Reviews for His Broken Belief
Fizzing Wizard chapter 4 . 12/14/2014
Loved it!
raptoregg64 chapter 4 . 12/7/2014
*insert fixer-upper from frozen here*
but yes good i like happy endings
(also, for some reason i just really like how you handled the all-just-a-dream bit? like the waking up part was cool and stuff)
yes i enjoyed A
(pretend this review is coherent and makes sense)
raptoregg64 chapter 3 . 12/2/2014
oh man sudden mr. mistoffelees feels after not thinking about cats for ages. But I really love the way you're working his magic in this fic, and the whole banter-y (well, a bit more serious and snarky than just banter) stuff with Tugger and Misto at the end - especially the "don't you dare try to make this a fucking sappy romance story." :P And, though I'm not sure why, all I can think of to end this review with is "Cool stuff, yo."
pouncii chapter 2 . 11/29/2014
I was so sad when I found your work over a year ago and then realized you had left the fandom, and you have no idea how happy I am that you are coming back to finish some of your fics. Your (amazingly talented) work was what inspired me to come back into the fandom and write again. And hey, you're never too old to write fanfiction :)
Luteana chapter 1 . 6/17/2012
Well, this has been one of the most interesting pieces of literature I've had the privilege to read. I enjoyed it very much.
Fizzing Wizard chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
It's a mystery to me why I didn't review the first time I read this. I love it. It's so well paced and I love the characterization thus far. Really want to know where it's going. You're a very talented writer.
raptoregg64 chapter 1 . 5/14/2011

Oh, yeah. This is awesome. LIKE ALL YOU OTHER STUFF. O_O

(I seem to be enthusiastically using caps lock today. I think it's the jet lag. I'm overtired, hehehehee...)

Eherm. Woot for not-cliched Misto/Tugger! I think that's the main reason why I generally don't like Misto/Tugger- most people do it the same way, from what I can see. But, of course, you're rawrrkitty, and have no patience for cliches. ;)

Anyway, great job! :D
Delphicoracle-Cat chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
Oh, this is simply wonderful! What a great first part. I love the tentative nature of the Tugger/Misto here, and Misto's little breakdown over his similarities with Macavity (a theme I always love seeing in fanfiction.)

You've got me anxiously waiting for more. :)
CrazyIndigoChild chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Oh my freak! This is awesome! :O

You're style is very well done, I can't believe that, in 21 stories, I've only read this one story O_O

I rather like this take on the Victoria/Misto/Tugger trio that seems to cause such a disturbance in the fanbase ;) It's very intriguing, I have to admit that although I do not ship Victoria and Mistoffelees, I felt a little bad for Vicky :(

Tugger was very well done here too :) He was a very intense but he wasn't the whoreish tom we usually expect. He wasn't entire focussed on getting Misto, it sorta happened (though we know he wanted him). I guess what I'm trying to say is that the transition from friend Tugger to possible-lover Tugger was fairly slow and steady as well as very smooth and careful. It was very cute and rather refreshing :)

I love your take on TuggerxMisto :D They seem like really awesome characters under your influence and I'd more than love to see more :D Maybe we can do an art trade sometime? Idk, I just want to see more of your writing around these parts :)

Great work :) CrazyIndigoChild
Nekosoda is a beeetttccchhh chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
So, after getting over the initial shock of ALL THE FUCKING TORNADO WARNINGS, i read this.

YOU. OH FUCK. THIS. AUGH. How can I describe this steamy cocktail of le slashé bon...ness? (aka my attempt at saying "slashy goodness" in a cultured way.)

Yeah. I quite loved this. But holy shit. I'm like Tugger. I say "I GOTTA TAKE A PISS" all the time. And "Oh, HELL naw." xDDD I pretty much jizzed in my pants when I realized this.

J'adore how you write Tugger. D: He's so...adorable. Like, he's kinda dumb, but he's kinda deep. It's so...UNF. And it's kinda refreshing. He's not an ass, he's not le magnifique garçon (what is with me and shitty french. i pretty much said he's a beautiful boy), he's got substance.

And more UNF. I fucking love when you write Macavity. Or, in a broader sense, magic. (And its price.) I just love it. D: I love it so much that I am up at one am on my phone telling you I love it. C'est tres bien.

bytheby. If you're wondering. i am writing something. it involves sex and cannibalism. :)

ANYWAY! Jolly good show, as always. You never cease to amaze me, my dahling. :) BONSOIR, MON AMOUR. (if i spelled that right, or used correct grammar or some shit, i'll be damned)

i apologize for the shittyness of this review. i'm going to sleep now and properly review-signed in-tomorrow. alalalalala.
NotActive1094 chapter 1 . 5/10/2011
I usually just Skim though a story, BUT OMG i couldn't! I had to read it all! its so well written! and so cute! I'm a major Tugger/Misto fan :) they are my all time fave couple, and you pulled them off so nicely! I really can't wait for you to update!

I usually see Victoria as Mistoffelees sister, but it really doesn't bother me.

My Fave part was the convo between Deme and Tugger "hes to good for any of us" he is! D: hes like an untouchable God O_ and of course Tugger Misto convo :3 SO cute! Eagerly awaiting what Tugs gunna do next time :)

I cant wait for an update! I'm so pumped for it! 3 please update soon :)
Rawrrkitty's loveslave hmyes chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
alright so i'm kidding around with ya, bb. ;)

dragging me all the way out to this wretched website to read your twisted shit? m'kay, m'kay. but by god, this was gorgeous. i'm almost tempted to make an account and spam you with goodness. lolsrs.

i adore this. as an afterthought, i adore you too. now come talk to me. B)
OddThingtoHaveaNameFor chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
I think this story might be turning me bi...I might just be tired and thinking as the characters I'm reading though. I like this story though, I can't wait to find out where it's going. Also, on a side note, drunk Demeter sounds like my mom when she's drunk. XD
C. Lennox chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Well, I've never been a Misto/Tugger fan, but since it's by you, if figured I may as well give the story a shot. So far, it's really well written, and your characterizations are wonderfully vivid, as always. While I can't say it's likely this story will convert me to shipping Tugger/Misto, this is a great story so far, and I can't wait to read more!