Reviews for Lost and Found
Guest chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
I thought this story was very cute. It was sweet that Ash gave her a wooden doll like did before. I really love this. Good job!
Porahgon-X chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
Great story.

Officially added to my favorites. And it's hard for me to do that
LuciferIX chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
It's odd, I get the feeling that I've read this before but I don't have a review up for it. Oh well, even if I did read it before at least I'll have one now, better late then never.

Haven't really read much that has to do with Unova, because while I don't have anything against the region as a whole, I don't entirely like the premise behind the anime's version of it. But that aside, I have very few complaints about this. A few small grammar errors here and there but nothing too important.

A nice little concept for it overall. Not only with the gift that Ash pays her back with, but the little run-around that May had before meeting up with Ash as well. Everything felt in character and completely believable. Well the hand holding might not be entirely but considering how much May talks about love at times with Ash it isn't too farfetched for her to be the one making the first move.

All in all, a nice little read. On to the next one, hopefully I can get it done before I go to sleep.
haru-teri22 chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
HOW CUTE ! i hadn't even remembered the teddiursa doll may had given ash! loved it
wubbzy chapter 1 . 3/10/2011
I really liked the description you added (athough I don't think you had to describe stuff like what Iris was wearing or things like that), but besides that, I really liked the detail you added. I found the plot interesting as well. There were quite a few grammar mistakes however (I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment and it's just too long to name them all). I still enjoyed the scenes though (especially when he gives her that wooden figurine).
pkmnfankael92 chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
cant wait for next chapter
Obscurites chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
Thank you for this cute and fluffy SatoHaru fic! The story flows nicely. Furthermore, I praise your brilliance for the Kumasyun (Cubchoo) figurine idea.

By the way, did you misspell Wartortle? It should be an "l" before "e".
seanzilla115 chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
very nice advanceshippign story,AshxMay 4ever