A Quarian's Trek by: Archer83 and Vergil1989 the Crossover King

Disclaimer: The authors own nothing, except for their not so wild imaginations.

Summary: A grieving daughter's life is forever changed when an omnipotent being by the name of Q suddenly appears in the engineering deck of the Normandy, causing Tali'Zorah vas Normandy to experience an adventure that she could never have imagined. This quarian is about to go where no one has gone before. Rated T for now.

Authors' Notes; Vergil1989; I feel odd taking the reins on this, but Archer has suddenly found himself tongue tied so I guess someone has to step in. :P Joking aside, this is his idea for the most part, I'm just lending help where I can.

Now, for the story itself, while this is mostly based on the 2009 Star Trek film, we also plan to throw in well known characters from past movies and such and give them a more modern feel as seen in the 2009 movie, with the appropriate changes made given the alternate time line of course. I'm not a Trekkie fan nearly as much as Archer so I have to take his word on anything ST related lol. Anyway, as if the title wasn't apparent on its own, we plan to throw in elements from Mass Effect, mostly up to the 2nd one. We haven't decided what we're really doing per say since I don't plan anything story wise in advance as it were anyway and I can't read Archer's mind, (what little there is, :P), but we hope you enjoy the show all the same.

Chapter 1: A Gift For You Mon Capitan.

Engineering Deck, Normandy SR 2

Did they do the right thing? Did she do the right thing? There was so many questions, so many unresolved issues between herself and her father, but now that he was dead, there was no chance of those same issues being sorted out. Sitting alone in engineering, Kenneth and Gabby having went off to bed for the night, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, not Tali'Zorah vas Nedas or even Tail'Zorah nar Tasi which translated as 'crew of nowhere' and 'child of no one' respectively, as those fucking bosh'tets for Admirals would have had it if not for Commander Shepard clearing her name of treason, was leaning against the wall to the drive core, her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them in turn. "Damn it! I don't know anymore..."

She didn't necessarily care if Jack heard her or not at that moment, the psychotic biotic having made herself a place of her own at the bottom of the ship. No, Tali wasn't all too concerned since she had far bigger things on her mind, mostly what her father had done, all for the sake of reclaiming their home world. The fact that his experiments on the geth had put the Flotilla in danger was almost as troubling as the fact that Tali had sent him the parts to begin with. He had purposely activated the geth and they had gotten out of control, having thought that his experiments in finding some means to destroy them for good would go faster that way. Instead, they had lost an entire ship and all of its crew to the geth that had started to spread and multiply throughout the Aleri. Too many lives had been lost, and for what? The only thing that came of it was more sorrow in the long run.

"Ugh, I can't stand mortals crying like babies." Tali immediately jerked her head upward and saw no one, at least at first until a bright white light appeared in front of her. She had to look away until the light disappeared, and when it did, Tali couldn't at first believe what she was seeing. "What? Is the enviro suit too much? For carrying your 'homes' on your back, it is actually pretty comfy."

"Why aren't you wearing a mask?!" That was of course the first thing she'd notice, the mysterious being sighed and rolled his eyes heavenward. The fact he had appeared in a flash of light hadn't struck her as odd in the least. He wasn't used to dealing with people outside of his own universe so he should have known his grand entrance wouldn't have made much of an impact.

"As if I need to tell you why. I'm not quarian, stupid. I just happen to like to dress like a one of your immunodeficient kind, 'bosh'tet'." The mysterious stranger even made air quotes to emphasize his point. "Oh don't be offended; if your people weren't so concerned with taking back a planet that you lost to your own creations, you'd have figured out how to take care of your little immune problem by now. Now, I'm here to send you off to a whole new adventure, think of as a second pilgrimage, one where you actually might get something done for once that doesn't require bending over backwards for a certain 'ghost'. And don't try to shout for help or get that annoying A.I. to try to aid you. They can't hope to compare to the grandeur that is me, nor can they hope to stop me anyway, even if they tried."

"Shut up!" Tali stood and tried to grab the man before her but she never got close as he snapped his fingers and she found herself somehow pinned against the wall a moment later. "What?! What did you do?!"

"Mortals, always wasting time with unimportant questions. What you should be asking is 'what do I plan to do next?' But if you must know, quarian, I simply have you telekinetic-ally frozen against the wall, nothing more. For now, let's just say that you might even enjoy where I plan to drop you off. If it's any consolation to you quarian, if you survive you'll be brought back to this exact moment as if nothing ever happened. Tata!" Tali never got a chance to protest as she disappeared in another intense flash of bright white light when the strange visitor snapped his fingers again.

Standing on the bridge, Dr. Leonard McCoy found himself thinking the same thought for the umpteenth time in the almost six months that his incredibly annoying friend, Jim Kirk, had been captain. Honestly, why do I even bother coming up here? All I ever do is stand beside Jim, or get into an irritating debate with that pointy-eared-bastard.He thought this while giving a glance in Spock's direction. Never mind the fact that he's almost always right. Stop moping to yourself Leonard, time to go do something useful. "Jim, I'm heading back down to sickbay. I'll catch you later for dinner in the mess."

"Sounds good Bones, have fun with all those physicals, vaccinations and prostate exams." Kirk said the last with a small smirk on his face. Jim was always that way, and everyone that knew him had the same general idea about him. He was irrepressible in the worst ways at times, but considering the fact he had won against Captain Nero and his time traveling dreadnought, he deserved the position he held as one of Starfleet's youngest captains. Still, McCoy found him annoying as hell at times.

Well, that reminds me, Jim is due for a few booster hypos.This thought put a devilish grin on McCoy's lips. "Oh, I will." McCoy said as he walked to the turbolift, already devising a few ideas on how to stealthily, quite possibly painfully, inoculate his best friend and notoriously difficult patient.

Just as the lift doors slid open, the entire bridge crew was stunned with a blinding white light. As it faded, McCoy was shocked to see a tall middle-aged man with dark hair in an admiral's uniform suddenly standing at the front of the bridge. "Well... if it isn't the brave and gallant crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise!" He boisterously said to his stunned audience.

After shaking off his momentary surprise, Kirk stood up from his chair and looked questioningly at this odd newcomer. "Okay...just who the hell are you and how did you get aboard myship?" One thing Q could say for certain already, Kirk was quick on his feet and just as quick to adapt to the unknown. This little game of his was turning out nicely already, and it hadn't even started yet.

