![]() Author has written 16 stories for Gundam Seed. OMG THIS IS GETTING SO WEIRD! I HATE MY PROFILE PAGE= okey. done splurting, For those of you who are simply weirded out right now, I apologize. I'm not really that kind of person.. Hmm.. speaking about that I'll just go and list some random stuff... 1. I am Filipino! Yes another filipno writer... 2. Me a She 3. Right now my favourite show is Gundam Seed...Just because of Athrun and Cagalli . 4. I used to like Inuyasha, I still do , but not as much anymore... Although I still do like reading stories about the series... 5. Most of the time I laugh at almost any joke you throw at me... 6. I'm a very dedicated student, but very lazy when it is hard work... FAVOURITE COUPLES Those That I know Of 1. Athrun and Cagalli from Gundam Seed! WHo wouldn't like this couple? I mean look at them! Athrun the red knight or should I say the extremly cool pilot of the Aegis and the Justice! Then there is Cagalli, The Princess of Orb who is dedicated to her country and who has quite a hot temper. She also loves spicy food! Spicy food is awesome! They are basically opposites, but not as far off as it seems.. the both of them are children of politicians.. if that's what you would call them..Their personallities are different which is why we love them so much. No one would be a better couple then them. They worry for each other and care for each other and would do anything to protect the other from getting hurt... 2. Miroku and Sango from Inuyasha! I would have to say they are also one of the best couples ever. Sano is a demon slayer with no family left except for her brother.. and from what we conclude she is afraid of love. Although I'm not patronizing her for it, it is just a fact. Miroku is a lecherous monk with handsome looks that could kill, well maybe not the kill part. Anyways his main goal in life is to find a woman to bear his children. That woman would be Sango, although only after they defeat Naraku. DUring their battles with Naraku and his minions, they both start to find out their true feelings for one another, and in some parts they even show that they care for one another. About number six...I am stitting right here in front of my computer now when I'm supposed to be doing my speeches, but I'm typing my story... That should tell you something lol... feb. 24.07 You know what I just noticed? You're not supposed to put in prevews... : that's kinda weird... and yet sad... |