Reviews for Sequencing
CRoseSing chapter 12 . 6/1
I simply adore these. I love that you provided the alternate ending and followed up on it! Your plots engross me completely, and your writing is fantastic. I’ve read all of your HP fics and can’t wait to forget them a bit so that I can reread them!
renowned-warrior chapter 12 . 3/16
What can I say... Another wonderfull adorable story. It tickled in all the right places.

My boyfriend complained about corona virus and that he even dreamt about it at night. I looked at him and saidWho's fault is that?" He sort of choked on his own words when he answeredMy own I guess." I answered himYes because all you do I read about that stupid virus and keeping yourself updated all the time. And to what point... Well apparently you now dream about it. Do you know what I read? Romance stories, so when I dream I dream about romance and love and fluff."
Thank you for helping me dream about romance and love and fluff instead of a fucking virus!
littl30wl chapter 12 . 2/7
I love this universe so very, very much.
mekareami chapter 12 . 12/24/2019
Thank You so much for a peak into their livesWould love more if muse ever speaks to this AU again. First unsquicky Marcus Hermione pairing I have ever enjoyed.
An happy reader chapter 12 . 12/4/2019
I really love it !

It's crazy but before your story i really didn't think about Flint independantly as a character. You make him human, and a nice one too ! I love i

Thank you for sharing and i hope your muse will inspire you some more for others glimpses of their life !
Angie106 chapter 12 . 11/18/2019
lovely story once again. Thank you for writing. Hope your muse comes back soon
unlikely2 chapter 2 . 9/18/2019
I have to confess to a fondness for fics where Millicent is smart and practical as well as large.
Atrumnex chapter 12 . 8/26/2019
I think i may have mentioned this when reading your other fics but
I love you and your writing lol
you make me laugh and get teary eyed. I facepalm and I get huffy.
I love Herm Marcus the hig teaddybear
I love an in depth Flint History. Octavious and Crooks got me all teary eyed.

ty for writing. was a great experience
nkh1 chapter 12 . 8/5/2019
tcl7189 chapter 12 . 6/17/2019
Hope to see more... Like the characters here.
JacqP chapter 12 . 5/28/2019
This was lovely!
Lioness1988 chapter 6 . 6/13/2018
It was worth the wait. Well done.
Lioness1988 chapter 5 . 6/13/2018
Ah, I understand the delay for interactions with Ron better now. I look forward to the next chapter.
Lioness1988 chapter 4 . 6/13/2018
Good work locating Bara-Hack, CT. It sounds like an ideal wizard village. I enjoyed the chapter, but I expected a bit more conflict. Nothing much came of Ron's arrival to join the group or his interactions with others.
Lioness1988 chapter 3 . 6/13/2018
A brilliant solution! Eloping with a reception later is a wonderful idea when family is difficult. Whose wedding is it anyway?
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