Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or One Piece. The credit goes to J.K. Rowling and Eiichiro Oda.

AN: It's SHORT, I know…. Next one is gonna be longer, promise!

AN: Edited 14.12.2013

Chapter 1


That's all Harry felt as he floated in darkness, struggling to gain consciousness. Distantly he could remember falling through a veil, after trying to save his godfather.

There was a battle, he recalled. They – the DA and the Order of Phoenix - were battling against Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries.

Guilt twisted in his stomach.

'It was my fault.'

His fault Sirius almost died, his fault his friend were injured.

With all his strength Harry peered one eye open but only saw whiteness before he was dragged back into unconsciousness.

Wakeing up with a start, a splitting headache made itself known as Harry blinked hard, straightening his glasses and trying to adjust his vision against the harsh light. The first thing that registered to his sluggish mind was the sound of waves and the fact he was laying on something soft.

Shakily lifting his head the boy took in his surroundings.

Beach. He was on a beach.

How absurd is that?

The sun was shining brightly and it was an early morning by the looks of it. He was on his back, yellow sand beneath him and a beautiful blue sea to his right. Slowly Harry rose to his feet, his vision almost blackening and idly noting the many little aches in his body. Nothing serious, probably just some bruising from the fight…

A breeze of warm air ruffled Harry's raven hair as he survived the beach. After squinting a while, he noticed that a town could be seen in the distance.

Am I dead?

After thinking that, suddenly panic slammed into him as his memories came forward and he remembered the battle. But what could he do now? He was either dead or in someplace he didn't know at the moment. Was afterlife supposed to be like this?

Standing there, on an unknown beach Harry made a decision. He would find out where he was and after that, do his everything to get back and save his friends and help stop Voldemort. It was the only thing he could do after dragging them with him to The Department of Mysteries.

That in mind, the lone wizard started heading toward the town.