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Joined 10-02-05, id: 906763, Profile Updated: 06-25-20
Author has written 6 stories for Hobbit.

People who meet me in real life would probably never guess so, but the inside of my mind is a very strange place indeed, filled to the brink with imaginary landscapes and populated by an assortment of fictional characters that won't stop talking, day and night. Fanfiction has been my outlet for that for a long time, before I even knew that there was a word for what I was doing and that there were others out there who enjoy spinning tales about the characters and stories we love as much as I do.

I love fanfiction as a means of creative expression and a way to engage with the stories and fictional worlds we encounter and fall in love with. I don't think I'll ever tire of it.

When it comes to fanfiction I'm a sucker for a good romance, especially since my OTPs tend to be doomed from the beginning.

Favorite pairings:

The Hobbit: Kíli/Tauriel, Fíli/Sigrid, Thorin/Bilbo

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swan

Harry Potter: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape

Sherlock: John/Sherlock

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Isolation by Bex-chan reviews
He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with epilogue.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 49 - Words: 284,050 - Reviews: 17341 - Favs: 30,115 - Follows: 16,575 - Updated: 1/4 - Published: 9/2/2010 - Hermione G., Draco M. - Complete
Your Touch by freehugs9 reviews
Both Baz and a gremlin are driving Simon crazy, but as usual, there's so much he doesn't know. His problems are about to get a whole lot bigger. Lots of Snow/Baz. :) Thanks, Idonotthinkthatwordmeans for being my beta!
Carry On - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 50,221 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 3/5/2019 - Published: 1/17/2019 - Simon Snow, Baz Pitch - Complete
Camerado by MillieJoan reviews
Hermione seeks knowledge from a reluctant Snape in order to help the War effort. What she receives is more than either of them expected. Set beginning in Hermione's sixth year, continuing into a slightly AU post-DH era.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 259,165 - Reviews: 1469 - Favs: 1,946 - Follows: 1,474 - Updated: 2/4/2016 - Published: 5/26/2009 - Severus S., Hermione G. - Complete
Lost Rhapsody by DarkMignonette reviews
He loved her alien beauty, his warrior of the earth. Against his better judgement, Kili follows the red-haired elf into the dark sanctuary of Mirkwood. Confessions and hesitations under the oaks. (Kili x Tauriel). [Hiatus.]
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,459 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 93 - Updated: 6/5/2014 - Published: 4/21/2014 - Kíli, Tauriel
The Heart In The Whole by verityburns reviews
Events after 'The Great Game' leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own... Hurt/Comfort, Romance. Slash. Now with PODFIC!
Sherlock - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 105,095 - Reviews: 1968 - Favs: 4,054 - Follows: 994 - Updated: 5/14/2011 - Published: 10/29/2010 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Road Less Traveled by verityburns reviews
Sherlock realises that John's dating habits involve an unacceptable level of risk... what if he meets an unusually tolerant woman and ends up getting married? Slash / Romance / Angst / Humour ... Now with added Christmas!
Sherlock - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 76,886 - Reviews: 1557 - Favs: 3,357 - Follows: 748 - Updated: 12/25/2010 - Published: 9/4/2010 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Occluded Soul by Aurette reviews
Severus Snape did what he thought he needed to do to get the job done and broke himself. Years later, Hermione Granger realizes that he had been counting on her to fix him. Dark, SS/HG. AU after HBP
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 87,039 - Reviews: 1648 - Favs: 2,195 - Follows: 368 - Updated: 10/22/2010 - Published: 10/18/2010 - Severus S., Hermione G. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Stepping Stones reviews
A collection of one-shots set in the same universe as my stories "The Gift" and "192 Days Without My Brother". In Part I ("Ripples") Tauriel has some serious concerns about baked goods and makes an unexpected discovery. Fluff with a tiny bit of Angst. AU.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,242 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Published: 7/21 - [Tauriel, Kíli] Elvenking Thranduil
192 Days Without My Brother reviews
Companion fic to my story "The Gift" - Fíli POV. For the first time in his life, Fíli feels alone. And that scares him even more than the new responsibilities placed onto his shoulders as young King under the Mountain. But even in those dark days after the battle, there's hope to be found. If only he has the courage to let himself reach for it. AU, Fíli/Sigrid.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 31 - Words: 119,968 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 1/30 - [Fíli, Sigrid] Dwalin, Balin - Complete
The Gift reviews
Many have given their life in the great battle. Those who survived will be forever changed by what happened. Grief, guilt, but also love drive the survivors to some unexpected decisions. A Kíli/Tauriel story. Post BotFA. AU.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 40 - Words: 182,234 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 10/19/2019 - Published: 11/1/2017 - [Kíli, Tauriel] Elvenking Thranduil - Complete
Starless Skies reviews
Kíli and Tauriel have fought many battles in order to be with each other, have overcome many obstacles. Now that they are finally allowed a shot at happiness, they realize that maybe their greatest challenges still lie ahead of them. Sequel to my story "Only the Stars Were Watching." Rated M for mature content in some (but not all) chapters.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 114,872 - Reviews: 360 - Favs: 229 - Follows: 272 - Updated: 8/8/2015 - Published: 10/12/2014 - [Kíli, Tauriel] - Complete
Someone Like You reviews
After having watched Laketown burn, Kíli and Tauriel struggle with the decisions of those whom they have pledged to follow. With the odds against them more than ever, will they find a way to be with each other? Kíliel romance. Rated M for mature content in Chapter II.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,496 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 9/22/2014 - Published: 9/20/2014 - [Kíli, Tauriel] - Complete
Only the Stars Were Watching reviews
"Sometimes it is in times of great despair that we realize what we truly want and that we find the strength to create something new." Kíli fell silent for a moment. Then he smiled at Tauriel. "Sometimes, my mother really has a way with words." - Story follows Kíli and Tauriel after DoS. What will become of the bond that they have formed? Rated M for later chapters.
Hobbit - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 29 - Words: 100,350 - Reviews: 247 - Favs: 388 - Follows: 218 - Updated: 8/15/2014 - Published: 3/16/2014 - [Kíli, Tauriel] Legolas, Fíli - Complete