The man slightly frowned before speaking "Mon Capitan, you wound me, there's no need to be so rude. But, you've caught me in a generous mood, so I will happily oblige you. The name's Q and as for how I got here, it's very simple. I'm obscenely powerful. Oh...don't worry, your chief engineer's pitiful little trans-warp beaming idea had nothing to do with it." Q grinned at the shocked look on Kirk's face.

This immediately sent Kirk's mind reeling. How the hell does he know about that?Jim thought as he remembered the alternate Spock's assistance in getting Scotty and himself back on board the Enterprise all those months ago. He took a moment to compose himself before he continued talking to the intruder on his bridge.

Spock was quick to walk over and stand just behind Jim so that he could properly examine this intruder while making sure his captain didn't come to any harm.

Jim quickly walked right up to the 'man', he somehow doubted the person in front of him was human. "What is it you want Q? I'll warn you now, if you're planning on putting this ship or her crew in any danger-"

"Oh Kirk...why so serious all the time? You really do need to lighten up a bit Mon Capitan, but I can assure you I won't be harming your precious ship and crew. Actually, I have a...unique 'gift' for you, I know you're a connoisseur of some of the finer things in life... like females for instance!" Q snapped his fingers and the bridge crew was temporarily blinded by another flash of light, then shocked to see a dusty grey colored alien, who was obviously female, laying on the deck in front of them.

"You bosh'tet! I'm going to...Wait..." Tali had quickly gotten to her feet the moment she had recovered from being transported as she had, but the moment she noticed that she was without her enviro suit, she was quickly lost to the worst panic attack she could have ever imagined. "What have you done to me?! Oh keelah...this can't be happening!" Being without her suit was a death sentence. She had maybe a couple of hours before she got terminally ill given her non-existent immune system. Just breathing the air had probably sealed her fate by now!

Spock just raised an eyebrow before he addressed Q. "I hereby inform you sir, that you are under arrest for kidnapping, assault, and one count of slave trading."

"As if I'd listen to you Commander Halfbreed. Your laws do not concern me in any way, and besides, you don't have the means to contain me, let alone stop me." Q was quick to reply, rolling his eyes at the half vulcan, half human as he crossed his arms over his chest. Spock said nothing but a slight twitch in his face was all the proof Q needed to see to know he had offended the man. "Oh sorry, did I touch a nerve?"

McCoy was the first to move and, instead of decking this son of bitch 'Q', he instantly ran over to the young looking alien woman who seemed to be absolutely terrified of her current situation. Can't say that I blame her...what did that bastard do to her?! She was hyperventilating and the fact she hadn't passed out already was astounding. "Jim! I need to get her to sick bay stat!" McCoy yelled as he quickly removed his upper blue uniform shirt and gently handed it to the woman so she could cover herself.

"Do you really think this is going to help?!" Tali stared dumbfounded at the shirt being offered to her. "Without my enviro suit I'm already dead, which HE TOOK FROM ME!" She pointed at Q before breaking down into hopeless sobs, expecting to feel ill at any moment.

"You heartless bastard! How dare you-" Kirk looked ready to kill Q with his bare hands at seeing the distress he had caused this clearly frightened alien woman. He was a hound dog back in Starfleet Academy...well ok, he still was, but he was also a man of honor and what Q had done here went way beyond what Kirk would ever accept from another being in any capacity.

"Oh shut up. I wouldn't bring you someone if I hadn't taken steps to prevent their early demise. The game wouldn't be nearly so fun otherwise." Q responded, already growing bored with the whole situation he had put together. "Your immune system is fine quarian. I made it able to withstand what this universe could hope to throw at you. Oh she'll figure it out soon enough." Q waved his hand before turning to Kirk. "As for you Capitan, as I said before, I know how you love the finer things in life, so she's a 'gift' from me to you. Enjoy. She's from another universe than your own, as if that wasn't obvious already. I'm sure you'll find her...quite talented" Q leered at Tali for a moment before turning back to Kirk. "in quite a number of different areas. Good luck Mon Capitan! You'll need it..." With that rather ominous statement hanging in the air, Q disappeared in yet another bright flash of white light.

"Oh keelah! I'm going to die... naked. Can't say I saw that coming..." Tali was so terrified, she started to giggle maniacally as a dark skined human woman in red approached her and tried to calm her down.

"Hey... are you alright? Whatever that...that person did to you, you're safe now, I promise." As she tried her best to calm the young alien, several other uniformed humans and aliens began to move toward Tali as well.

"You don't understand. None of you do. He TOOK my ENVIRO SUIT! I'm about as far from ALRIGHT as you can get!" Tali had stopped giggling but her fear had started to turn to rage as the realization started to set in that she wasn't going to survive the rest of the day. She suddenly struck out at the man who was kneeling next to her.

McCoy had to fall backward to avoid having his face smashed in by the deceptively quick punch the young woman threw his way. Kirk and the rest of the crew could tell she had had some form of training from that single punch alone. She's a fighter, or maybe even a soldier. Things just got more interesting and not in a good way. Kirk felt his hands curl into fists for what Q had dropped in their laps, and for doing so against this woman's wishes as well, but he had more important things on his mind, such as the safety of his crew.

Before the clearly dangerous alien woman could seriously hurt anyone Spock stepped forward and grabbed her neck. Before Tali could begin to process what had happened, she instantly slumped over into McCoy's arms, unconscious before she hit the deck. "Thank you Spock. You know you creep me out when you do that?" Kirk was quick to add, breathing a lot easier despite that fact, just glad that things had calmed down. "She's all yours Bones. Try to figure out what species she is and if there's anything we can do for her while she's out. If she's going to be our responsibility, I'd rather know what we're dealing with as quickly as possible."

"Dr. McCoy to transporter room three, two to beam directly to sick bay." A moment later, the doctor and the Enterpise's newest passenger had been beamed directly to the sick bay. The instant McCoy re-materialized, he immediately laid the unconscious alien down on one of the bio beds before he got to work on trying to identify her species. Chances were she wouldn't be in the databanks, and if that was the case then he'd have to start from scratch and make an entirely new entry, which meant an entire examination from head to toe. He'd need a hand either way.

"Nurse Chapel! I could use some help over here!" The veteran head nurse only paused for a split second as she saw the strange patient Dr. McCoy had just arrived with, then quickly jogged over to the bed. "We'll need to do a full work up on her, make sure to get tissue and blood samples. I don't want her dieing from some simple allergy we didn't take into account." McCoy couldn't help being fascinated as the bed's bio scanners displayed a physiology he had never seen in all his many years as a physician. "Well...you're pretty damn interesting, I'll give you that much."

