Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I am finally posting the "sequel" to this. It's called the Fingerprints of Rain, and it takes place a couple of years after the Giant war ends. It doesn't center around the characters from this, or from the series, although Miley, Cam, Evan, and Nico Di Angelo are all in it.

While I'm posting (short story, sort of follow up of the Heroes of Olympus that I really wanted to do) I want to answer some guest reviews that have been rather neglected.

Hermes: XD I'm very confused by the roleplaying, but ok . . . . ?

Guest: No Frank did not turn into a dragon. If you are mentioning flying, then it was because Jason used his powers to support him and fly him up.

Bad cabin more light? ok ^_^

john ramous: you are lucky to not have to wait for the next chapter after the cliffies ;)

Aw, thanks for the cookies, that was thoughtful, and it makes me happy :)

I will start editing when I finish one of my other long ongoing fan fictions that is almost done. I agree that it needs more detail. Thanks for your reviews!

I deleted the extra authors notes that were in place of chapters, FINALLY, so they are gone now. I hope you enjoy this!

in the epilogue I mentioned that Percy was in a coma, and it took a while for the gods to heal him. Sally Jackson/Blofis was meanwhile waiting in the Lobby below. Here is my take on them being reunited.

Disclaimer: Owning Percy Jackson is not what I do best. Unfortunately.


Percy was leaning against the wall, looking exhausted, but much better than he had just a couple of hours before. Annabeth couldn't stop herself from staring at his face, incredibly relieved to see him alive. Even with the Achilles curse it was possible for him to almost die. She hadn't understood how it could work, how he could be almost dying when he was basically invincible, but none of the gods and goddesses had seemed surprised.

Poseidon was the only one willing to tell Annabeth anything, and even then, none of it was helpful. So instead she'd sat at Percy's side, wishing the gods would quit being stubborn and let his mother up to see him, but instead she was ignored as she watched her boyfriend and hoped beyond hope that he would be ok.

The solution had been weird. All of the other demigods were told to go and join the mortals waiting for them below, and they slowly filed out, although Annabeth knew that most of them didn't want to leave. She saw Jason leading Piper out, rubbing her shoulder, while Hazel helped Frank, and Leo pushed Evan's wheelchair. The other members of the seven kept glancing over their shoulders, and she nodded at them to let them know it was fine. If the gods were set on only having Annabeth here while they fixed Percy, then so be it. As long as her boyfriend would be alright, she would go for it.

Annabeth shook her head as the music played in the elevator, and reached for Percy's hand, squeezing it lightly. He squeezed back, and she smiled.

They would both live for longer than average. They'd been given an extra ten or so years according to the gods, as long as they died in their sleep, or something like that. Somehow Annabeth didn't find that very likely. With their luck, they wouldn't last very long.

But they were both here, and that was what mattered. Percy didn't have the Curse of Achilles anymore, which he had told Annabeth was a relief. However much protection it gave him, he'd rather be able to fight with the same risk as everyone else, and the Curse of Achilles did make him feel vulnerable sometimes. Having one spot on your entire body where if you got a scratch you could die wasn't something he enjoyed.

Finally the elevator jolted to a stop, and Percy opened his eyes as the doors started to open. He smiled at Annabeth, although it didn't look very convincing. He'd been exhausted when he woke up, although of course the first thing he asked was whether or not Frank, Evan, and Alabaster were alright. Annabeth had felt horrible as she told him that Alabaster was dead, but he'd accepted it calmly, and was relieved that Evan and Frank were alright. Annabeth suspected that Percy and the others had all expected to die, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to be right.

As the doors slid open, there was a heavy silences, and everyones eyes were on them. Then- "PEEEEERCYYYYYYY!" Grover wailed, flinging himself forward. He was immediately followed by Tyson, Ella, and basically half of the demigod population, or at least that was what it felt like to Annabeth.

It took several minutes to calm everyone down, but to Annabeth's relief, they finally backed away, although still chattering.

But then there was a light cough, and everyone fell silent.

Sally Jackson/Blofis was standing and tapping one foot, an eyebrow raised as she faced her son. Her straight brown hair had more gray in it than even Annabeth remembered seeing in it, and her blue eyes were still filled with the strain and worry the past year had placed on her shoulders. Paul was standing next to her, a grin on his face at the sight of his stepson, although Annabeth knew he'd been worried too.

"Perseus Jackson where have you-" Sally began, but she couldn't even finish her sentence before she and Percy had crossed the room and she was crying while hugging him tightly.

He didn't even speak for the longest time, and Annabeth was so distracted, she almost didn't notice that her dad was standing next to her until his hand landed on her shoulder.

"Thank Athena you're safe." He murmured, pulling her into a hug. She let him, knowing that he needed reassurance that she was alright. They might not always get along, but she always knew her dad loved her.

And everything was fine now.


His mother smelled just as sugary and sweet as she always had, even though she didn't work in the candy store anymore. Her shoulders were shaking, and he felt a twinge of guilt once more, even though it hadn't really be his fault, that he'd worried her.

"I'm sorry mom." He whispered finally.

She backed away then, and to his unsurprised relief, he noticed that she no longer seemed angry. Or at least not angry at him. "It wasn't your fault though, was it? Chiron told me it was Hera who did this, and that she took your memories away. Oh honey I am so glad that you're alright." Sally pulled him back into a hug, and he let her, knowing it would take her a while to stop being so worried that he would disappear.

Of course, she would never completely stop being worried, but hopefully, with time, she would learn that he wasn't going to get whisked off on a quest every time he stepped out the door.

Or at least, he hoped that wasn't going to be the case. He was ready for a break, and he was going to be going to college next year. He was determined to go to college, get a job, make a life for himself, and then maybe one day he would have a family of his own.

"I'm ok mom, so you can let go at some point." Percy said, realizing that they'd been standing there for quite a while.

Sally laughed weakly as she stepped back, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know, but I don't want to let you go again." She whispered.

Percy nodded. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. At least not right now," he added, grinning as hugged Paul.

His stepdad shook his head. "Please don't go running off on another quest without telling us. I'm not sure if your mother and I can handle it a second time so soon." He joked. But he was smiling the whole time, so Percy knew he was kidding. Paul and his mom would always be waiting for him to come home.

That was just the life the parents of a demigod had.

He began telling his mom the whole story, trying not to elaborate on the dangerous parts, but not leaving them out either. He knew that if he even tried to leave them out, she'd get them from Annabeth later anyways.

The whole room was filled with chattering demigods, satyrs, nymphs, Tyson, and Ella, along with quite a few nervous looking mortals, who seemed uncomfortable at the sight of Tyson and Ella, as though the mist was weaker than it normally was.

That, or the gods didn't care if the parents of their demigod children saw a few monsters once in a while, since it might save their lives.

Piper, Jason, and Leo were talking to a shaken looking man who seemed to be trying to take it all in, while Frank and Hazel were sitting on the floor, just staring into the distance as they held hands and smiled.

Percy smiled too. His friends were safe. The world was safe. They'd won. It felt much better than it had after the last war, already knowing the next great prophecy. This time they were blessedly ignorant.

Annabeth came over, dragging her dad behind them, and introductions were made between her dad and Percy's parents.

Annabeth slipped away from her dad then, and stood next to Percy, gripping his fingers tightly in her own. Percy closed his eyes and sighed. His world was whole again. "I love you wise girl." He whispered softly.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain." He heard her reply. Nothing could be better than this.

Well I hope you liked that! It was just an addition I felt I should make along with my news of the sequel. :)

REVIEWS are always welcome :)