Reviews for Understanding
skadoo chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
Well done.

I'm so glad I found your fic after I wrote one from Tessa's point of view. It would have been too easy to be influenced by this.
Savvywolf chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
It's beautiful. Timeless was one of the most thought provoking episodes for me and this was a very nice addition to it in my head. The characterization of Chakotay was spot on and the way that Tessa's character fleshed out seeing herself as both chained and in love was amazing. It's a good piece keep on writing.
badmelk chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
wow! the insight you give into characters is amazing. you turned what I thought a one note throw away character into someone i was rooting for! wonderful!
Laura W chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
I really, really enjoyed this. Tessa's one of those characters whom we were asked to like and sympathize with without knowing anything about her. You fleshed her out in an interesting and very believable way. Thank you!

Laura W
Tomutionmyha chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
An excellent addition so bittersweet!
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
I love this look into an interesting episodic character. Tessa was a bit enigmatic, but I think your addition of her Betazoid heritage adds more depth to her character, as well as the constant shadow of Kathryn Janeway that she must live with.

It's also really nice to see how this still haunts Chakotay, especially in regards to rules left unbroken and that candlelight dinner that should have signified so much more. It suits him, and *them* for Chakotay to remember Janeway as he does, for all her passion and fire.

Nicely done.