It didn't take McCoy and Chapel long to piece together why the girl had been so freaked out as the scans came back with some interesting results. Apparently her immune system, until Q had done...whatever he had, had truly been non-existent. There were signs of clear genetic manipulation, but nothing harmful as far as the doctor could tell. If anything, Q had done her a favor, but it still made him angry given what he had put her through all the same. She's in for a hell of a shock when she wakes up from that pointy-eared bastard's nerve trick.Kirk wasn't the only one that found that tactic more than a little creepy.

"Doctor, it might be best if we keep her isolated from the crew for a while if she was born without the means to live outside her enviro suit until now. Can you even imagine what it will be like for her to wake up realizing she hasn't gotten sick, or worse, yet?" McCoy had since filled in Chapel on the events on the bridge, as crazy as it had been it had sounded worse coming out of his mouth, but all the proof they needed was right there between them.

Sick Bay, USS Enterprise

Six Hours Later...

"Oh keelah...such a horrible nightmare." Tali mumbled sleepily, her neck feeling a little stiff but otherwise she felt alright. The whole ordeal over her father must have been more traumatizing than she thought if her mind came up with such a strange and frightening dream. Maybe she should have taken Kelly Chambers up on her offer for some 'couch time' after all? Oh well, time to get up and- Tali instantly recoiled when her hand brushed against something that definitely didn't feel like the inside of her suit. She jolted fully awake and snapped her blue and metal grey eyes open, seeing that her nightmare was very real as she saw her bare skin. Only a simple hospital-type gown and a blanket were covering her at the moment. "Oh no..." She said to herself, as she stared at her bare hands and arms.

The fact she wasn't sick hadn't dawned on her as she hopped off the bed and immediately backed into someone that had tried to help her. Turning around, Tali recognized the human that had tried to give her his shirt, but she wasn't in a rational state of mind as she fell backward and tried to crawl away as quickly as possible.

"It's alright! It's alright, dammit! Calm down!" McCoy it seemed was having no luck at all getting through to the girl in front of him. She had trapped herself in a corner as the blue shirted man placed his hands, palms out, towards her and backed away a few steps. He remembered that she had at least some form of self defense training and didn't want to find out just how strong she was. But more importantly, his patient was obviously afraid of anyone being near her right now.

"It's alright." McCoy turned around and saw that Chapel had joined his side, and oddly enough, she seemed to be having luck where he hadn't been as he noticed that she seemed to be talking to a scared animal rather than a person. It seemed to be working and McCoy wanted to kick himself for not thinking of that himself. She's probably running on instinct so it makes sense. Glad one of us thought of it. "Take a few deep breaths, you're safe, you're among friends. That's good, just like that." Chapel's soothing voice was working miracles, although she did cast a glare at McCoy for all of his yelling not moments ago before turning her full attention back to their guest. "He's going to go away for now, it'll just be you and me, alright?"

"I get the hint, devil woman." McCoy grumbled but he rapidly did as he was told since he wasn't going to stick around out of pride if it hindered his patient's recovery in the slightest.

"Who...who are you?" Chapel had to lean forward to hear the barely whispered words, but she smiled softly since it was a step in the right direction as far as she was concerned. Chapel wanted to get her talking and focusing on something else other than the fact she was without her enviro suit long enough to get some answers, and perhaps even a better understanding about the alien in front of her. The more they knew, the better they could aid her.

"My name is Christine Chapel. I'm Doctor McCoy's assistant, the CMO onboard this ship... The man who was trying to help you earlier. Who are you?" It was better to start out small and work their way up from there so as not to overwhelm the poor young woman in front of her. So far it seemed to be working as the alien slowly seemed to be calming down further, although Chapel could still see how terrified she was anytime their eyes met. And what beautiful eyes they are too. It's sad that so pretty a girl as herself had to wear an environmental suit all her life apparently.

"Ta...Tali'Zorah vas Normandy." Chapel waited a few seconds for more but 'Tali' didn't offer anything else, at least for now. That was alright, she had expected as much. As long as progress was made, even if it was just a few baby steps at a time, Chapel would be happy.

"Would you like to come out of the corner now? Maybe you're hungry?" When Tali violently shook her head 'NO' Christine thought of an idea that might help the situation. Slowly standing to her feet, so as not to startle Tali, Chapel hit the comm button on the wall behind her. "Dr. McCoy? Would you mind doing me a favor please?"

"What you do need nurse, how's it going in there?" McCoy sounded concerned and irritated at the same time. Considering he had been booted out of his own sick bay, Chapel could understand his annoyance but now wasn't the time for petty pride or his bruised ego.

"I need you to completely sterilize an EVA suit and bring it here for Tali'Zorah vas Normandy."

That got McCoy's attention since he hadn't honestly expected Chapel to have gotten the girl's name so quickly. "Wait... how did you-" He never got the chance to ask as his nurse interrupted him, much to his growing annoyance at the devil woman who had overthrown his rule, so to speak.

"Not now Dr., the suit, as soon as you can please. I believe it may help improve our patient's mental state if she's able to feel as normal as possible, at least normal by her standards." It made sense and while McCoy still didn't like being overthrown, again his professionalism stepped in and didn't let him delay in fulfilling Chapel's orders to the letter.

Twenty minutes later...

It wasn't her environmental suit, but it certainly felt a lot better than being naked. At least she wasn't exposed to any pathogens or bacteria now, although she had still been exposed to the open air for far too long most likely. It wouldn't surprise her in the least if she came down with a fever at any second, but for now she felt fine, and calmer, both McCoy and Chapel had since noticed. "I'm...sorry for attacking you earlier." Tali had needed to say something, anything to break the awkward silence that had fallen in the sick bay.

"Well, I have to say, you're certainly better looking than most of the people who have ever tried to punch me in the face, darlin'." McCoy put on his best southern gentleman's charm to try and get the girl to relax, even a little. Tali couldn't help but let the faintest flicker of a smile grace her face behind the visor to the EVA suit, but it could have easily been a trick of the light from how fast it came and went.

"Oh brother." Chapel couldn't believe what she had just heard as she shook her head at the CMO. "That was a terrible line Doctor McCoy; you're almost as bad as the captain."

