Reviews for Personal Heaven
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 62 . 5/20/2018
Loved the epilogue and want to thank you for writing this story and this James/Severus pairing. I understand that the Star Wars bug has bit you but hope you will return down the road and write another sweet Severus/James pairing in the future.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 61 . 5/13/2018
Glad Severus is able to act as a part-time wet nurse for Draco since he was premature and needs all the immunity protection that breastfeeding gives a baby. I also am happy Lucius and Lily are a potential couple since the old pureblood families need new blood. Severus is recharging the Prince Bloodline, Harry the Potter bloodline and Draco will recharge the Malfoy bloodline. I even love idea that Walburga is welcoming Sirius and his babies back into the Black family.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 60 . 5/8/2018
So glad Harry was safely born and both Severus and Harry are healthy.
PleiadesWolfe chapter 59 . 5/5/2018
I'm with Severus on this. I'm excited to finally greet Harry
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 59 . 4/29/2018
I love idea of Severus also breastfeeding Draco since Doctors say breastfeeding is best for immunity.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 58 . 4/22/2018
I agree with Sirius regarding Lucius. I am still pulling for Draco and James and Severus's baby to be of increased magical power, maybe showing accidental magic as only infants and the Malfoys and Potters using it to change the minds of Pureblood society to see the value of outsourcing over inbreeding.
Guest chapter 57 . 4/21/2018
When are you going to do another chapter? I started reading this a couple days ago and I am hooked. Please continue writing soon! I love this story.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 57 . 4/16/2018
Poor Lucius but I think it was for the best, we don't need anymore Muggle hating religious zealous saying little Draco is a demon. Love idea that Lucius and Draco will live with Lily's family. One can hope we will see a combination of the Malfoy and Evans family, a strawberry blonde hell cat daughter or two.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 56 . 4/8/2018
Oh, well the Black family will certainly continue on. Hopefully the prospect of have four grandchildren and one a girl will melt the ice of Walburga's heart.
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 55 . 4/1/2018
I hope for the best for Lucius and his son but I fear his wife and family will be like Tobias instead of the Grangers. I think Abraxas may be correct that Lucius's wife and her family will have to have their memories altered but excited that Abraxas will welcome Lucius and the baby home to Malfoy Manor. If you haven't decided yet which way to go I am pulling for the family being obliviated and Lucius and his son coming back to Britain. That the baby's magic can be used to prove the value of fresh blood (outsourcing) instead of inbreeding to Magical Britain. So the Purebloods either marry halfbloods or muggleborns to recharge their families magic. That instead of sending their squib children to the Muggle World that the Pureblood Squibs are married off to Muggleborns to produce magical children.

Glad Severus's pregnancy is progressing safely and looking forward to reading about the new baby and James and Severus's marriage.
Super chapter 54 . 3/28/2018
Please write a follow up story for this I love it so much
Guest chapter 54 . 3/27/2018
PleiadesWolfe chapter 54 . 3/26/2018
Loving this story and can't wait to meet Harry
ThePhoenixandtheDragon chapter 54 . 3/25/2018
James and Severus's house is definitely going to be packed. Sad the story is coming to an entirely but I have genuinely enjoyed reading it.
PianoMan chapter 53 . 3/23/2018
ive been reading and fell. HARD. for this ship and im not even gay
also pls more baked goods
its funny reading severus stuff his face xD
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