
5 years later

"Did you close up the shop yet, Reggie?" asked Severus as he tried to focus on making dinner.

"Yeah, I took care of it, don't worry," answered Regulus off handedly. "You worry too much."

"I'm just— Why is Arya on the counter?!" snapped Severus when he turned and saw his daughter sitting on the counter as if she belonged there.

Regulus glanced at the toddler before shrugging. "I didn't put here there. She must have climbed up again."

"She's two!" growled Severus as he picked up the little girl. "Watch that pot, please. I am taking her back to the playroom."

"It's not like I put her there," grumbled Regulus as he went and stood by to watch their dinner cook. "I need to get my own place, this is a mad house."

Severus felt his eyes roll at the young man's grumbling, but part of him couldn't help but agree as he opened the door to the nursery and was almost hit with a pillow.

Severus caught the pillow as Sirius desperately tried to calm the children down. "Harry, stop throwing things! Draco put your sister down!"

"No! I wanna hold her!" yelled Draco as he continued to try and carry/drag, his little sister around. She was only three, and of normal size, but Draco had never quiet caught up on growth and at five he could barley carry her.

Sirius looked like he wanted to pull his hair out, but Severus was wondering if the kids were really bothering him, or if it was that he was once again pregnant.

"Regretting your decision to have more?" asked Severus pulling Sirius's attention away from the two oldest children there were currently causing the most trouble.

"Mine are angels, your and Lucius's are hell raisers," snapped Sirius as he gestured to the table where his own children were sitting quietly with Arya's twin sister.

"Speaking of… you had an escapee," smiled Severus as he held up Arya. "She got up on the counter again. I don't know why she can't be more like Sansa."

"It's probably because she comes from you," snorted Sirius as he took Arya and tried to make her sit next to her sister. Arya had no interest in coloring and quickly got up to follow her older brother around, a fact that displeased Harry greatly as he tried to stay away from his little sister.

"Harry, just play with your sister, Draco is playing with his sister," prompted Severus.

Harry looked just like James, but the look he gave Severus was clearly one of his own. Severus heard a stifled snicker from Sirius and glared at him. "Oh don't give me that, Brook and Chase fight all the time, and Archer is just as passive aggressive as Remus."

"Well at least Hunter is well behaved."

"Hunter is sticking a crayon up his nose." Sirius made a startled yell as he took the crayon from his son before he gave himself brain damage. With his crayon gone, Hunter instantly started crying, as Sirius tried to shush him.

"And that is my cue to leave," whispered Severus as he kneeled down and picked up both Draco and his sister, Lyra. "Come on you two, your mommy will be home to pick you up soon."

"Mum," giggled Lyra excitedly as Severus carried the two back to the kitchen.

To his surprise, Lily was already waiting for them, and smiled when Severus brought the pair in. "Hey you two, were you good?"

"Yes," answered Draco quickly and with more authority than a five year old should have.

Lily gave him a questioning smile before turning to Severus, "Were they good?"

"Better than Arya, so I am going to go with yes," laughed Severus as he relieved Regulus of his cooking duty.

Once he was free, Regulus was quick to step away and head for the door. "Not having dinner, going to spend the night at Alice's place."

"Have fun," called Severus as Regulus nodded and quickly left.

"He's not liking how cramped it is here is he?" asked Lily.

"To be fair there are a lot of people in this house," shrugged Severus. "The house is big, and he has his own room, but I think the kids are getting to him. One of them is always crying. Sansa's a cryer and Brook is always making one of her brothers cry for some reason. Then knowing Sirius is having another to add to it… I think he's just a little overwhelmed."

"Hard not to be," laughed Lily. "And what about you and James? You thinking of having more?" Severus gave her an indifferent shrug, but was frowning as he turned the heat down.

"Sev?" asked Lily when she wasn't given a verbal response.

Severus glanced around to make sure it was just them before he let out a long sigh. "I think I might already be pregnant again. That or I am currently suffering from a very persistent mild flu." Lily gave him an excited smile that made Severus glare at her. "I just got my body back to normal!"

