Reviews for Savory Sea
Kaito Echizen chapter 5 . 5/12/2018

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
Astraea J. Rahagi chapter 5 . 11/26/2016
Love this fic, I'm very interested to see where this will lead.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/30/2016
Please can you update? and if you do can it be Ace/Harry slash :3 (sorry english is not good)
erika.dirickson chapter 5 . 11/3/2015
Not bad but really, no updates since 2013? What are you waiting for? Get a move on! Or do you have. Writers' block? No inspiration? Read others' stories, get ideas and make it your own. That's what I'd do.
Kai Chen chapter 5 . 1/22/2015
Can I assume that harry, having magic replaced, would
Be incredibly proficient at haki? Because, quite frankly, magic is a lot more useful than haki and starting from scratch would be kinda unfair
tamashiyuki chapter 5 . 5/3/2014
be continued?

I like so much!
Lekaiel chapter 5 . 4/25/2014
I hope you continue this
Ireadtomuch chapter 5 . 3/7/2014
ohh points for Harry's magic going bye bye a bold move.. I love it. And YAY! Spade Pirate Harry! I could just squee but I won't instead I'm gonna offer you my chocolate cherry truffle recipe for if you update! And a review for every chapter since this caught my undivided attention!

Sorry but I was just lamenting the face that no one ever writes about the Spade pirates and that they tend to forget about them once Ace joined whitebeard. We never learn anything about them and they disappear after Ace's fight only mentioned in that one line by Thatch/ I can;t wait to read your take on them and HArry as a Spade Pirate.
Ireadtomuch chapter 4 . 3/7/2014
Ace invited HArry to join the Spade pirates and in such a Luffy like fashion... You've just become my new best friend! I have been wanting to see such a story for months! I can;t believe I didn;t find this story earilier. Sorry near fangirling but this is just perfect!
Ireadtomuch chapter 3 . 3/7/2014
OMG its Ace not Luffy! Awesome! Don;t get me wrong I love Luffy but Harry always ends up interecting with/joining the strawhats or shanks or turning into Mihawk or someone equally impressive! THis is the kind of story I've been wanting to see for ages!
Ireadtomuch chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
You deserve cookies for Harry not magically knowing Japanese or having the people speak english! WOnderful thank god for authors who recognize it would be as easy to fit in as a lot of people make it.

Also kudos for the magic being hard for him. Its no fun if there are never any struggles for a character and just because they have something not native to the new world that they suddenly take it by storm. DOn't get me wrong some of those stories can be great but this so far in a breath of fresh air! Thank you for being realistic!
Ireadtomuch chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
A great start I can'tt wait to read more
Axalion chapter 5 . 2/21/2014
Great concept! I really hope that I can encourage you to continue this. I'd love to see how you deal with the Spade Pirates and see where you take them to the point of joining Whitebeard's family. This is an unexplored period in cannon that few people take advantage of and I'd love to see your ideas for it . How Harry would develope, what roles he'd fill, his relationship to the crew and of course all of the adventures you can plan for those missing 3ish years.

I did notice a few word choice errors that seemed to have missed your notice. If you were interested in a beta reader I'd love to help. Your pacing feels good and the characterization of the characters seems spot on. Your original characters were interesting but not to the point of overwhelming the main characters and fit well within your plot. Your grasp of the cannon materials shows through in both Harry and Ace, and I like the connections you used from his wandwork and Quidditch to his current skills. I'd also like to compliment your choice of Jaya as a starting point. Something about it just feels right to me.

Anyways, enough rambling. Overall, I really enjoyed your work so far and I hope that I'll get to enjoy more in the future!

Your reader,
Din7 chapter 5 . 12/30/2013
Love it can't wait for more
Amyethious chapter 6 . 12/8/2013
please continue
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