Reviews for Death Comes to Hartfield
Guest chapter 35 . 6/8
I just stumbled across this fic, and I really love the premise. I just wish the pacing were a bit faster- the slow burn is killing me! Please update soon.
Izzy chapter 35 . 6/7
I know you might be busy but please,please, please update. This is such a beautiful story. I can't get enough of it. I honestly think I will go mad with curiosity.
Guestagain chapter 35 . 6/5
I so love this story, and I hope that you update it soon. Your characterization of Mr. Knightly is so believable - I can't wait to see what he does with John's counsel!
Pedro chapter 1 . 5/31
Aaaah que bueno :)
rápidamente un nuevo capítulo por favor
Anna from France chapter 1 . 5/28
Oh my god, I love your story :) and I'm a litterature teacher so I read a looot. I wrote an essay on Jane Austen, my dearest writor on earth, and I would like to tell you how much I love your words. You keep the characters and add some modern touch. My teen spirit hopes you will don't elude the passion has she did due to the century and her single condition. Please update, each hour sounds sad since I finished the 35. Take care,
Guest chapter 35 . 5/19
This is such a great read! Please post more soon!
Sk chapter 35 . 5/3
I just cannot wait until he returns!
virihu chapter 35 . 4/29
I love John in this chapter, and I look forward to the next.
1154943 chapter 35 . 4/28
I have never loved John Knightley more oh my gosh. I'm so pleased at someone just TALKING to George like this. And it all feels in-character and just UGH the sadness at them being separated but KNOWING that it'll only push them closer together. I'm dying for how good this is, as always 3
Guest chapter 35 . 4/28
Too slow and drawn out and as a result have to move on as the investment is not being returned in regularly and consistent updates and story development.
Ruk chapter 35 . 4/22
Great chapter. I like we finally got to see what George was thinking.
meldisil chapter 35 . 4/21
You made my day with this new chapter. Thank you. The conversation between George and John was brilliant. I hope he takes his advice.
DSLeo as guest chapter 35 . 4/21
Oh good grief... I wanted to throttle George. He's so meticulously picking away all reason to hope, to think he might be loved "that way", all determined to see it as childish behavior... While Emma does need to alter those habits? How can she if nobody says, "Emma, dear, that's most unbecoming of you. Simply ask what you want, and we can discuss it. Ther'es no need for nursery theatrics at this stage of life."
EkiraAiram chapter 35 . 4/20
Thanks for your update! I have been eagerly waiting for the next chapter and I loved it!
Also congrats on your new job! Sounds like a great opportunity for you!
team.K.putt chapter 35 . 4/20
It's great to finally see someone from outside pushing them in the right direction of sharing their feelings. It was quite frustrating to see no real communication between those two. I'm eagerly waiting for next chapter, I hope it is not the last!
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