Here's chapter ninety – five, a day early! I'm not going to have access to my computer over the weekend, so enjoy the finale!

Thank you reality deviant, Yolea Irk's, OrionGold, DPSS, Kiri Kaitou Clover, Parks98, ultima-owner, Aburg76, and HellPwnage1337 for reviewing last chapter!

Chapter Ninety – Five: The Ever-Distant Sky

Lea observed the small group of mages with increasing skepticism—less because of the mages themselves, and more because of the apprentices trying to teach them.

"This," Melody said, lifting her Keyblade, "allows us to use magic. Some of you might be learning how to use it."

The majority of the young mages still didn't look entirely convinced. "We can already use magecraft," one pointed out.

Another suggested, "It could be useful."

Melody protested, "It's not just useful. It helps protect the multiverse!"

The majority of the mages still looked skeptical.

Melody whipped towards Rai. "Come on, tell them!"

"Oh, no. You're doing just fine on your own." He smirked, shoulders shaking with contained laughter.

Lea sighed. "Alright, alright." He clapped a hand on Melody's shoulder. "We're not forcing them into anything, okay? We're just here to scope things out and see if anyone's interested. Remember?"

She huffed and looked away.

Lea massaged his temples. The apprentices had returned from 'Gaia' several weeks ago, downcast and silent—which had, admittedly, unnerved him. Aqua had filled him in as best she could, and he'd given them space. Time to grieve.

He couldn't say he was surprised when Aqua had suggested he go to Gaia and see how the world was fairing—he'd had no prior contact with the world, so he was the least likely to cause problems. While he'd investigated, he certainly hadn't expected the warm welcome he'd been given by an old mage. After some explanations and planning, he'd returned to Aqua with plenty of information and a request to investigate a little further. While Aqua had suggested caution, she'd eventually agreed.

Melody and Rai had insisted on accompanying him this time, which had eventually led to Melody's attempt to "recruit" several young mages.

Lea tried to steer her away. "Come on. We're looking for Rin, remember? She's supposed to meet us here."

Melody huffed and crossed her arms.

Two of the young mages had already turned away, chatting and heading to class. Another rested against the wall, eyes listless. One still looked contemplative, and asked, "You said you knew someone from this world who used a 'Keyblade.'" He still looked uncertain, as if trying to piece together a puzzle he didn't have all the parts to.

"That's right."


Now Melody hesitated, and Rai stiffened, and he guessed neither of his apprentices wanted to admit it was an accident.

Lea said, "It was his way of trying to help."

The mage seemed to consider this.

"Listen, we're not actually here to 'recruit' or 'convince' anyone. Not even sure how welcome we are yet." The world might still hate us, for all we know. "We're just here to talk to some people and learn. If you want to learn from us, fine. We'll be around. But no pressure, alright?" He turned and headed down the hall.

After a few moments Melody and Rai followed.

Rin waited for them in an open courtyard, sitting stiffly on a bench. She turned towards them and gave a tired smile. "I'm glad you came." She stood and extended a hand.

Lea accepted the handshake. "So, you're showing us around?"

She nodded. "It's been a long time since I've been here, but we'll see if I still have any pull in the Clock Tower."

-Emi took a deep breath.

"Nervous?" Kairi asked.

"M-maybe a little."

She smiled reassuringly. "Me, too."

Captain Amelia stood a short distance away, speaking with Roxas and Leon, her first mate waiting silently behind her.

"So," a voice said, "it's almost time for you to head out."

Aqua approached, smiling.

Kairi nodded. "Our first trial run for the trade routes."

And I'm leading it. She clenched her shaking hands. Well, me and Roxas. He had the map of their best path under his arm; they'd been going back and forth with representatives over the last several weeks, and finally came to something they thought might work. It'd be simple this time: just from Radiant Garden to Amelia's world and back. If that went well, they'd add another world into the route, and another, and then start implementing ways to trade without relying on Radiant Garden—

Emi took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

Aqua looked past them and blinked. "Wait a minute. Roxas?"

Emi flinched and exchanged glances with Kairi.

Kairi rubbed her neck. "I guess we forgot to tell you."

Roxas whipped around, looking abruptly nervous.

Aqua pinched the bridge of her nose. "Alright. Start from the beginning."

-Sora rested on the Play Island's beach.

Riku sat a short distance away, staring across the waves. "So," he asked, "you think she'll show up soon?"