"Oh don't act like you're not happy, and James wanted a big family," laughed Lily.

"There are seven kids in this house," groaned Severus. "Nine if you count Lyra and Draco."

"But only three of them are his," smiled Lily but it fell a little. "Are you really upset?"

Severus was quiet for a few seconds before sighing, "No, not really. Just… I guess I wanted to wait another year or two. Space them out a little more." He paused and sighed again, "And I don't know for sure. I haven't taken the test yet."

"Well you should so I know whether to congratulate you or not." Her smile was back now that she knew Severus wasn't truly upset.

"I'll take it later tonight," sighed Severus dramatically. "What about you and Lucy? You two thinking of having more?"

"No," announced Draco loudly as he wiggled in Lily's arms.

Lily stifled a laugh but nodded, "We're good with these two for now. I don't want to say no because, hey you never know, but…"

"Well you're already breaking Malfoy tradition by having two," joked Severus.

"So silly," Lily muttered to herself as she readjusted Lyra. "Anyway, I need to get going, Lucius is probably wondering what is taking me so long. He had to work a bit late tonight, but he should be home by now."

Severus nodded and walked Lily to the door, before returning to the kitchen to find Arya on the counter again. "You are pushing your luck missy," grumbled Severus as he picked her up and put her in her high chair.

The little girl smiled and giggled, but didn't say anything. She was actually very articulate for being so young, but she didn't speak often. A fact that would have worried Severus and James had she not shown she did know how to talk.

"Did you just want to spend time with me?" asked Severus as he went back to making the rest of their dinner.

"To loud," grumbled Arya as she sat patiently in her highchair.

"Hunter still crying?" asked Severus as he gave Arya a few slices of cucumber.

"And Archer," said Arya with a nod as she nibbled her cucumber slices.

"Of course," whispered Severus as he finished the salad and set the table.

Arya was eyeing the food so Severus gave her a few more cucumber slices. "Don't get on the table Arya. You know better. I'll be right back, I need to get the others." In response, Arya made a small huff, but didn't move as Severus went back to the nursery to grab Harry and Sansa.

Harry was fine until he saw the highchair and started squirming. "I'm big now! I don't want to sit in that!"

"That's why the tray is gone and the chair is up next to the table," explained Severus as he got Sansa situated before trying to fight with Harry again.

"No, I want to sit here!" Harry plopped himself down in one of the adult chairs. A sight that Severus had a hard time taking seriously since Harry was eye level with the table.

"You can barely see over the table sweetheart," smiled Severus as Sirius brought down his brood, clearly thankful that they could walk on their own. Three of them got into their highchairs without any issue, but it seemed Archer was taking Harry's lead and refused to get into his highchair.

"Books it is," muttered Sirius as he waved his wand and summoned two piles of books over.

"For the record, you are both being silly," sighed Severus as he started dishing up a plate for each of them. Sansa and Ayra nodded in unison, which clearly annoyed Harry as he stuck his tongue out at them.

"The house isn't on fire," announced James as he and Remus walked into the house.

"Came a little close," muttered Sirius as he went to Remus and got a kiss. "Missed you."

"Bad day?"

"Just long." Remus nodded and hugged his husband before taking his coat off and sitting down at the table.

"What about you?" asked James as he gave Severus a kiss.

"Feel like mine was better, but Harry has decided he is too big for his highchair," smiled Severus as he dished out James a plate out of habit.

James accepted his plate before sitting down next to Harry. "You know your highchair would make it easier."

"Would not," grumbled Harry as he tried to eat his dinner with as much dignity as he could.

James smiled, but didn't push the subject knowing that the next morning his son would sit in his chair without any issue. It was a newer hang-up but one that usually only happened at dinnertime.

For the most part, dinner went on without any problems. One thing that all the adults were happy about is that none of them had produced picky eaters. They only picky eater they knew was Draco, but even he wasn't particularly bad.

