Author has written 6 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Sons of Anarchy, Death Sentence, and Supernatural. Hi my name's Allie and I LOVE writing! Anything that has to do with Sons of Anarchy, POC, Harry Potter, and Twilight= love. I ADORE my readers and reviewers (who can honestly say are the best ;) ). You guys are the reason I continue to write! I am currently a student in college but writing is my world. I have about a million different nicknames for some strange reason 0.o. I love when my readers actually talk to me and tell me what they liked OR disliked in my stories. Constructive criticism is my best friend. And the Story Goes- On Hiatus for now His Great Enemy- COMPLETED His Great Legacy- On Hiatus, but I've recently decided to continue it so no fear fans of this series! I intend to finish it (hopefully). Out of Time- ughh another story on HIATUS :( but it shall be finished I promise! Shadow- Work in Progress, but my favorite story I've written and being updated regularly now! UPDATE: HEY GUYS! JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I NOW HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT WHERE YOU CAN ASK ME QUESTIONS, GIVE ME YOUR INPUT, AND FIND OUT RANDOM FACTS ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! WHO KNOWS, WE CAN EVER COLLABORATE!! FOLLOW ME AT: |