Reviews for Death Comes to Hartfield
myAdamisinheaven chapter 34 . 3/31
Strange times we're living in, for sure...which makes escaping into your story a most welcome thing. ; ) Thanks!
I loved the thoughtfulness of Emma's gifts, especially wanting to have her nephews dressed up as 'handsome' mini-Georges.
Liked how she knew exactly what to buy everyone except her BIL, and left that to George, knowing he'd have the perfect idea. (Men can be SO hard to buy for!)
Ohhhh, I'm feeling a change coming around-the-corner for this sweet couple...and I mean more than hugs initiated by one party only. ;)
The Oceans Mist chapter 34 . 3/31
Love the cgapter can't wait to read more
Laina Lee chapter 34 . 3/31
I very much enjoyed this chapter and the distraction from real life. It felt just right and makes me think you will make the visit away be the turning point in where George is as it was in the novel. I am wondering what will happen with Amy and her mother as it wasn't mentioned in this chapter, and if whatever it is will happen when George is away. Also wondering whether George's brother will have some good advice for him or if George will just have to figure things out on his own. I would love to see George and Emma exchange the sort of letters they ought to exchange which will diminish the importance of Emma's former correspondence with Frank. I want to see George be less buttoned up, to express that his anger and jealousy is born out of love, to just put it all out there.
just another PJO fan chapter 34 . 3/31
Wow that was a good one! I almost cried with Emma when they hugged. I want to thank you for keeping updating this story especially in such times, and for giving me and the rest of the people in quarantine something bright to light up their day :)
Guest chapter 34 . 3/31
Oh my heart breaks for Emma, I just want her and George to be happy
EngLitLover chapter 34 . 3/30
A hard chapter to read. Very hard to reconcile the Emma in the previous chapter who threw “ Frank appreciates me more” to Knightly’s face, to one in this chapter who is falling apart because Knightly is leaving. She is really giving very mixed signals. Especially since Knightly believes she married him just for her convenience. Great story, love it.
Teish chapter 34 . 3/30
Gah! You’re going to make me cry! Poor Emma and Mr. Knightly! I hope they sort things out soon.
Allonsytimelord chapter 34 . 3/30
Awww! Super cute scene loved the hug, cant wait to see whats next.
Kassolas chapter 33 . 3/27
Poor Emma! Poor Mr. Knightly! I hope you write again soon and end their suffering once and for all. I appreciate how the misunderstanding is so much worse with them being married.
Karen chapter 33 . 3/26
So I read this entire story today - what an fantastic take on the characters and plot of the novel but in a slightly AU way. I love how nuanced and layered all of the characters and their interactions are! Truly an amazing accomplishment to write a story like this! I look forward to reading more but I’m so spoiled with having had so many chapters in a row!
Karen chapter 11 . 3/26
Awwww my poor babies they’re trying their best
11morsmordre chapter 33 . 3/25
My previous ranting comment aside, I was not suggesting that you have to literally write them in a locked room. I have utter confidence in your artistic ability to write whatever you have imagined for their reconciliation. I have loved everything you've written so far. I think it's a mark to every writer when they are able to invoke emotion. And you have certainly done that, at least for me. I love Emma's ability to put aside her hurt or frustrations and return so quickly to a happy disposition. I really do think you've written her well to canon, but still taking in the little changes that would occur due to your AU situation. Finding this has made me so happy as I've been locked in my house for over a week, sick and unable to go anywhere for fear of people overreacting to my coughing. I hate that Mr. Knightly is leaving, I feel that he us abandoning her because they are both too afraid to say how they really feel. Oh well. I can certainly understand needing some space as well. Don't leave us in suspense too long please. 3
11morsmordre chapter 33 . 3/25
They need to be locked in a room and have a good row at eachother to finally just let everything all air out. She needs to throw the stupid sketch book at him and tell him to look at how many times she's sketched HIS lips. How many times she's daydreamed about him and that when she talked of being able to sketch him from memory it was not in the manner a friend would sketch another friend. She needs to show him the letter of Frank waxing on and on about the woman he loves so that he can no longer believe that Emma is that women. The two women are opposites. And they NEED to talk about the fact that when Emma has said multiple times that she loves him, it is NOT only in a platonic way. And they need to do all this in a locked room so that neither if them can go anywhere until it's all settled.
3C chapter 33 . 3/25
Forgot to add this when I wasn't signed in: I'd give Emma advice to take it easy. Give yourself some time in this space apart to do other things. It would crush me for a friend to be so upset and clear about the ways her husband thinks she has done poorly in when it comes to her friends (I understand back in those times it was really different!)-that I wouldn't want her at all to think about it. To remember what makes her wonderful (I'm someone who is grossly sensitive to critique, so the fact that Emma is able to take it at all and still want to talk about it with Knightley has my admiration).

In the end of it, it's great to be with someone who will tell you to your face that you're wrong, but I can relate to just the simple desire of wanting to be cherished in the way that we prefer. Probably doesn't help that Knightley and Emma's instinctive values sort of differ sometimes (Knightley's common sense about treating people fairly and justly vs Emma's social class awareness, etc; Knightley's awareness of how the public could perceive them vs Emma's common sense that a friend can be male and advice being given without some other underlying intent). But I would say, out of sight out of mind.

For George, I would advise the space apart would be good. But also when he returns, to have a proper talk with Emma. I'm a big fan of just...explaining your perspective to other people, but of course, it's relatively clear between Emma and George's conversation this chapter that it hasn't happened!

Honestly, I'm not sure how I would be able to advise them both. It's frustrating!

And it's really a wonderful story. You really make it powerful. Love it!
Epic chapter 33 . 3/25
ohhhh my god I have just been for the past hour reading through this and I love, love, love your Emma and Knightley. It has every inch of their push and pull and their personalities, and I honestly could hear them speak-that beautiful cadence and everything. The way they communicate, the way they frustrate each other, the way they clearly care for each other...ughhh big fave, I love this!
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