Reviews for Testing the Vows
LadyCarliss chapter 16 . 5/21

I love your story! You have a great way of writing and it makes it seem so real! One thing that I really respect is that you chose to make Hiccup and Astrid wait until marriage. Thank you so much for that. A lot of people rate their stories M for intimacy and things, which I personally don't want to read, so I was very relieved yours was rated M for violence. :)
I know you're super busy (who isn't lol), but I would love it if you would finish this story someday.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/12
I am sad that the writer hasn’t updated in over two years and I can’t wait until the next chapter comes out.
abbylucyP chapter 16 . 1/7
I love this story! Have been following it off and on for about 4 years now, I can’t wait to read the next chapter!
Carl Solo chapter 16 . 6/10/2019
Wow, this is a great story. I didn't notice that it take you 3 years just to add this chapter, and is almost 2 after this one was posted. I know that real life come first, but I hope you continue with this some time soon. Thanks for sheering this story, is really good.
Carl Solo chapter 4 . 6/1/2019
Ha you A/N at the end was a little funny, I know that you said at the end that you're going to explain what happened to Astrid, and I just need to go to the next chapter and read it. But the half part of this chapter was a little confused.
Carl Solo chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
This was a interesting chapter. I read the first one and was very good.
Hiccstrid Fan LA chapter 16 . 3/13/2019
Please do an update. Found your story. This so damn good. You can't stop on this cliffhanger.
dinochickrox chapter 17 . 1/1/2019
I absolutely love this story! You are so talented and I cannot wait to see what you have planned!
artist8702 chapter 16 . 10/27/2018
Omg! this story is amazing! I can't wait to see how it ends! please please please update when u have the chance! I literally binged read it, is was THAT good!
jimmix chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Man I rember reading this in 2014 and seems only one ch was added sadly but oh well see you all for the next chapter in 2 years
Guest chapter 16 . 8/11/2018
How much longer till we have an update? This story is awesome and leaving it on a cliffhanger like that. Please update soon and keep the story going.
ZayneLvLz chapter 16 . 7/14/2018
uuugh getting me hooked then leavin me hangin. see ya in 3 years XD
Skylar87 chapter 16 . 7/5/2018
Ok, I need you to post the next chapter immediately lol. I just read through this whole story and could not put my phone down. I have to go to work in the morning and I’m going to get very little sleep because I literally could not stop reading this! It’s such a good story! Please please please update soon!

ApplesEvilPie chapter 16 . 6/16/2018
Oh man I'm beginning to really like Colt. He's a sweetheart with a compassion for helping people, I just wish his mother and brother would lay off. I hope you're still going to write this! It's very interesting, and to be honest, one of my favorite fan fic stories. No doubt about it. :) Hope to see more!

I hope that the people will be OK. One armada isn't much, is it? I wish someone would've went back but it would be too late. And they could've been spotted... Giving away to the fact Hiccup probably isn't dead, if they think he is.

Goethi is the best. I hope she will teach Colt along this journey, even if it's sad to see Hiccup in such a state.
Bara-san chapter 16 . 6/15/2018
can I still have some hope that you may continue this amazing story? i sure hope so!
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