Reviews for Hiei's Revenge
Jessica chapter 5 . 8/16/2018
The Yu Yu Hakusho series is all on Hulu
Guest chapter 2 . 7/30/2013
They seem out of character, Hiei and Kurama I mean. Just a bit too off to be believable. It's not that the writing is bad, just you don't have the feel of them as characters.
PriestessofBast chapter 2 . 2/13/2012
normally i only read kurama based stories because kurama is just the BEST! but this is shaping up to be a very good story, though it's kinda sad that you had to kill yukina off, i liked her is there going to be any romance in here? oh and just to let you know from NY to Shanghai China it's a 14-15 hour long flight, so from Tokyo to London, it'd probably around 13 hours. just thought i'd let you know now i'm off to read the rest of your story! hope its as good as it seems!
kaori and yoshi chapter 5 . 8/28/2011
a good place to go to in order to watch yu yu hakusho is

just dubs . net just take out the spaces. all you have to do to find it is scroll down while looking at the far right column. enjoy!
Shiro Inutoko chapter 8 . 8/9/2010
The torture curse is called Cruciatus, and the spell used to start it is crucio.
The Giant Daifuku chapter 3 . 4/17/2010
Just to let you know now, so you can fix this later, in HTML, your tags for italics and bold need to look like and you were missing the last bit so they just looked like b and /b . Just a side note. But I really am enjoying reading this at this point.
love hiei chapter 5 . 2/5/2010
lol falls out of chair hiei ha hits is head aginst the wall lol
FlameMonarch chapter 5 . 9/15/2008
Botan takes them there in her oar, or they go through a portal.
kinatsurune chapter 3 . 8/23/2007
hm...the plot is interesting enough, but with crossover stories, its more interesting when each side finds out about the other through events and experiences. Having Kurama and Hiei answer everyone's questions upfront about their origins, especially about being demons, kind of takes the excitement away. Plus, I would think that Hiei and Kurama wouldn't be so willing to give out all that information about themselves, even if they know Harry Potter and group are against Voldemort.

Just a bit of advice, although not much use considering you've already finished this fic...but just in case you decide to write another crossover I guess.
corky chapter 3 . 2/4/2007
Hello me again. This ones good to but there should be a little more conflict going on. Do you really think the Order of the Phoenix would just let a couple strangers just waltz into their highly secret HQ without a little investigate questioning at least?

Good chapter all in all though. I liked Hiei saying the only bed he ever sleeps in is Fox's, but again he's talking way to much. He usually only says only the words that are absolutely necessary. also to improve upon your writing skills try a little more in depth descriptions of what's going on. Try a little internal-dialogue also it's good to get characters perspectives in a story so do a little of what they're thinking. Stories are usually better with a limited amount of actual dialogue.

Hope this is helpful to you.
Corky chapter 2 . 2/4/2007
This is pretty well written, better than most of the hp/yyh crossovers you can find, but Hiei doesn't seem very believable to me. he talks to much and gives up information to quickly. I do like how you've developed Hiei's relationship with Kurama so far, not to lovey-dovey-gushy-sappy which you come across a lot in fanfiction. I hope the rest of it is as good as the first two chapters it's been a while since I've been able to find a fic worth reading on FF
AnimeSiren chapter 10 . 1/18/2006
This was a super good story!
kahuffstix chapter 10 . 12/6/2005
i loved this story. it was so great. please add more to this story soon.
stix chapter 10 . 10/15/2005
i loved this story. it was so great. please add more to this story soon.
Aramisol chapter 4 . 7/4/2005
_ It was funny with Hiei's eating utensil problem. I understand how embarassing it is when a foreign question one asked is answered in the language everyone around them speaks. (did I make sense?)

But I seem to get that the main focus of the story is on Hiei and Kurama. It would be great if some of the Harry Potter characters get a big shot in the spotlight.

A small amount of yaoi is fine with me- nothing seriously graphic in future chapters, right?
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