Thanks to all who reviewed. I'm glad you like my story! Please review!
"So, when do you get sprung from here?" Roy asked his partner. He was sitting on the spare bed in Johnny's hospital room. Cap was sitting next to him, Chet and Marco in chairs near the window and Mike was standing near the door. They had all stopped by after their shift to visit Johnny. He had been in the hospital for over a week now, being moved from the ICU wing to the floor two days after his surgery.
"Doc says in the next few days. I just wish I could get some decent food. This hospital stuff they try to pass as food just doesn't cut it," Johnny replied trying to sit up a little more in the bed. He was still in some pain, but not as much as before.
"Well, don't tell Dixie but we snuck you in some McDonalds," Roy said, handing Johnny a bag of food.
"Yeah, I think she'd kill us," Cap said, laughing.
"Oh man, thanks guys. I'll need this to survive the rest of the time I'm here. I won't say anything, I promise," Johnny said, digging in the food bag and yanking out a burger and fries.
"By the way John, I grabbed your laundry from the dryers at the laundry mat yesterday. I already took them to your apartment," Chet said, quietly. He wasn't sure how Johnny would react to the thought of the laundry mat.
"Oh, hey thanks Chet. I appreciate that," Johnny said between mouthfuls. He noticed the looks on the guys' faces at the mention of the laundry mat. "What's wrong?"
"Well, we thought it would upset you to hear the words laundry mat, I mean, after all that happened," Marco replied.
Johnny sat quietly for a moment, looking at the 5 guys that had become like family to him. He remembered seeing the guys behind the police car, looking terrified when he had been brought out by the gunman. He also knew the two gunmen had almost killed three people, including himself, before they were killed by the police returning their gunfire. He had been glad it had been the guys to respond, his brothers in the line of duty, the ones he was proud to serve with.
"No, it doesn't bother me. I've come to terms with what happened. I mean it could have happened anytime, anywhere, anyplace to anyone. I'm just glad that you guys were there for me at the scene and have been here for me since I've been here in the hospital. It does give me nightmares, but I know they will go away after a while."
"I'm glad you feel that way John. Nothing that happened in that building was anything you could have prevented. And you weren't the cause of it," Cap said, leaning foreword a little bit. He was making sure that the youngest member of his crew knew that nothing was blamed on him; he knew how much Johnny beat himself up over things that cost a life.
"I know that Cap and I appreciate the concern."
"I'm glad you feel that way. If you ever need some one to talk to, my office door is always open, pal," Cap replied, leaning back.
"Thanks Cap; thanks guys. You all are really the best family I could have," Johnny said, wiping the single tear away that had fallen. He was moved yet again by the fact that the guys really did care for him.
"Yeah and Johnny," Mike started.
"What Mike?"
"Next time you need to do laundry, find a laundry mat that has a back door, okay?" Mike asked a twinkle in his eye. The others started laughing.
"Better yet, bring it to my house and you can use out machines," Roy said, joining in the laughter.
"I don't know about that one, pally," Johnny said, taking a bite of his burger and laughing.
"Don't know about what?" Roy asked, slightly confused.
"The way Chet plays practical jokes, I could end up at your house for a week doing laundry, since I have to go through so many uniforms."
They rest of the guys laughed heartily; they defiantly had the old Johnny back.
The End