"Oh come on Christine, I'm not that bad! Well...okay, so maybe that wasn't my best." Little did McCoy know that the slight blush on his face had done more to help calm Tali down than any of his past efforts.

They're just like the crew of the Normandy, and they are just as tightly bound to each other. Slowly standing to her feet once again, Tali cocked her head to the side in curiosity at the display of affection between the two who argued like brother and sister. "You remind me of my former crew on theNormandy. Quarians often take as their last name from the name of the ship they are accepted on. If you two are any example, then I take it you've been through a great deal together?"

"You're no stranger to starships then. But yeah, you can definitely say that about us." Kirk said from the door to the med bay, having grown curious about the health of their strange guest, and it seemed she was on the mend. "It's good to see you up and about, Tali wasn't it? The name's captain James T Kirk, I thought I'd come down and introduce myself-"

Kirk flinched as McCoy got directly in his face. Apparently he had been looking at the new arrival a little too long for the doctor's taste. "Jim... she's a confused young woman who just went through a traumatic experience. Or to put it in terms even you will understand, she's goddamned gone through hell and back. You so much as look at her in a way I don't like again, and you'll find yourself in a medically induced coma. Captain."

"Take it easy Bones, I might be a ladies man, but I'm not about to touch a hair on that poor girl's head. Well... not unless she ever wants me to." Kirk gave Tali a friendly little wink just to show he was joking.

"It's alright Doctor. I'm quite capable of defending myself, especially against the likes of him." Tali chuckled at the banter between the crewmembers, finding many similarities between this group and the crew of the Normandy. It made her feel right at home and that, more than anything, made her realize she was among friends if nothing else. "I am grateful for you helping me though. You've treated me far better than most would have; only my friends would have treated me half as well as you have...so far. Quarians...let us say that most of the races where I come from wouldn't have lifted a finger to assist me." It was the sad but hard truth that the Council races wouldn't have bothered given the quarian people's reputation.

"If it makes you feel any more comfortable, Ms. Normandy is it? Being able to help and learn about interesting people like yourself is part of the reason this ship exists in the first place." Jim felt guilty when his comment seemed to have the opposite effect of what he had intended. "I didn't mean to offend you if I did -"

"No no, it's not that, and please call me Tali'Zorah, or just Tali. It's just...most people wouldn't want to associate with a quarian. It's...kind of embarrassing after all I put you through and you're still treating me better than I'm normally used to." Tali was quick to reply, her cheeks turning a shade darker than they were already as she rubbed the back of her suited head in embarrassment.

"Sounds like a crappy universe then if you ask me." Kirk responded, crossing his arms over his chest as he frowned, deep in thought over what he and his crewmates had learned so far.

McCoy frowned at hearing what this girl's life must have been like before that bastard Q had terrified her half to death and somehow sent her here. Sounds like she was forced to live around people from the damn Dark Ages. Just because she's different makes her an easy mark from the sounds of it, "Can I ask why you've been treated so poorly Tali?"

"Well... that's a little hard to explain actually. I'll just start at the beginning. Nearly three hundred years ago, my people created a form of A.I., called the geth, to serve us. They rebelled shortly after they started asking questions, such as do they have a soul. They had become self aware and our people panicked, having not expected or anticipated their ability to become more than simple machines. In the ensuing war, they took our homeworld and we were forced into exile. Because of our mistake, the other races banned any form of A.I. research as well as dismantled anything that could become self aware, like the geth, while we were forced to live on our ships, unable to find a home that could support our unique physiology. Eventually we spent too long on the move and what little affect our immune systems still had become useless long ago. By that point, we had become a race of outcasts and were treated as second class citizens by the rest of the galaxy."

"Good god woman, three hundred years! Why didn't anyone help your people centuries ago?!" McCoy was astounded that that level of cruelty towards an entire species of people could be allowed by anyone.

"I have to agree, why were the other races so against rendering aid to your people Tali?" Christine asked while Kirk remained silent, which was a very rare thing for him on most occasions since he lived to talk, except when he was analyzing a situation or in this case, another race's abject abandonment of of an entire species.

Tali had since looked down at the floor since it wasn't an easy topic to talk about. Even when she was around the crew of the Normandy, the people she had come to call a second family, it hadn't been easy for her. "It was the punishment the majority of my universe's species saw fit to give us for putting the rest of the galaxy at risk. The geth never attacked, but by the time we figured out that they weren't interested in conquering the rest of the universe, the galaxy at large had long since labeled us as the outcasts we have since remained."

No one spoke for several moments as the horror of what Tali had just told them fully sunk in. To Starfleet officers, sworn to help any being in need, what had happened, what had been allowedto happen to Tali's race was one of the greatest crimes imaginable. They may have made a mistake, but that didn't justify the sentence which had been imposed on them by the galaxy at large.

"It's inexcusable behavior to subject an entire species to the kind of treatment yours has been given Ms. Zorah. I don't care what the reason was behind the decision since it seems to me it was a truly honest mistake, and not malicious intent, that drove your people off your homeworld. Let me show you something." Kirk motioned for Tali to move closer to a screen as he pressed a few buttons to activate the terminal he stood in front of a moment later, with the quarian on his right side.

Displayed on the screen a few seconds later was the charter for the United Federation of Planets. The very first section spoke of one of the core principles of the Federation, that every member was responsible for the safety and well being of other alien cultures and their civilizations. While it was clear to Tali that it was more of a non-interference policy, she saw that there were circumstances that allowed these people to interfere if certain situations arose. "Your people would most likely have been classified as an advanced race, and as such, we could have actively tried to help since you had discovered space travel, more specifically FTL or warp drives. A.I. research is pretty advanced technology, so it's reasonable to assume that you had reached for the stars before then, am I right?" Tali nodded since it was true, just as Kirk had suspected. "So, to put it simply, if we were ever able to make it to your universe Tali, I'd be more than happy to cause a few problems for the authoritarian assholes on your people's behalf."

She had to ask the question, and from what they had heard so far, none of them could blame Tali for wanting to know why he would. Kirk chuckled but grew serious as he looked at the girl in front of him without any trace of his usual lecherous thoughts anywhere present on his face, much to McCoy's relief. "Because Tali, as surprising as it might seem to some of my fellow crew that know me oh so well, I actually do believe in what Starfleet represents and what they do out here. What's been done to your species is one of the worst crimes in history and as such, under our own rules and directives, those in charge back where you come from should have been taken down a couple notches if not outright thrown out on their asses. If nothing else, the Federation and her allies would have done something, anything to see the quarian people treated with a lot more dignity than they have been so far."

