A/N- All notes at end...

Dedication: To all those Kai/Tala fans that i abandoned lately. /Huggles all/ Is very sowwy! Wolf Love will be continued very soon!

Why can I never have a breath of air? Just one gulp… just one…

All my life, I've been pressured… abused… tormented…

But I guess it's what I get for accepting captaincy. I knew it came with responsibilities, but I was way over my head. I was supposed to be perfect. But I wasn't… I'm not… never will be…

My team didn't listen to me at first. I would tell them to do something, but they wouldn't do it… it made me feel like a failure and Boris wasn't exactly pleased…

Kai understood. He was the only friend I had during my life at the Abbey. He stood by me through it all. But then the power of Black Dranzer had to take over him and he destroyed half the Abbey, later being taken away…

I never saw him again until when he was on the TV with the Bladebreakers at the Japanese tournament. I was internally glad that he accepted captaincy of the Bladebreakers… glad that he accepted to be in the team at all. It meant he would be travelling back to Russia again for the Worlds.

I watched the Bladebreakers' progress throughout their travels. My team laughed at how I internally rooted for them (they somehow knew) but I laughed at their expressions whenever they won… especially against the Majestics. They were expecting the Majestics to win; we knew how strong they were. Even I was surprised. It was a great show, though…

…But when I finally met Kai face-to-face, he had reaccepted Black Dranzer- the excuse of a chicken that was a copy of the most magnificent bird ever… just don't tell Bryan I said that…

When I realised I wouldn't be getting my childhood friend back, I was… upset. Though, I hid it, burying it deep inside my soul; as deep as I could conceal it.

The Championship… is a blur… I don't remember it… I just remember flashes… waking up in a glass tube of green liquid. Voltaire and Boris were leering at me, with scientists rushing around…

Nothing else…

Only how I got here…

Like I said, why am I never allowed a breath of air? Pressure, torture and abuse kept me from taking breath, and now that the Abbey has been taken down, I am still not allowed air… though now, in a physical sense.

No one ever tried to help me… no one ever held out a hand…

I guess I speak too soon…

A light above me…

A being… above me…

With a hand…

Is this the end…?

"You lost!"

He was smacked to the ground, his head hitting the stone cold floor. He slid along the ground.

He staggered to stand, locking eyes with the stone greys before him. "I… know."

"Of course you know!" Boris roared.

Tala took a step back in fear as Boris advanced on him and numerous guards appeared from the shadows.

"What's… what are you going to do, Boris?" Tala asked in fear, retreating until his back hit the wall.

"Something I should have done many years ago…"

He was snatched by the forearms by guards and dragged forward, being made to follow his mentor. He was led up to the roof and at first, he was scared he would be pushed off, but when he saw the helicopter… he didn't know how to feel.

He was shoved into the flying machine, hands tied tightly behind his back by mere ropes. Boris smirked almost predatorily and for once in his life, Tala was truly afraid.

He forced himself to try and seem calm. "What have you done with my team, Boris?"

"Oh, not much." The elder replied nonchalantly. "Spencer and Ian did as they were commanded to do, so they are fine…"

"And Bryan?"

"Bryan…" Boris smirked. "Ever heard of Karma, Tala?"

What goes up, must come down… what goes around, comes around…

Boris laughed his manic and sadistic laugh and Tala felt something stir in his stomach- dread, fear, depression…

But abhorrence surfaced fully. "You bastard!" He snarled in a wolfish fashion. "It wasn't out fault we lost! It was all your so called training! Your so called genetic experimentations that were supposed to make us perfect!"

"Insolent child." Boris replied coolly. "I do all that for you and this is how you repay me?"

Tala ignored him. "You know what Boris? I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Want to hear it?"

"Indeed, I do."

Tala smirked and leant forward. "I lost my matches on purpose… just to see you and Voltaire writhe beneath the authorities like the worms you are." He chuckled darkly. "You know, first time I saw you, I thought I recognised you… then I realised I'd seen you under a rock… maybe a leech, or ant… spiders are too cute."

Boris glared. "For confiding in me so confidently, Tala, I guess I'll reward you." He spoke with a sarcastic tone. "I was going to just leave you to survive in Siberia on your own, but now I guess I could do something else…" The purple haired man turned to the pilot. "Change of plans. Strategy Ice."

