It's been a routine for him to wait his cab nearby the huge building every 5 in the evening. Five to ten minutes later, she will come down and miraculously she will opened the door to his cab, gave him a small smile and he nodded in reply. Then, he will hear her talking through the phone to someone.

Today was no surprise as he seated there, fingers drumming the steering wheel while waited for her to come down from the building and as usual receiving her smile and drive off to her house which is extremely a long way but every time he felt it extremely short.

He knew nothing about that woman only her name as Cagalli Yula Attha that he dumbly got it from the evening news. He always thought she was magnificent, a business woman and a very successful one as well. The first time he had her as her passenger, he never failed to stop there every five in the evening to wait for her.

He thought why is he doing so considering there are so many people would love to get a rid in his cab since it was one hell of a traffic jam around this time of day but he would always placed the out of order card on the front mirror and removed it when she arrives. He shook his head in disbelief.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard someone came in. He turned around and saw her smile at him and he smile back in reply.

"Good evening Miss." He greeted her.

"Good evening." She replied. He was amazed to see how she managed to bring up such bright smile after a tiring day at work. If him, he would rather glare at everyone he saw rather than smiling.

"Where do you want to go miss?" he asked even though he knew exactly where she would go and which route he will take her. She gave him the do- you-even- have –to-ask look at him and never failed accompanied by a smile.

"Very well then miss. Sit tight." He took of the out of order card, pulling the gear and drove off. It's a long way to go before he reached the destination and no one is talking, not that they ever started to begin with.

Today was different he thought. He heard no mobile phone ringing and he did not hear her voice. It was silence. Through the rear mirror, he looked at her. He saw her silently sat there, staring outside the mirror looking at the passersby. He returned his gaze to the road, thinking every minute why she isn't talking on the phone and he thought that he was like a busy body caring about just everything that has no concern with him.

It's just him; he could stop wondering just like how he couldn't stop waiting for her every evening. He did nothing but just shrugged but he would prefer to hear her voice but yet he didn't have the courage to voice up a conversation.


She looked at her watch and hoped that the time quickly passes by. Few more minutes it would be five o'clock and she wanted nothing to catch a cab and go home. Sure as a business woman, she had her own car but after the day her car broke down, she prefers catching a cab home or somewhere else.

When she reached the ground floor and out of the building, the first thing she wanted to see is that particular cab she was waiting for. She saw him waited there on the opposite and she noticed with the usual out of order card on the mirror. She smiled…in fact she couldn't stop smiling every time she saw that cab just reserved for her.

She opened the door to the cab and saw him turned around to greet her. She smiled back at him and the usual routine kept on replaying itself with only one difference, she wasn't on the phone.

She wonders if he noticed this…


Few more turns, he's going to reach her home or more precisely the junction to her home. She always asked him to stop there and through the rear mirror, she watched her walked in to the housing area without knowing exactly where she lives.

He was curious actually, a successful business woman like her supposes to have cars and drivers but why is she taking a cab home every night? He let it off considering he would like best if this routine replaying itself everyday.

"We're here miss." He stopped the car, pulled on the hand-brake.

"How much is it?" her voice, he noticed was a little disappointed and he wonders why.

"350 bucks please." He said looking at the meter and she handed it to him, hand touching slightly. He felt the warm crept onto his cheek staining them with pink. He looked away immediately.

"Thank you Miss."

"You are welcome and thank you." She closed the door and walked off. He waited for a moment seeing her walk off and then drove away.

Another day of silence…


Cagalli looked at the driving away cab and sighed heartily. She walked towards the black car waited for her and entered.

"I guess he didn't notice after all." But her frown turned into a smile in just a mere second. There would be tomorrow.

Author's Note:

I can't help to write this one down when I got this idea when I'm taking my bath. I was considering whether it should be a one-shot or a continuous but it seems like it will be a continuous.

P/S: Please review and tell me what you think of it and I'm sorry for any grammatical errors.