"Unfortunately we don't have a means to travel across realities though." McCoy was quick to add in, but that didn't necessarily bother Tali since the intent was there all the same. She didn't doubt for a moment that this young captain would do anything less than what he had promised if they ever did find a way to her version of reality. He immediately reminded Tali of Commander Shepard in that regard. Both never made a promise and didn't see it through. While her Commander could have snapped Kirk like a twig, she didn't doubt that James was just as stubborn as Shepard in his own way.

"That is assuming Captain, that she is telling us the whole truth. It is illogical to risk any form of conflict with an entire universe we only have one point of view upon." Spock had since joined the group, and while Kirk sighed and looked over his shoulder at the man that was supposed to be one of his closest friends, he still didn't always agree with his way of handling things. Even so, Spock had a point, as much as James didn't want to agree with him.

Before Tali could try to explain to the pointy eared individual that she was telling the truth, Spock held up a hand to stop her before she could begin. "I am not saying that you're lying Ms. Zorah, but it is illogical to do anything without more information and a means to confirm its validity as well. And as we have confirmed from this Q's mysterious abilities, you are not of this reality and so it is impossible for us to prove anything you've said, save for one possible avenue."

"Oh no. Not a chance in hell. You are not mind melding with her ya pointy-eared bastard. You'd have to get that helmet off of her and considering she had no immune system up until very recently, I wish you the best of luck on doing that." McCoy was quick to intervene but Spock had no intention of forcing the issue.

"If... if you can't trust me without knowing the whole truth, I will do whatever you need me to do to prove-" Nurse Chapel held up her hand to stop Tali before she could even finish that sentence.

"No one is doing anything until she's had a chance to rest and get acclimatized to everything. Mr. Spock, I understand your concern, but I highly doubt she is in any state to try to fabricate anything so intricate as the story she's told us so far. As soon as she is ready, I am sure Ms. Zorah would be willing to let you examine her memories." Chapel had since taken a position beside McCoy who had put himself between Tali, Spock, and Kirk. Tali meanwhile didn't quite know what to do and besides that, she was having a hard time gathering her wits enough to decide on a clear course of action anyway. There was too much going on around her and she hadn't had nearly enough time to adjust to everything.

"I can speak for myself, you stupid bosh'tets!" Tali had finally had enough of these people talking abouther rather than toher. Glaring at each of them in turn, except at Captain Kirk who had at least been trying to speak to her directly, she took a few deep breaths and sighed, forcing herself to calm down. "Sorry...I shouldn't have...Can we talk about this when I'm not ready to faint from all the excitement and adrenaline I've been running on since this mess started?"

"You heard the lady guys, let's let her get settled before we drive her nuts. Come on Spock, you can glare at me all you like on the way back to the bridge, but it isn't happening." Kirk knew Spock was just concerned even if he had a very hard time actually showing it, but Jim wasn't willing to traumatize the quarian any further than she had been already. Before he left with his friend though, he motioned for McCoy for a quick little chat. "Keep me updated on her progress Bones. And if you or Chapel can convince her she doesn't need the suit anymore, all the better. Don't give me that look Bones, it's not for the reason you're obviously thinking of. Besides, I'd rather not be in a medically induced coma thank you very much."

An irritated Spock, well as irritated as possible for a half vulcan, and a smirking Kirk quickly left sick bay to attend to other matters, which left Leonard and Christine to tend to Tali, which she was quite thankful for as she slumped against the medical bed beside her. "Oh keelah, today has been far more strange than anything I've ever had to endure before. But...I...I promise I will find some way to repay your crew for your incredible kindness towards me. "

"It's really not that incredible Ms. Zorah, at least not by our standards anyway." McCoy replied, but he still offered a warm smile since he didn't doubt her sincerity in the least. Spock was wrong to assume there was any way she'd put them in harm's way. She just didn't seem to have a mean bone in her body. "Still, you don't have to do anything to repay us Tali. You just take it easy and we'll take care of the rest until you're ready to venture out into the non-essential areas onboard, unless the captain can find a place for you after you've gotten past the pointy-eared bastard anyway."

"Some rest sounds like a very good idea right now. Umm... is there a convenient place I could lay down for a while, I don't want to be a bother." Tali suddenly realized she could barely keep her eyes open. This had been the most exhausting day of her life, and it was quickly catching up to her.

"I doubt you could be a bother to anyone Ms. Zorah. Please follow me." Chapel said, having already taken steps to have a place scrubbed down and sterilized for the quarian more to comfort her rather than any real need for her to worry about infections anymore. Baby steps were needed even though they had made some good progress today already. Before they got to the room that had been set aside for her, Chapel did stop them in the hallway for a moment. "I know that you've lived in an enviro suit all your life, but whatever that being, Q, did to you, you truly do not need to wear one anymore because of it." Chapel saw that the girl had started wringing her hands together in an obvious nervous gesture. "In your own time...Tali. I know it can't be easy to even consider, but if there was a chance, would you not want to take it?"

"I... I had someone special, where I'm from. I hadn't even considered the possibility of ever leaving my suit for...certain reasons...before I met him." Tali was clearly embarrassed, so Chapel decided to let the matter drop, for the moment at least.

"These are your personal quarters, engineering has set up a small decontamination chamber for your needs, but I have a feeling once you get used to life outside the suit, you will not use it." Tali doubted that but Chapel was determined to make her stay as comfortable as possible, and the EVA suit she had on was not meant for long term use as her old enviro suit most likely had been used for. Besides, the EVA suits were used in emergencies most of the time, and seeing someone wandering around the ship with one on would probably raise a lot of questions until word got around of their newest arrival. Chapel had already noticed how Tali instantly perked up when she had mentioned the engineering department. "I'm guessing you're an engineer?"

"Keelah, you better believe it. Give me a soldering gun, a circuit board, some element zero, and I could get a toaster to make precision jumps." Chapel instantly thought of the perfect person to introduce Tali to next, after she received some much needed rest, and where she could potentially be of the most help onboard the Enterprise, if Tali was half as skilled as she made herself out to be. It would be good for the girl's morale to make her feel that she belonged rather than a hindrance or just wasting resources by not giving something back. Chapel had long since gotten the impression that life where Tali had come from meant that everyone had to pull their own weight and contribute to the species. She wasn't far off the mark either.

