Author has written 8 stories for No Game, No Life/ノーゲーム・ノーライフ, KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World, Avengers, Worm, Warframe, Persona Series, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, and Fate/stay night. Hello, it is I, the self-proclaimed scrublord and ruler of all. Yes, my life is sad. Anyway, my real name shall not be disclosed (cause its boring) and I am seventeen this year (2018). My writing is kinda meh to be honest and I'm just doing it cause I love, love, LOVE AUs. Ever since I read my first fanfiction on this website (All The Dementors of Azkaban by LifeWriter), I've been hooked. IMPORTANT has been banned in my home country. I cannot do anything about it. Right now I'm using the mobile app to write and read stories. Also, VPNs. Stories Remembrance : I just had to do it. Sora and Shiro, Riku and Shuvi are so cute together. Creeping Insanity : As a warning, this story is quite general - you could probably replace the names with any couple out there. Somewhat inspired by my friend DarkERB's tragedy "Be Careful What You Blow Up". Honestly, a tortured Megumin is something I don't think I've seen anyone try so... ye... Goddess of Spiders : I had this idea after reading one too many Avengers fanfics, especially one with Peter lifting Thor's hammer. I've decided to leave this on a permanent hiatus until I can come up with a plotline thats not too cliche. Emotions : Seeing Vision and Wanda have a moment in the Infinity War trailer gave me the idea to write this. I'm happy with it even though its short. An Everlasting Spark : Really enjoy playing Warframe and I wanted to share my favourite couple with a short. EmberFrost forever! Dance of Spears : Came to me after I finished reading a Worm fanfiction. What if OP Taylor with all the shards was in the Grail War? Also just wanted to give Rin Saber lmao. She deserves a better servant than EMIYA xD. The Many Personas of Taylor Hebert : Got really into Persona and Worm crossovers so I thought why not write a cross between the two. Hopefully, I can get one chapter out every week. Drafts Vengeance 1.2 - Taylor starts training herself, physically, mentally and magically. Also, meetings with at least 2 other Persona. (Nope not telling you yet) That's all currently. I'm quite a slow writer but I'll update you peeps if I have anything else on the drawing board. Friends Check out my Knights of the Round Table :3 DarkERB (The best writer and Adviser of DOOM) Tasha2704 (Diehard Gilgamesh fangirl. Literally ships him with everyone) Lecaveman (The pretty boy shoutacon. Cause... shoutacon :3) |