Once everyone was done, Remus and James started cleaning up and taking care of the brood. After dinner was generally when Severus and Sirius would get their break to shower, read, or simply relax until it was time to put the kids to bed.

Sirius was looking longingly at the couch and was clearly showing that he intended to have a nap. Severus on the other hand had other plans. He gave James another quick kiss before nodding towards their bathroom. "I need a nice bath. Alone."

James nodded in understanding and patted Severus on the back. "Go relax, Love. Once you're done go lay down in bed. Me and Remus have it form here." Severus sighed and gave him another kiss before leaving him and Remus to fend for themselves for a few hours.

As soon as Severus was in the bathroom, he locked the door and started filling the tub. Once he was sure that he wouldn't be interrupted, Severus dug around in the medicine cabinet for a small clear vile.

It was, more or less, the same test Pomfrey had given him years earlier only it was jut to check if you were pregnant or not. If it changed color, he was, if it stayed clear he wasn't.

"Please stay clear," whispered Severus as he uncorked the vial and spit into it. He couldn't look at it as he re-corked the vial and shook it. "Please, please, please life, give me a break," whispered Severus as he looked at the ceiling.

"Okay," sighed Severus as he looked down and saw that the vial had turned blue. "God, why can't I keep my legs closed?"

Sighing even louder, Severus dumped the contents of the vial into the toilet, flushed it, threw the empty vial away, got undressed, and grabbed a second vial full of purple liquid. This he poured into the tub and the smell of lavender instantly filled the room.

"This isn't your first show, you got this," Severus muttered to himself as he got into the tub and tried to relax. "Just another baby. Sirius is just showing, so they'll be close to the same age. Like the others."

Sinking further into the water, Severus let his mind go blank. He let his mind wander as he listened to the sounds of James trying to wash dishes while Harry tried to help him; which always ended up with Harry soaking wet, covered in soap, and needing a bath of his own.

He could hear Remus in the living room trying to keep the majority of the kids entertained with some kind of game or puzzle. Usually it worked, but from the sounds it would seem he was having a hard time keeping them together.

Severus smiled and relaxed further, It won't be so bad. Just another change. We're all good with change here. This decision seemed to finally help Severus relax fully as he was able to truly enjoy the rest of his bath.

After an hour or so, Severus finally pulled himself from his soak, toweled off, got dressed into some pajamas, and headed out. He could hear James and Remus giving the kids their bath upstairs, and it sounded like it was going exactly as well as you would expect.

Should go up and help, sighed Severus internally as he went to sit on the couch where Sirius was cat-napping. But I did just get dry I really don't want to have to change again.

"They have it covered," whispered Sirius sleepily seeming to sense Severus's thoughts.

"True," agreed Severus as he laid down and snuggled down with Sirius. They did this often as it never went further than cuddling. Severus and Sirius were a little surprised that James and Remus allowed it, but their mates had simply decided that the pair were cuddly and they needed the additional support for when they were gone.

The four of them would occasionally share a bed, but it was more competition, and not often since the number of children had increased in the house. Maybe if we can convince Mia to take our brood for a night we could do it again, pondered Severus, though he wasn't truly thinking on it very hard.

Sirius was pregnant, which meant Remus would be territorial, and James would soon be the same once he found out that Severus was as well. We'll wait until after I've given birth. Then we might bring up another share night.

"So does James know?" asked Sirius quickly as he snuggled against Severus.

"Know what?"

"Don't play dumb," snorted Sirius. "You've been sick ever day at lunch time for two weeks."

Severus was quiet for a few seconds before answering. "I wasn't sure until today."

"Scared to know?"

"A little," admitted Severus

"Can't say I blame you." Severus nodded and the pair relaxed again. By the time Remus and James were done with bath time, and Remus was reading a story, Severus was nearly completely asleep.

The only reason he woke up at all was because James was gently shaking him. "I was comfy," whined Severus as James helped him up.

"Tell me that again when you wake up at 3am with a crick in your neck," snorted James as he led Severus to their bedroom.