"If you get hungry, please feel free to use the replicator installed in your room. Just ask the computer for whatever you would like to eat; it's already programmed with safe food choices since yours isn't the only species that ingests dextro based foods. Try and get some rest Tali; I'll have a little surprise waiting for you in the morning." Chapel couldn't help but smile as Tali tilted her head in curiosity before the quarian thanked her again before entering the living area behind her while Chapel went off to try to set things up for her patient come the morning. She had a feeling Captain Kirk would approve, and even Spock might, provided Tali was under light guard of course until her story could be confirmed anyway.

Main Engineering

The Next Morning...

"Wait! Lass ye canna just...what's this then?! You've improved the secondary fusion generator's power output?! Are ya a genius or just lucky?" Scotty wouldn't complain to the first in the least, but luck would only get someone so far before it ran out, but considering how quickly this newcomer had adjusted the system, he doubted there was any luck involved here. "Ya sure you weren't always in Starfleet there lassy?"

Tali grinned behind her transparent visor, not used to people actually being able to see her face as she stifled a yawn as best as she could. She had spent most of her time last night studying anything she could get her hands on related to engineering from the ship's main databanks before falling asleep at her desk. While she was sure the kind nurse and doctor who had been so concerned for her would not be happy about that if they ever found out, she hadn't been able to stop reading once she started. "I...read as much as I could last night about your ship's engineering technologies when Doctor McCoy and his assistant insisted that I rest instead." Tali hoped that Scotty couldn't see how her cheeks had turned a shade darker from admitting she had gone against the doctor's orders, but he seemed far more excited about how quickly she had picked up what she had already.

"Ye learned the basic principles of starship engineering in nay more than one night?! It takes years of study lass, I'm impressed!" The Scotsmen was positively beaming at her as a wide smile spread across his face. "I don't know how ye got here but I really don't care lass. If the Capn' doesn't approve you for work down here I'll eat the shirt off mae back."

"I've been around ship drives and engines for most of my life. The physics are somewhat different but they're generally the same." Tali wrung her hands and chuckled in embarrassment at such open praise. It really hadn't been that hard once she had gotten the basics down, but she still planned to go over more of their technology as soon as she got the chance.

"Well... it certainly shows lassie, you're lightyears ahead of any cadet fresh out of the Academy and most of the senior staff to boot. What's your name lass? I'll need to know, if I'm to sing your praises properly, won't I?" Now Tali was sure that the smiling man in front of her could see her deep blush. "Ah, no need to be like that lass. Let me start ye off shall I? The name's Montgomery Scott, at your service. But please call me Scotty, everyone else does."

"My name is Tali'Zorah vas Normandy... Sco-tty. Just call me Tali please." She had a little trouble with the pronunciation of the man's name, but he didn't seem offended which made her relax when she realized he found it humorous more than anything.

"Ah lass, I don't think I've ever had someone have any trouble with mae wee name before. Feel free to call me Montgomery, but if ye nay can say that either, Monty will do just as well, alright Ta-li?" Tali couldn't help but to laugh as 'Monty' purposely mispronounced her name. This man would be real easy to get along with it seemed, and his strange way of speaking intrigued the quarian quite a bit, almost as much as the Enterprise's engineering deck itself.

The technology which surrounded her was absolutely amazing, this ship alone had the power of at least dozen dreadnoughts in the fleets she was used to studying back home. All of it packed into a vessel the size of a heavy cruiser. The only thing that bugged her was the design of the ship itself. They made themselves a pretty big target with the saucer disk on top. What crazy bosh'tet came up with the stupid idea to put the bridge in such an easy to hit location?! If she ever got her hands on the person or persons that had thought their current ship design was a good way to go then she'd give them a piece of her mind. Might as well paint a giant bullseye on top that says 'Shoot here!'. Maybe I could draw up ship design plans in my spare time, then hand them to the Captain and see what he says? If I am to be stuck here I might as well do something productive for these people.

"Um... hello? I am wery sorry to bother you Mr. Scott, but there seems to be problem. I'm getting an increased power varning in fusion weactor number two, and it seems that the output has jumped considerably. You vill need to shut it down if there has been a power surge, and diagnos- "

"Ah don' get your panties in a twist Chekov. There's nay a problem, but actually quite an improvement. We have a brilliant new friend to thank for that. Ms. Tali'Zorah is a mechanical genius, mate. And Captain, if you're listenin' in, I'd highly recommend lettin' her work with ma teams sir."

The Bridge

"Lt. Chapel's idea no doubt Captain." Kirk had to nod at Spock's observation since it seemed like something McCoy's assistant would have done. "Might I suggest we get her out of engineering before-"

"Relax Spock. If she had wanted to cause us trouble, I'm sure she'd have done it by now. If it makes her happy I say let her stay down there with Scotty. Moreimportantly, she seems to make Scotty happy, so let's give her the opportunity to show off a bit for us. It'll do both of them some good. You could try and recite the rulebook at me Spock, but we both know how that's going to end." James smirked and Spock gave the slightest of twitches to his lips which was the only sign Kirk needed to know that the vulcan had just hinted at a smile.

"Can't you ever do anything by the book, just once?" Uhara asked from her post, her voice dripping with sarcasm, but she was smiling wide enough for herself and Spock. She hadn't always liked Kirk, but since Nero's attack and subsequent defeat, she respected the man a great deal. "If it makes you feel better Commander Spock, maybe we can have a light security presence down in engineering until her trust is earned?"

"That is...highly logical Lt., and a wise precaution. Captain if I may-" Kirk had already raised his hand to silence Spock.

"Sure Commander, whatever makes you...feel better." Jim said the last part as he smirked in Uhura's direction. The communications officer rolled her eyes at the captain but didn't say anything as he hit a button on his command chair. "Captain to security, send down two of our boys to engineering. Tell them they should think of themselves more as tour guides for our guest since I seriously doubt she'll give them any trouble whatsoever. Still, better safe than sorry." Even he could agree that it was probably better to err on the side of caution from time to time.

Main Engineering

Five minutes later...

"The captain has got to be screwing with us... that'swho we're supposed to be guarding?" Ericson poked his partner, Roberts, in the left shoulder to get the man's attention. "I mean, she doesn't look like much of a threat. Hell, she's not even half my size."