"Don't know. Wasn't she waiting for Roxas and Emi to get back from their trade route trial first?"

Riku made an acknowledging murmur. "It'll be nice, actually having the three of us together again. For a little while."

"Yeah." Sora took a deep, steadying breath, and smiled a little. "Kairi will have a few days here with us, anyways."

Riku's expression didn't shift, but he shifted slightly, eyes still focused on the glistening water. "So you really plan to stay, huh?"

Sora didn't answer immediately. He picked up a shell, turning it between his fingers. "Aqua suggested I could teach young Keybladers at the Land of Departure. Just as a kind of helper."

Heavy silence stretched between them. "But not yet," Riku finished.

Sora shook his head. "I just want some time. Maybe do some stuff around Destiny Islands. Reconnect with the people we knew as kids." He paused, catching sight of something in the sky. "And then we'll see." Something in his chest twisted, but he swallowed and, for the moment, paid it no mind.

Riku followed his eyes. "I was thinking about exploring again," he admitted. "We've been so busy, first protecting the worlds, and then training apprentices, that none of us have really had time. But now, I think I'd like to see what else is out there. Actually learn about the places we visit. I thought maybe I could make some detailed records of them. Maybe find a way to incorporate protection from the Heartless a little better, or recruit new Keybladers."

"Sounds like a great idea."

"You could come." He sounded defeated, though, like he knew Sora's answer before he even gave it.

The shape—now clearly a Gummi ship—neared the ground on the main island.

Sora shook his head. "You'll know where to find me, though."

The Gummi ship landed.

"Besides, we still have today."

"Right." Riku stood. "Come on. We'd better get over there."

"Go on ahead. I'll catch up in a bit."

Riku flashed him an understanding look, then turned to the boats.

Sora remained where he was for several moments, shell still twisting in his hand. He stood only after Riku had sailed some distance towards the main island, walking along the beach and around the treehouse, tromping through undergrowth.

The island was no longer theirs. The Secret Place had long become the hideout of a new generation of children, the treehouses the landscapes of new make-believe wars. But there were some places, deep within the untamed parts of the island, that children refused to visit, under normal circumstances. Those that did came back with legends of a "special sword" that no one could remove or that belonged to some ghostly protector of the island. Of course, their peers never believed them, and soon the allure faded away.

He pushed aside some ferns. A small area had been cleared away. Vir stood, stuck deep into the dirt, not quite as dull as it had been two months ago. A collection of shells sat around the Keyblade. Sora added the newest to the pile, and knelt there several moments, head bowed.

The sun passed over the sky, and he knew he ought to head back. Riku and Kairi were waiting. He had a lot to catch up on. His throat seemed to close. He took a deep breath. The tension in his chest didn't ease. He touched Shirou's Keyblade. "I know." He forced a ragged smile.

He stood slowly. He didn't have to jump back into action just yet. He had time. He could work through things. He'd manage. And he'd make the most of the time he had.

Behind him, Vir glinted in the sunlight, set ablaze by invisible fire. For a moment, he thought he'd seen his son's specter in the flames. He blinked, and the image faded.

He turned slowly after several moments. "I'll be back," he promised. Right now, he had some catching up to do.

At seventeen, Sora believed he'd seen most of what the worlds had to offer. He'd battled Heartless, earned the trust of the world's hearts, stopped a second Keyblade War, and become a Keyblade Master.

At twenty – seven, he accidentally apprenticed a young boy, and realized how wrong he'd been.