James started nipping at Severus's neck as they walked, waking the smaller man up quickly. "Pervert," whispered Severus, but he was smiling as James shut their door.

"You love it," smiled James smugly as he pushed Severus down roughly and climbed on top of him.

Severus smiled as James made a show of taking his shirt off before he pulled Severus's shirt off as well. Now that his chest was bare, James started nuzzling his chest and kissing his way down. "Miss your tits. Wish they'd come back. Been thinking about fucking a baby back into you just to get your chest back."

"You already have, stud," smiled Severus.

James froze instantly as he looked down at Severus flat stomach. Frowning, James moved back up, and pinned Severus's wrists down as he looked down at him. "That isn't something to joke about, Love."

"Not joking, Lovey," whispered Severus as he leaned up and brushed a kiss against James's lips. "I gave myself the test today. It was positive. You're going to be a daddy again."

James stared at Severus blankly for a few seconds before slowly lowering his head and nuzzling Severus's neck. "I can't tell if I am ecstatic or traumatized."


"Probably both," laughed James before going back to kissing his husband's neck. "At least I don't have to wear a condom anymore."

"What good they did."

"I break'em a lot so, kinda surprised this didn't happen sooner."

"You idiot, why didn't you mention that? If they break during sex that means their old and we needed new ones." Severus would have been more annoyed, but James was doing a good job at distracting him, and with how well James was taking the news, Severus was wondering how many of the condoms actually 'broke' or if something else had happened.

"Don't worry 'bout that now," chuckled James as he pulled Severus's pants down and tossed them to the end of the bed.

"So romantic," laughed Severus as he spread his legs and allowed his spouse to rut against him. James was horny nearly 24-7 and with their kids cutting their sex life in half, James had started skipping foreplay on all but their date nights.

"You're so lucky I like a bit of pain," moaned Severus as he felt James pushing into him already.

"Oh fucking love you," groaned James as he started thrusting. He wasn't going to last long, but he didn't need to for Severus to get off as well.

"Go faster," groaned Severus as he tried to make James speed up.

"Why? Maybe I want to take my time and—" A loud cry that sounded like Sansa sounded suddenly making James pause.

"Oh for fucks sake," cried Severus. "Fuck it, fuck me, fuck me hard and come, NOW."


"James, she'll live for five minutes, fucking do me!" That was all the prompting that James need as he picked up speed again, this time focused solely on getting off. Severus couldn't stop the small cries as James reached between them and started stroking him.

Severus didn't last long and came quickly which helped James finish as well. "Damn we should time ourselves and see how fast we can go," joked James.

"Oh shut up and get off me," groaned Severus. "Sansa is still crying, and I need to get the jizz out of and off of me."

"I love you," smiled James.

"Love you too, perv," smiled Severus as he gave James another kiss before getting up. "Even if you are just a sex crazed maniac."

"As if you aren't one."


"Feel like my parents should watch the kids next weekend," sighed James as he stretched out on the bed.

"I feel like that is a great idea," agreed Severus as he used a kleenex to wipe himself up before putting his pajamas back on and heading for the nursery. Maybe I can talk everyone into a nice couples weekend after all. Severus smiled to himself at the thought, but pushed it away quickly to focus on Sansa. Kids now, pervy thoughts later.


The joys of parenthood, and yes I did make Harry a bit of a brat, but he is five. Most five year olds are a little bratty.

So they are all in fact in a very loose polyamory relationship, (if anyone was wondering). If I ever continue this or do a sequel that will be brought up.


This is the END guys! Holy hell it took 2 years or something to GET here but holy shit we're at the end. I'm gonna miss this fic, but I am glad it is done.

Plans of the future! So I will be taking about a few months off to work on my own work, but I will be re-reading this fic and making corrections and updating them, so if you see it's been "updated" that is why.

Are there more fics in the future - Yes, but my next one is Star Wars, (blame my sims game) but that is at least a month away, (if I keep stalling on Shadow War my few loyal fans of that are going to hunt me down).

Want more updates on my life and general mischief?

Tumble - Lennydark