"Don't underestimate any possible hostile; first rule of security training, remember?" Roberts cast an annoyed glance at Ericson before returning his gaze to the young suited woman in front of him. "But, in this case I'm inclined to agree with you... Hey..." Roberts was alarmed when the girl suddenly started running right at the two of them. " what the hell is she doing?!" Both of them had the wise instinct to pull their phasers, unsure what was going on as they immediately set their weapons to stun. They were so concentrated on the strange woman running towards them that they were unaware that an overstressed structural support above them was beginning to weaken.

"Get back you stupid bosh'tets!" Tali didn't waste time and simply ran into both of them at full speed, tackling them both to the ground just in time to save them all as the support structure collapsed and hit the ground where they had just been standing. Getting to her feet before helping the two security guards, Tali breathed a sigh of relief as they soon realized that everyone was alright. "Get on the comms and tell the Captain it'd be a good idea to go in for repairs at the first opportunity. I don't think that was the only microfracture." She had detected the first one completely by accident when she had been investigating the ship's engineering deck further, and had rightfully suspected there was more.

Years spent on the Flotilla as one of the engineers had taught Tali many things, one of the more important lessons being that when there was one microfracture, there was always more. Overstress an area of the hull or mechanical parts enough and that fracture will slowly spread until eventually parts start falling off or...in worst case scenarios, said overstressed pieces had been known to violently explode.

"Tali? Blast it girl, what was that noise?" Scotty had only then seen the damage and rushed over to the three, breathing a great sigh of relief when he saw that they were ok. "I nay can believe this! I thought that we had repaired all the damage done when we gave Nero and his psychotic band of romulans a good pasting."

Ericson looked at the petite alien before him with admiration, and no small amount of guilt. "She just saved our lives, I ain't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The captain sent us down here...uh...to keep an eye on her Scotty." Tali was a little surprised and even a little hurt by the news, but Ericson waved his hands since he hadn't meant offense. "No no, it's not like that Ms. Zorah. He told us to treat ya fairly and to act more as tour guides than actual guards. The order was more to shut Commander Spock up I'm guessing."

While Tali was still upset that at least some of the crew clearly didn't trust her, she could also understand the need to keep a vessel's crew safe from any possible harm. In that sense, the Captain had only been fulfilling his responsibly to his crew. As much as she didn't like the idea of someone in her head, Tali now had no choice as far as she saw it since Spock had sent these two men down here because of her. They had almost died because of her. I have to ...as much as it terrifies me, I have to let him try. That means...I have to try to remove the suit, at least the helmet if nothing else.

"I won't put anymore people at risk. Take me to Commander Spock, please." The two men, who moments earlier wouldn't have trusted her in the slightest anywhere near the bridge, let alone the senior officers, didn't hesitate in offering to take her back up to the bridge.

"Yes, ma'am!" Both men simultaneously told her, apparently shocking the young girl in front of them. She hadn't hesitated to save their lives, and stranger or not, no one of ill intent would have done what Tali had without even considering her own safety.

"Hold up lass! I'm coming with ya! If it means one-upping that uptight vulcan Commander of ours, then let me have a front row seat." Scotty had no clue just how much it meant for the engineer to have his presence so close at hand, especially for what she was preparing to do as they soon arrived on the bridge once more. Before this, she would have never considered anything of the sort, except for very brief periods of time with one person and one person alone...but that was then. The situation had changed quite a bit since.

The Bridge

Two minutes later...

"Why is our...guest...on my bridge gentlemen?" Kirk asked, having made sure to put emphasis on that particular word after he had just heard the reports of damage in engineering and was more than a little shocked to see Tali and the security personnel assigned to her standing ten feet away from him. The fact that Tali was glaring at him, and Spock, while two hardened officers behind her couldn't seem to make eye contact with either of them only added to Jim's curiosity. "So, care to clue me in Ms. Zorah?"

"Your bosh'tet of a Commander almost got these men killed, Captain, as did you for sending them down to engineering with his recommendation. Two men almost got killed because of me and they wouldn't have been there if not for the mistrust some of you have towards me! So...I'm obviously going to have to prove to you I'm telling you the truth."

"Ms. Zorah...while I appreciated your eagerness to assuage any doubts I might harbor concerning you, it would be best if this was handled at a later-" Spock had obviously not gotten the hint the first time as Tali got up in his face a moment later, having since all but stomped over towards him with one intent on her mind.

"No. Now. Right here, right now, you arrogant bosh'tet." Was her very clear answer to Spock's hesitation. Kirk raised an eyebrow in silent amusement to see Spock on the defensive, but then his slowly forming smile disappeared when he remembered Bones' less than subtle threat to his health. My next immuno booster might be my last if I'm not careful.

"Ms. Zorah, if I may, can we at least have Doctor McCoy and Nurse Chapel present? I think the consequences would be rather...unpleasant for me if I were to let you do this without at least one of them present for...health reasons."

"Fine. Let's just get this over with as soon as possible." All the doubt and nervousness he had seen in this young girl was now gone, replaced with an angry and highly determined young woman. I'm sure glad now I didn't try to do anything stupid. She'd probably hand me my ass on a silver platter. Hopefully only my ass...if I was lucky. Jim thought to himself as a cold shiver passed through him at the image he had conjured up for himself. As if he didn't have enough people to worry about that could kick his ass or poison him for that matter.

"Um... Bones, Nurse Chapel, would you be so kind as to report to the bridge... immediately?" Jim let out an internal sigh of relief as McCoy and Chapel walked out of the turbo lift less than two minutes later. Oh thank god...maybe I won't end up in a coma or worse now.There was still a chance but at least now it wasn't as likely as Kirk filled the two doctors in on what was going on as quickly as possible so they didn't get the wrong idea. Of course, that still didn't help much.

"Jim...are you insane man?! We're going to have a nice little friendly chat about not screwing with your CMO's patients!" If McCoy was angry with him, then Chapel looked like she wanted to leap across the bridge and beat him with her bare hands. Actually, that was putting the current expression on her face politely. But everyone fell silent when they heard the unmistakable sound of an EVA helmet being unclamped before Tali slowly but surely took it off before letting it drop by her feet.

Chapel forgot her rage at Kirk and Spock since it was clear that it wasn't nearly as easy as it had looked for her to do that of her own volition by the way Tali's body trembled just noticeably. She's petrified...but she's still without the helmet. This isn't something to be taken lightly for her. I had suspected but...I hadn't realized just what it meant.She could never truly understand, none of them could, but Chapel at least had a much better grasp of Tali's mindset, if nothing else.