The pilot gave a curt nod and turned the steering stick to turn the helicopter in another direction. It was only until Tala saw the great frozen Lake underneath him did he know what was in store for him…

Boris' fingers were suddenly wrapped around his neck and he was pulled up, feet dangling a few inches from the flooring of the helicopter. Air was blocked from entering his lungs, making his lungs burn; Boris was pressing so hard of his neck that he could even feel bruises surfacing; the ropes around his wrists were so tight that they were cutting into his skin, but he felt someone fiddling with them… maybe setting him free? No, he could feel a new rope being attached to that one.

Looking down, he saw a concrete block beside him, a rope tied to that…

A guard picked up the concrete block with some difficulty and walked over to the edge.

Boris walked over to join the guard, smirking. "Goodbye, Tala. Have a nice swim."

The concrete block and himself were suddenly dropped.

I abruptly start awake, shooting up into a sitting position.

My eyes dart around the dark room, just being able to make out some objects.

So I'm dead… then where am I? And how did I get here?

Looking to my left, my eyes settle upon two objects on the bedside table. Two objects similar in size, but not in shape nor colour…

I sigh, feeling vulnerable and very naked- even though I had clothes on. I shiver, the cool air biting at my exposed skin. There is no duvet upon this bed, but looking down, I see the outline of what appears to be a thick cover.

I must have kicked it off…

The light flooding through under the door is partially blacked out suddenly. It is as if someone is standing outside my room…

I lie down quickly, hugging myself to conserve body heat, and shut my eyes, ears straining to hear the tiniest of noises…

Including the being entering the room. I see the light flood my room through closed eyelids, but make no indication that I saw it. He quickly closes the door without a sound and pads over to my bedside. I hear rustling as he picks up the duvet from the floor, and as he flings it over me, tucking it over my body.

Still, I couldn't help but shiver.

"Tala…" It… it's Kai… "Don't kill me for this, but…"

And he slides in behind me, pulling me against his body. His scent, warmth and aura surround me and I heave a sigh of content, unconsciously rolling over to snuggle into his chest to gain more warmth. He intakes a sharp, quick breath in obvious shock, but I don't exactly notice.

"Thank you…" I murmur quietly.

"F-For what?" He asks.

"Being there for me…"

He gives the top of my hair a friendly kiss and holds me tighter.

Nature's time is the night and in the morning, I think. Morning mostly, because everything's fresh, covered with dew and (well, in Russia's case) unmarked snow.

The birds call from their trees and from the rooftops, greeting all who hear their call.

Normally at the Abbey, since it was close to open land, I would hear wolf calls. If this was Wolborg helping to echo the sound from Siberia over to me, I don't know, but it was nice to be greeted by my own kind in the morning. Well, not my own kind, but they're close.

I think that's the only downside to being away from the Abbey, but then, I could be elsewhere and hear wolf howls…

All that matters is that my team is safe and that Kai is safe… with me.

Sighing, I-

OW! Fuck, shit, wanker-

"Cunt!" I curse, a hand whipping up to my neck as pain spread around it like wildfire.

I hear a chuckle. "Good morning to you too, Tala."

I wince. "Sorry-" I wince even more at my guttural and weak voice. "-Kai." I finish.

"Your neck?"

I nod and I feel him pull the covers down slightly. His hand pulls mine away and warm fingers dart over my skin.

"Did… Boris try to strangle you?"

I nod again. "Right before he dropped me from the helicopter." I reply in the croaky voice, the inside of my throat burning too.

"You have bruises there. Finger marks, to be precise." He tells me, fingers massaging my neck. "They'll die down." He sighs. "Stay here. I'll go get something for your throat."

He sits up and tugs the covers off his body, replacing them over me when he stood. I watched him walk out the room in only his cargos, boxers just peeping over the edge. I wonder if he did this all the time…

"Holy crap, Kai! Put a shirt on! You're making us look fat!"

Ah, that answers my question…

"Tyson, you are fat." Kai's cold reply sounds.


"No need to hammer it home, Kai."

"Anyway, Kai," I recognise that as Ray, "How's Tala?"


And he reappears in my room, shutting the door.

