Reviews for Damocles
Mangareader13 chapter 6 . 2/13
This is going to be a looong 10 years.
Mangareader13 chapter 4 . 2/13
Shiro... good luck.

Sigh, this world's secrets are too secret for its own good.
Mangareader13 chapter 2 . 2/13
Yep that sounds like the Mage Killer, his heart must be eating him from the inside out. If Sora managed to come during the build up to the War it would have made a lot of difference.

I thought Shiro was the only survivor?
Mangareader13 chapter 1 . 2/13
Damnit, missclicked.

Shiro having a keyblade this early on should help even the odds.
The butterfly effects however are going to make this a complete mess.
Mangareader13 chapter 1 . 2/13
I would say you can't get anymore unlikely as a candidate then Sora. If Shiro ends up being anything
Legion29 chapter 9 . 3/24/2019
is the old lady like a old rin?
ShadeOfTyranny chapter 95 . 2/18/2019
Just did a full readthrough. It’s a very enjoyable read, although I think the end bits with Shirou ended up a little rushed, at least for me.
grimmzapdos chapter 8 . 1/28/2019
Alya is mad that her toy was taken
Dragolord09 chapter 84 . 4/23/2018
Did you ever make a full Servant Sheet for Dinadan?
polarpwnage chapter 5 . 3/16/2018
Kotomine is not that strong. Not even entering top 100. He was just another executor in the burial agency and not high position either
SaberSora chapter 95 . 2/9/2018
Well, now that I've reached the end, I'd like to give my thoughts. I don't do reviews often since I'm not really that good at putting my thoughts to words, but I feel this story deserves the effort. I apologize in advance if my criticisms just boil down to nitpicks as I’m not a very critical person to begin with.

I really like the premise of this story and the execution was near flawless in my opinion. When it comes to fanfics like this – where the protagonist is taken in by someone who wasn’t there in canon – it often feels like a struggle to have the character remain true to the core of their character while reflecting the major changes that would’ve resulted from the different environment that would be provided by having a completely different parental figure in their life (or in the case of some Naruto fics, a parental figure at all). It really feels like this Shirou was able to stay true to canon Shirou’s core personality despite growing up under different circumstances and wanting to achieve a different (albeit similar) goal as a result.

I also like what you did with the other characters. I was a bit put off at first at how Sora was behaving so differently, but as I read-on and more details were revealed I saw that it really worked for the story’s benefit. I’m a bit confused as to your choice to make Kairi the ruler of Radiant Garden, since as far as I can tell she’s not an actual princess and is of no relation to Ansem. That said, I actually do like this portrayal of her. Riku is pretty much where I always pictured him being after beating Xehanort. Tending to his duties as a Keyblade Master and training his own apprentice. I only wish we got more scenes of the three of them together.

While I’m sad that Terra and Ventus weren’t in this story, I do like how their death’s played into Aqua’s characterization, though I don’t feel like she ever got any closure on that (unless she did and I’m just not remembering), but maybe that was for the best. Roxas, I like that he’s his own being now and is working to keep the other Nobodies in check, though I kind of wish we got more scenes of him and Lea together. Xion… I’m not too sure how I feel about her role in this. On one hand, I don’t mind that she’s a kind of ghost now, I would’ve preferred her having a similar status to Roxas, but we don’t always get what we want. But I’m just not sure why Shirou of all people would be able to see her when Sora couldn’t, unless it has something to do with this Shirou’s status in relation to Gaia and Alaya. Though that does bring up one thing other thing: Naminé, what happened with her? We see Roxas and Xion, but not Naminé? I don’t know if you explained this and I just missed it, but is she still inside Kairi or did something happen to her?

The Disney characters are always a delight in Kingdom Hearts, and I loved the addition of Ratatouille and Brave (even though I’ve never actually seen the latter). As for your original characters, I don’t really have much to say about them, except maybe the Puppet Master. That is a rather sadistic thing to do to someone just because they had the same ability as you. I like that Sora does come to understand him even if he doesn’t necessarily forgive him. I almost wish we got a bit more on what went down, though as per the Kingdom Hearts narrative, you explained what was necessary to know for the story and nothing more.

As for the Fate characters, I really like seeing how things would’ve been different without Shirou, though again, I kind of wish I saw more of it. Kitisuru going to get Illya and raise her himself (oh and surviving long enough to participate in the 5th Holy Grail War) and Sakura’s descent into despair without Shirou’s presence to provide something positive for her to latch onto (dear god, somebody give her hug). Saber’s interactions with Kitisuru and Shirou were a real treat. It really feels like you got these characters staying true to their core, despite the obvious differences. And Emiya. Just seeing Emiya’s thought process as he comprehends all the differences between this version of reality and his own.

I readily admit to having a better understanding of Kingdom Hearts’ cosmology than the Nasuverse’s, but it really feels like you managed to seamlessly blend them together. Using the Realm of Sleep as a way to explain alternate timelines is so fitting, I’m surprised nobody else thought of it.

Overall, I like really like this story. I think this was the best attempt at blending another universe into Kingdom Hearts I've seen, and I'm only sad that their isn't more of it.
fatefan67 chapter 95 . 1/2/2018
This story is pretty bad. The kingdom hearts characters are massively downplayed. Even read some an about sora losing to medea. An adult sora at that. It seems you have complete lack of knowledge of kingdom hearts. On the other hand fate characters especially heroic spirits are massively wanked. It's ridiculous. I read the the whole story and I'm incredibly disappointed with it.
Gashadokuro Amanojaku chapter 95 . 10/31/2017
Any good story comes to an end at some point. And this story is good, no doubt. Even if it got a bit crazy at the end. I think it would have been good if you had made less but longer chapters so that there wouldn’t have been so many stops in between. But then again, you seem to be doing pretty well so maybe that’s just me.
I also had hoped for a bit more other worlds but then the Fate part would have been smaller. This way it’s roughly equal in a lot more unique story.
conan.lagace chapter 95 . 10/17/2017
Beautiful and I'm glad I got to expirience it. Great work, let me know if anything of yours gets published and hopefully I'll be able to throw some change that way.
Guest chapter 95 . 10/11/2017
csn u make s kingdom hearts and fate apocrypha with shirou being summoned by ruler plz
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