With most of the bridge crew glaring at him now, even Kirk, Spock wisely didn't waste any time in bringing to a conclusion this debacle, he logically realized he had caused, as quickly as possible. Even so, Spock wasn't without his understanding as he had also come to the beginning of the same understanding as Chapel that this was clearly not easy for their guest to do in the least as he slowly reached out for the quarian's face with his right hand. He stopped when Tali took a sharp breath inward, but she nodded hesitantly for him to continue and he didn't dally as he became the first person to touch a quarian's face in their own reality.

It was Spock's turn to want to jerk away when the first memory he saw as their minds joined hit him like a phaser blast to the chest. He was sobbing while holding onto the body of his dead father. If only he hadn't listened to him, if only he had been able to stop his father from pursuing this dangerous course of research! "Come on Tali, there's nothing we can do for him now. I'm sorry..." How could he just leave him like this?! Even shaking in grief, his Commander still slowly managed to get him up on his feet again. "Hey, come here." As Shepard hugged him tightly Spock could feel the sobs racking through him.

"What the hell is going on in there?!" Uhura and the rest of the crew could see tears forming in Spock's and Tali's eyes over whatever memory they were being forced to relive at that moment. She knew better than to interrupt, but she still felt the need to pull Spock away from the poor girl. Just as she was about to separate them by force, both let out a gasp of air as Spock ended the meld.

Spock took a moment to compose himself as Uhura wiped the tears from his face. Tali meanwhile had since found Chapel at her side in a heartbeat. "Captain...I...I can completely assure you that Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, formerly of the Neema, is more than trustworthy. She has saved countless lives in her fight across her reality with those she calls a second family, the crew of the Normandy." Spock paused for a moment as he looked down at the still sobbing quarian near him. "I apologize for any suffering I have caused you...Tali. Perhaps it is better to use one's 'common sense' from time to time, rather than pure logic; I have failed you in this regard, both you and the Captain in my suspicions of your very nature, a mistake I will not make again."

"Well I hope you're happy you pointy-eared bastard." McCoy all but growled at Spock as he and Chapel gently led Tali out of the bridge, but not before giving one final cold stone glare to both the vulcan and their captain before they left on the turbo lift together. In her current state, Tali had forgotten all about the helmet to the EVA suit.

Scotty was also a bit upset with what had happened and gave Spock a silent glare before heading back down to Engineering. As much as he wanted to stand by Tail's side, he felt that he'd be intruding and would probably be chased away by the two medical professions anyway.

"So...what happened in there Commander Spock?" Kirk softly asked his shaken XO and science officer. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get an answer today, but Jim knew that if he didn't talk now, Uhura would most likely get the truth out of him later when they were alone.

"I would rather not say." Spock told him as he slowly bent down and picked up the forgotten helmet. He had a far better understanding of just what had transpired here today, and he wasn't going to forget it as long as he lived. That and he'd never underestimate the strength Tali'Zorah possessed to have allowed him to examine her mind, given what it would have otherwise entailed if not for Q's interference. "Only Ms. Zorah would have the right to tell you any information you may wish to know Captain. I am afraid that I cannot share any more of Ms. Zorah's thoughts with you without her explicit consent."

"Would that need to be in writing?" Kirk tried to deflate some of the tension in the air but his attempt fell flat on its face as he noticed Spock had looked away towards Uhura, who had since started kissing him again. "Great. If you're gonna do that at least get a room you two." Earning a death glare from Uhura, James knew when to shut up and not continue on that particular line of conversation. "Listen Spock, why don't you two take some time off for the day. I can handle things up here for a few hours." He had meant it as a suggestion and it was gladly accepted since Uhura was the only one that knew with any certainty just how deeply Spock had been affected by whatever he had seen in Tali's mind. Kirk wasn't ignorant on that part either and wanted his second in better shape than he was at the present moment.

After all the progress they had made in such a short time, Chapel had initially feared that Spock's actions might have caused Tali to regress completely. But, much to her and McCoy's great relief, it seemed to have had the opposite effect. Tali was now entirely ignoring the fact that she had nothing to 'protect' her from the outside world and its dangers. On the other hand, she was still very upset from whatever thoughts she and Commander Spock had shared. McCoy, purely out of instinct as a father, had sat down next to the girl when she had crumpled to the floor against a wall in her room. Tali had instantly grabbed onto the surprised man and hadn't let go since.

McCoy quietly tried to get Chapel's attention as he mouthed to her as not to wake up a now sleeping Tali. "What am I supposed to do?!" He didn't want to stay there all night unless he had to, but it seemed Chapel hadn't quite forgiven him for his earlier actions and had other plans in store for him.

Chapel whispered her reply in his ear. "You stay there until she lets you go... no exceptions Doctor... I mean it!" McCoy planned to get her back for this devilry but she left before he could come up with anything, leaving him in the slightly awkward position of having his patient still holding onto him for emotional support.

"Oh hell... it's alright, you're worth it darlin'." McCoy quietly said to Tali as he hugged the sleeping quarian to his side just a little bit closer. Jim would probably never let him hear the end of it if he caught him like this with her after his own warnings towards the captain earlier, but McCoy didn't particularly care at that moment.

Closing Notes; Vergil1989; Before you yell at us in the reviews, we know we didn't have Sulu appear at all this chapter, but he'll be making an appearance next chapter, promise! We actually...forgot about him by accident lol. 'Goes to hide behind Kirk for protection.'

"Hey don't look at me, you had Bones threaten to put me in a coma. Not going to be saving you two from the angry readers anytime soon."

Archer83; This was actually the first idea I ever came up with as a fan fic writer, I recently decided to dust it off and give it my best shot. Thanks to Vergil's incredible help I think this has turned out even better than I could have imagined. Hopefully you will have enjoyed reading this as much as we did writing it. Feel free to a leave a review, I always appreciate honest feedback from my readers!

Vergil1989; Thanks for stopping by even if you don't leave anything for us to enjoy on our time off. Personally I wouldn't mind a few hours in one of those luxury holo decks...getting a massage from a very sexy alien but that's just me. :D I'd make a very good Kirk...good god shoot me now. :P My allegiance to Star Wars is shifting to Star Trek! 'Insert death wail of your choice here.'

Archer83; Before you start a sci-fi fan war, I suggest we stop talking...At least we can all agree Mass Effect is better than anything else...

Vergil1989; Good idea lol. And Amen to that brother! Adios folks! Vergil out.