This is it. We've reached the end of Damocles. And what a ride it's been. There've been both mistakes and successes along the way, a lot of fatigue and burnout on my end, but we made it here. Thank you to everyone who read, favorited, and followed this story along the way! Also a very big thank you to: epikphael, animesguardianangel, ultima-owner, Gold2King, DPSS, Great fan-M, michelous, Mioismoe, Shirosaki Kizuro, Gashadokuro Amanojaku, Saint of vice koncor, Kamen Rider Ebon, idea . getthe, Kiri Kaitou Clover, KadoyaOkami, Aburg76, phuxeds, SwordofallCreation, Parks98, Mythfan, brave kid, Sceonn, Darkjaden, chaosoulg, ZidanReign, uknounx, swiftrabbit, reality deviant, Initiumi, Aladdinina Magi, Bigreader in The Omniverse, Jebest4781, Zephyroths, Catasros, OrionGold, Selias, Masterx01, Raging Berserker, The Rank 5 Ninja, RedRat8, WorldofChaos21x, Thespurgin, UNKNOWNGPX, ShineX, Atlanta's Husban, A.K.J.19, Joachim Armster, row row fight the powa, bowser3000000, Server lock, nim istar, shadowace2400, Dullahan0, Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros, KHbelievers20, Question, Andaeus, ranchboy1, Neo-Devil, EaterofWorlds20, SoraFan, Paxloria, 21klaresh, kewllewk, OoOXylionOoO, ArtsofChaos10, SonicFan12, MagicArts10, Well-Intentioned Anti-Villain, Galer, uhhh, Deathclaw, Artsofdesire1, BukkakeNoJutsu, Cosmos0Atlas1, TalesofDark0, The Unknown GPX, Actso9, t12road, Deathclaw 2015, L33t Horo, BlazeStryker, BakonHawk, Atlas2000, 21atlasof90, conan . lagace, InfernalFox, mecha21, Amatsumi, 24lightsofsaber, Rankin de Merthyr, InfinityMask, Yolea Irk's, 21freeedba, 20fredds1, Xcrouse39, Tenservantgs39, archerforlife2, LilMate, NeoDeus, 60yulas, yesmanArcher1, Mangahero18, anton . evan . 31, Yagami Kuzuki, HellPwnage1337, and several guests for reviewing over the course of the story!

Now hopefully I didn't miss anyone. Review responses for last chapter:

reality deviant: While it was a rather good chapter, i was hopinf for more of Archer. And i can't help but think that this ended up with KH brightening Nasuworld more then the oppisite, maybe a bit more then it should, Sora didn't become as grey as i was hoping for him to be, thoough there still a chapter to see. – Well, he's…still not super gray. And if this is the end of Archer, I hope he will be remembered. By both KH crew AND natives of this world. – I'd like to believe that the KH crew, at least, remember him. Wonder if there is a chance for him to become a proper Heroic Spirit that is not a counter guardian after this... – I think he'd probably still be a Counter Guardian, to be honest. That said, there's always the possibility Alaya would decide to finally let him go after a certain version got through to her…

Yolea Irk's: Now the world is free from darkness, is Shirou the Keyblader will go to the Throne of Heroes? It will be interesting to see him summoned by Rin in alter universe in Fifth Holy Grail. Maybe you can make imthis asan omake or one shot chapter. – I very nearly included Rin summoning Shirou in this chapter. That said, yes, Shirou officially made his way to the Throne of Heroes! He's not exactly a well-known hero, but…still.

OrionGold: Wait a minute, what about the situation with Kotomine and Gilgamesh? – Gilgamesh was actually finished several chapters ago. (Remember that shadow that found him? That was actually Sakura…basically absorbing him.) Kotomine, on the other hand, was part of a scrapped arc for Shirou, where the Keyblader would be forced to face his past and personal demons through Kotomine. It's something I regret, especially since if I'd planned a little better beforehand, it could've been included.

DPSS: Well, so much for a happy ending. – It's a very bittersweet ending, to be sure.

Kiri Kaitou Clover: Sora and Alaya finally coming to an understanding and Dream!Shirou's goodbye to Sora right after the successful rescue of Sakura and the Purge left me teary eyed. – They were also rather emotional scenes to write.

Parks98: Wow great climax to the holy grail war...though I do wonder does this mean Alyala will stop sending counter guardians to kill ten of thousands of people across time and space...nahhh. Still this was pretty great - …Sort of? Keybladers can now visit and help (and, as Riku stated, they're working on things to make the system a little more efficient—meaning Keybladers stationed there, full-time). That said, Alaya doesn't entirely trust them yet, so her Counter Guardians are still employed.

ultima-owner: I'm happy he saved them but I'm sad that he's gone. It's great when something makes you feel conflicting emotions like this did. – Glad it managed to pull it off!

Aburg76: wow that last part right in the feels – Yeah…

HellPwnage1337: Sora and Shirou... now where have I heard that before? - …I honestly don't know?

Thank you all for your praise, your comments, and your criticisms—yes, even for chapter four.

As for the future? I actually do have one long story planned—probably one of my last on here. That said, I want to learn from some of Damocle's mistakes, and have real life stuff to take care of. The story will be done slightly differently, and in a different fandom, but hopefully I can learn from this experience and make something really good, when the time comes.

But for Damocles, I'll ask one final time: review?