Reviews for A Quarian's Trek
Difdi chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Technically speaking, having your lights punched out by a doctor WOULD count as a medically-induced coma...

Thanks to you I now have an image in my head of a toaster that instead of staying put and ejecting the toast, the toast stays put as the toaster precision jumps elsewhere in the kitchen!
thepkrmgc chapter 2 . 6/12/2014
tali's in heaven, but if you are most definitely not going to continue any of your fics could you post any notes/plans/storyboards you had for it as a bonus chapter?
thepkrmgc chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
im not a trekkie by any means but while im saddened by the pre-talimance state of affairs i have to admit that tali's in a better place: i dont think that anything in the star trek universe (aside from perhaps the borg) holds a candle to the reapers in terms of nastyness
FORD B chapter 2 . 1/19/2014
I really like this story and hope to see alot more!
Bigs-Post chapter 2 . 11/2/2013
There would be some shock to her reversed hinged legs since all Quariens are that way
Chris7221 chapter 2 . 10/26/2013
This story started out with an interesting premise. It's not hugely unique but we haven't seen this particular combination before. Unfortunately, things went downhill very quickly. I had to drag myself through most of the first chapter, and a quarter of the way through the second I simply gave up.

The handwavium deus ex machina at the beginning is lame, but forgivable as a necessary plot arrival on the Enterprise, however, was clunky and poorly executed. I understand the desire to not follow the standard formula and stick her in an empty cargo bay, but somehow the bridge scene managed to be significantly less dramatic.

The biggest problem with this story is the characters. Fundamentally, the concept you're working with is character driven, not plot driven. And not a single one of these characters stay in character. Not only do they not stay true to what they should be like, they're all over the place. The thoughts of the characters and the way they interact does not feel authentic or even realistic. Kirk is way too immature, Tali reacts to her displacement in an extremely odd and inconsistent manner, and Nurse Chapel just feels odd. You really need to get to know the characters to write them well, and it seems to me that you don't.

And then there's the flow, or lack of it. Unlike some other stories that jump all over the place, this one kind of all,blends together. It's not something easily described. I can tell you it's not helped by the formatting, which has inconsistent section headings and crams way too much into one chapter.

I generally like this type of story, but this one was a huge disappointment.
praeceps29 chapter 2 . 6/25/2013
very good i a[ways [iked ta[i best of the gir[s she so fun and sweet and this is a geat story p[z continue
jabbarulez chapter 2 . 6/18/2013
Quarians with sunburn? ouch!
XRaiderV1 chapter 2 . 5/18/2013
the envirosuit commentary at the end of the chapter reminds me of the assassin droid hk-47 from knights of the old republic and made me smile.

onto the story, well done sir, I look forwards to reading future chapters.
Trife chapter 2 . 5/8/2013
Good story I think I will follow this and see how it goes. Hope to see more soon!

Trife chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
One big thing you left out I would like to point out is she had no real reaction to the technology on their ship. They don't use ME tech or Element Zero in any shape, form, or fashion and where Tali is from that is the cornerstone of civilization for her people and the others of the ME verse yet she had no questions, reactions or anything to all the technology on the Enterprise or the warp core or anything else even the simple, by Federation standards, replicator.

Guest chapter 2 . 4/4/2013
Actually, Gaila survived in canon according to the director and the novelization alike. I believe you can even spot her in the award ceremony at the end of the movie.
Blackholelord chapter 2 . 4/4/2013
Its a nice chapter. I am happy for Tali, she is my favorite Mass Effect character and my romance choice.
Ciupacapra chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
I like it i really do , looking foreword to reading more of it , also nice reaction from Tali to the being ported to another universe without her enviro suit :).
Robo Reader 21 chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
I like how this starts. A deus ex in a way. Those are best used to start things off instead of ending thing.

Kinda cruel how Q managed this but its an interesting look at Quarian psyche. Still Tali without her suit or Omni-tool.

Two errors I see. The first is that AI's have been illegal before the Quarians were introduced in the galaxy. And second, replicator wasn't available for ship at this time, they were only in industrial sites.

You brought up my curiosity on what other dextro-ammino species there are. And how surprising that they had an EVA suit that fits Tali's morphology.

Big thing though. While the beginning was a decent start, it really petered out as it went on. You overused the catch phrases, the pacing felt all over the place it was happening so fast. You guys need a beta for some major punch-up.
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