Reviews for The House of Hades
neuro5678 chapter 65 . 7/30
This is hands down one of the best fics, or books even, that I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this!
Adi chapter 42 . 6/30/2016
Planning to write any new fanfictions soon ? And wow, this Story "The House of Hades " is even better than the real one. Will there be your version of Trials of Apollo ? Or maybe a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Magicians? If so , I would love continue to write more fanfiction !
Guest chapter 66 . 3/9/2016
Did you write all of this by your self or did you copy from the book? I'm confused! Or did you just use the characters and make up your own story? Because I LOVED it!
Guest chapter 26 . 3/6/2016
Wow! I love this chapter! Thank you SOOO much cuz I can't seem to get the book!? Thank ou once again! -Me_.stxx_blahhh
Choco chapter 65 . 6/20/2014
Omg thank you so much for this fanatic, I spent many hours straight staring a da screen, you are Awesome.
bob chapter 45 . 5/10/2014
is this from the story you dumbo
bob chapter 40 . 5/10/2014
i hope this came out of the book you doofus
Geek Without Glasses chapter 26 . 4/26/2014
Another great chapter! Keep up the hard work.
Geek Without Glasses chapter 16 . 4/26/2014
This is amazing!
Hakuna Matata.Kawaii chapter 66 . 4/7/2014
wow. wow. just... wow, I LOVE YOUR STORY SO MUCH!
john ramous chapter 67 . 2/11/2014
fine I will review for you only it was awesome but more detail come on you my favorite author you can do it love you bye best wishes SHADA POWELL
john ramouds chapter 64 . 2/11/2014
awesome but a cliff hanger!:) love you writing:)
john ramous chapter 32 . 2/5/2014
that was awesome butt suck my cookies because they taste good I shipped a pack to you already you should get them on febuary 6,2014.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/4/2014
did frank turn into a dragon because I think I missed apart of this chapter
Guest chapter 21 . 2/4/2014
bad cabin more light
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