Author has written 11 stories for Star Ocean, Fruits Basket, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Harry Potter. Once upon a time, deep in a kingdom whereno one ever smiled, lived a boy with very strong dreams. His dreams were so strong and so loud, louder than anyone else's in the world, that one day they were allowed to come true. The boy, tired of always being sad, wanted to go to the other half of the world. The two planets had once been connected, but were split during a great war in the far past. The boy figured, if his kingdom was so full of sadness, maybe the other side of the world would be full of joy. So the boy travelled there with the help of the stars, and safely arrived on the other side of the world. His predictions were true; the grass was green, the sky was blue, and everyone was happy. Here the boy lived peacefully...until one day a little girl died. The boy weeped and weeped, but everyone around him just smiled. "Stop crying." they'd say. "Here, we are only allowed to be happy." The boy looked around him in disbelief. He was so angry, all their smiling faces were just making it worse. The boy was very confused. He simply could not stay here, but he didn't wish to return to his kingdom and wallow in sadness forever. He wanted to be happy, but there were times when he also needed to be sad. So, he decided, he would re-join the two worlds as that once were. The problem was, no one would agree. "Why should we join them?" the happy world said. "Why would we want to be sad?" "We'll never join them!" the sad world cried. "What is there to be happy about? That was when both worlds began to shake. All around them, mountains collapsed and giant waves destroyed the lands. "...Because." the boy replied, finally understanding. "Happiness and sadness are one in the same. One cannot exist without the other." The two worlds, listening to the wise boy's words, began to join. The shaking stopped. The mountains stood still. The water receeded back into the ocean. The people rejoiced, happy that peace had returned, yet sad over those who were lost in the chaos. And the world lived on. Yes...I wrote this myself. Check out my artwork! O o http:///deviation/22092805/ Things that Aki likes: Curry Flavored Thai Noodles Cheesecake Yaoi Moseph J. Remmington Thing that Aki will destroy on sight: Cheerleaders Bugs Homophobes Internet typing (wuts up dudez, I is li3k so stoopid) |