Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter. I never will. I will only own this beat up IBM laptop that runs Windows 95 and the wish to some day take over the world.

Warning: Spoilers for all of the HP books, including OotP. Also YAOI alert! Slight yaoi anyway. Nothing horrifically graphic. Some hugging.

A/N: ::sighs:: This story just wouldn't leave me alone, so I have to type it so I can continue writing other stories, such as "Akela" which is posted on FictionPress.net. Anyways, drop a review if you want me to continue. AND DON'T STEAL MY IDEAS!!! Also, I'm having a contest. I don't like my title, but couldn't come up with anything better. Review and give me a title, and the winner will.er.get their title used and the next chapter sent to them by email before I submit it to Fanfiction.net. My email is [email protected].

Chapter 1: Information and a Plan

He tried to block it out, but it played again. It filled every waking moment and haunted his dreams. The dark cell. The sound of torture. Her cries for mercy. Her tears. Her last breath. Last. Breath. It sounded so... final. And it was. She was dead, and no amount of pleading or crying would ever bring her back. Now he was truly alone...

Hiei jerked rather forcefully awake and could not stop a tear from escaping his eye and forming a black jewel as it chinked off the ground. Breathing heavily, he stood on the tree branch he had chosen for the night and jumped down. He landed catlike on all fours, gathered up the Teargem, and got to his feet. At the base of the tree he had been sleeping in, there was a grave. Flowers decorated every inch of the newly created tomb. The gravestone was simple granite, unadorned with any more than a single name: Yukina. Hiei buried the gem next to several others in the still fresh soil. He had never cried so much in his life, but then again, he had never lost a sister before. He supposed that he would probably cry a lot if he ever lost the fox, but he could never be sure. Hiei Jaganshi was not an emotional person.

He darted stealthily through the silent streets towards Kurama's house. When he arrived, all of the house lights were off, but Kurama's window was wide open, as though expecting a visitor. He scaled the side of the house and balanced precariously on the window sill. The kitsune was asleep. He lay on his side, facing the window, with a book open in front of him and his crimson locks falling across his face. His left arm rested under his head, while his right hand kept his place in the book he was reading. Hiei crept in the room carefully and removed the book from Kurama's grasp, being wary not to wake him. When he did not stir, Hiei marked the page in the book, set it down on the floor, and crawled into bed under Kurama's outstretched right arm. Instinctively, the arm tightened around Hiei's waist and Hiei fell into a peaceful sleep, reasoning that he could talk to the fox in the morning.

Kurama woke first, and was not at all surprised to see Hiei curled against his chest. He had known the fire demon would want to spend the night in his house and had tried to stay awake and wait for him. He must have fallen asleep. He waited patiently until Hiei began to stir in his grasp, and then kissed his cheek to wake the koorime up fully. Hiei blinked up at his partner, who pulled him into a firm hug.

It was Kurama who finally broke the silence, "When did you get here last night? I was waiting for you."

"It was very late. Almost two a.m. I spoke with Koenma yesterday and I need your help."


"I ran a check on the person who killed Yuk-Yu-Y-...her and I came up with a name. Someone named Lord Voldemort. He's apparently an evil human wizard who was revived recently and..."

"To you, every human is evil."

"No, this guy had a reputation for being evil. He killed something like sixty seven English witches and wizards before he was finally defeated fifteen years ago by a one year old kid. But, he was revived recently with the help of some followers and has been on the rampage ever since."

"That story rings a bell. What was his name again?"

"Lord Voldemort."


Kurama sat up, reached over towards his night stand to the book he was reading the night before and began to flip through it. Hiei also sat up and leaned over to read what the book said.

Kurama noticed his obvious curiosity and said, "Genkai gave it to me as a birthday gift. She said it would come in useful. Ahh! Hear it is!" He read aloud. "iProbably the most infamously known witch or wizard would be Tom Riddle, more commonly known as Lord Voldemort or You-Know-Who. You-Know-Who murdered many famous witches and wizards in his rise to power. However, he was abruptly stopped and defeated on Oct. 31, 1981 when he attempted to kill one year old Harry Potter. The killing curse (which destroyed his parents) for some reason bounced off young Potter and rebounded on You-Know- Who, killing him and leaving Potter with a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead./i I knew I had read the name somewhere!"

Hiei slipped off the bed and turned to face Kurama. "Hn. Get dressed, fox, we're going to England."

A/N: Want me to continue? Review and say so! If I get no reviews, the next chapter won't be posted. Yes yes, I know it's blackmail, but if you really like this story, you can waste ten seconds and drop a review, right? Right! Anyway, next time Chapter 2.