I can't help but stare at his muscular chest. He was lucky. He had the six pack and everything… well, if you could actually count, it's more like an eight pack, but oh well…

I was more the slim, secretly muscled guy. Lucky me…

I realise I've been staring at his chest and blink, shaking my head to clear thoughts.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"No… vision went blurry…"

I sit up slowly, ignoring the dull thudding in my neck. He sits back on the bed, pulling the covers back over himself again. He passes me a glass of cool water, which I take a sip of.

He then hands me two tablets.

"Ibuprofen." He explains. "Helps reduce swelling and pain."

I tip my head back, chucking the pills to the back of my mouth and taking in a gulp of water. I wince as I swallow, the pills scraping the lining of my throat.

"Kai?" I ask. "How did I get here?"

"You really shouldn't talk, you know."

"Just answer the damn question."

He rolls his eyes, a rare sign of amusement. "The BBA raided the Abbey just after Boris took you away. I found files about the punishments you would be getting- Boris likes to boast, you know. Mr Dickenson sent two teams to find you, since the file also told of a back-up plan that would easily change. I went on one of the teams, and luckily, it was the one that would end up saving you.

"We got there just in time. We saw you being dropped over the edge, that concrete block tied to your hands, which broke through a patch of thin ice. And you better be grateful for this next part because I have Bruce Granger, Judy Tate and Stanley Dickenson on my back for this- I jumped from the plane and into the lake, cutting the ropes and getting you up to the surface."

I could only stare at him. He risked his life just for me…


I glare at him. "You stupid bastard! You could have died."

"I somehow knew that was coming…" He muttered, rubbing his reddening cheek, which contrasted heavily with his tattooed blue shark fins.


He looks at me.

"I don't know how to repay you. I'm so grateful… beyond human comprehension…" I cup his sore cheek, with a small soft smile playing on my lips. "Thank you…" I smirk suddenly. "But tell me when the adults call you for that little talk. I so need to see this."

He glowers. "Gee, thanks." His expression softens. "The Demolition Boys have been waiting to see you; Bryan especially."

OH… shit.



I sweatdrop. "I kinda forgot about them."

He chuckles. "No you didn't. You had more important matters to attend to."

I shake my head. "My team is more important to me than injuries."

We sit in silencer for some time. God, this ibuprofen is good. Better than the crap Boris gives us… my throat feels better already.

"Kai?" I ask hesitantly. He looks at me through the corner of his eye. "Why… why did you come back? Why accept Black Dranzer?"

He looks down at the bed cover in shame. "I don't know. And I'm mortified about it… I guess the main reason was because I knew it was the only way to see you again."

"But your memories-"

"Came back to me when I got to the Abbey." He looks at me fully. "I did know you, Tala. Every memory we share came back to me first."

I look down. So it was my fault…

"Listen, Tala," I look up to see his face centimetres away from mine, his hand over mine on the mattress, "I would risk my life for you. That's why I went back to the Abbey… that's why I jumped into that Lake. Your life is more important than mine. Me: I've seen most of the world and I have no parents and a shitty grandfather. You: you need to see the world, experience new things, find your family… fall in love…"

"I already have."

He blinks. "What?"

"Fallen in love…"


I smile. "You."

I silence whatever he was about to say with a kiss, pressing my lips in a daring act to his. He groans and pushes back, pressing me down, my body sandwiched between his and the mattress. He flings the duvet cover over us and we pull apart. The cover lets light through but is enclosed… it feels like we're in our own little world.

He is unbelievably sexy. His hair is in disarray, loose strands hanging over crimson eyes, and said eyes clouded over with a darker shade of red.

And added to the fact he's half naked, towering over me… I think you get the point.

I move a hand up and drag him back down again into a searing kiss. Itis a mutual, unspoken agreement that no tonguesare allowed, keeping it at the level of open mouthed… which makes it even harder to control urges.

I get that feeling again… my lungs burn for air… but Kai insists that the kiss carries on… I just need a gulp of air… just one…

I manage to pull away, panting, a dizzying feeling buzzing around me…

I can finally breathe… metaphorically and literally… I feel free… I can breathe…

But with Kai… I guess oxygen takes second place… if you catch my meaning…

A/N- /bangs head on desk repeatedly/ A. Load. Of. Crap.

I. Am. Sorry… Not.

Review. Now.

I. Mean. It.

Or. I. Will. Cave. Your. Head. In. Along. With. Mine.

Review. And. Sod. Off.


Wuv! You! Really! Ow…