![]() Author has written 8 stories for Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Misc. Games, Familiar of Zero, Madness Combat, No More Heroes, and Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru. Hello there... This is Random Author speaking. I used to draw terrible but enjoyable comics and wrote random shit for ideas and talking with my friends for some inspirations during my high school years. Now I am currently in College studying Computer Science in a two-year course, but I am still waiting for that Animation lessons...hopefully. (IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, AND I AM UNSURE ABOUT IT.) If you are going to ask, then yes I read some comics or webcomics, mangas/anime, movies, and other fan-fictions on this site. Let's get it started by listing on how many stories that have been constructed inside my head for years already. By the way, I have a DeviantArt account by the name of Subzonianthesecond. Some planned stories that I might get started on sooner: 1.) ChangED of Events It was supposed to start off as a slow Mystery type of story until it became a climactic battle for the entire country, but since I was so busy with other stories that I have to excuse this story for a while until I can think up more chapters since it is on 2 chapters. 2.) SUNDOWN SEVEN 3.) FOREVER CONFLICT 4.) Ed Edd n Eddy NOIR 5.) STATE OF TRADE 6.) Spiderman: The Skull Case 7.) Lylat Chronicles: Tom's Journey 8.) Subzone Universe presents: Unionwealth and Beyond the Gate 9.) The Second New World (Still in planning stages) 10.) The Familiar with the Colony (ONGOING) These are my planned stories for Fanfiction for now. Second is the coming soon Subzone tales, my collection of stories from this universe: P.S. It can only be read on Fictionpress, but I'm busy. :( 1.) UNIONWEALTH: Eyes of the frontlines -As the Unionwealth Empire continues to expand its territories across the omniverse, how does it feels like to be in the place of the Unionwealth Clondros as they faced countless dangerous obstacles that were thrown at them? -This is a good starting place for readers if they want to know more about the Unionwealth Empire. 2.) COSMOWEALTH: The Endless Dominion -Known to be the Arch-rival of the Unionwealth, the Cosmowealth Federation's members and clondros are known to be militaristic and violent but obedient and disciplined at the same time. -A perfect starting point for readers if they want to know if the Cosmowealth Federation even has a heart and soul even though they are ridiculously dangerous. 3.) CYBERIAN: Extermination to Evolution -Popular for their tactics of 'recycle, develop, upgrade, and repeat'. You are about to read random characters about their encounters with the Cyberian Legion. -Want to know more about the endless armada of cyborg-aliens that earned the galactic-level threats, then this is the story for you. 4.) WARPED FRAGMENTS: Loyal, Crazy, Determined -Worships a crazy nigh-omnipotent being, insanity makes them dangerous, grants unimaginable reality-warping powers, and endless fun time! -Are you interested? Go and take a read. 5.) SKY QUEEN: The Beginnings 6.) GROX & BENJAMIN: Omniverse Enforcer |