broth and gestured for Astrid to help Hiccup sit up. He tried to do it on his own but Astrid wordlessly helped him. Colt saw the way his brow pinched in agitation and he wasn't sure if the frustration was toward his injury or his fiance.

Colt held out the stew to Astrid, which, as Fishlegs had predicted, she promptly ignored. Goethi cleared her throat, pointedly looking at the bowl. With a sigh, Astrid took it and thanked Colt. Standing by in case they needed anything else, Colt leaned against the window. The Elder spooned a mouthful of stew in Hiccup's mouth before she turned toward him.

"What do you need, Elder?" Colt asked.

A wrinkly grey eyebrow rose. She jerked her head toward the doorway.

Colt blinked, crestfallen. "You want me to leave?"

She clinked the wooden spoon against the bowl and then pointed at him.

"Oh. You want me to eat?" Colt asked, with a small grin.

Goethi nodded and shooed him toward the doorway, returning back to Hiccup and Astrid. The girl had eaten most of her stew already, clearly eager to assist with Hiccup in any way necessary.

Colt tromped down the stairs with a small smile on his face. He was used to fending for himself, taking care of his own needs last. Not completely because he was selfless; he was just used to being last. But here, in the presence of people he didn't even know, at a time that nobody should be feeling happy, he couldn't help feeling a tiny shred of joy. Heather pulled up another seat at the table for him to join them; Fishlegs handed him a bowl of stew and some bread. Even Snotlout gave him a begrudging nod. For once in a long, long time, Colt felt welcome.