Here's a short story in dedication to my life. Yeah.


Riku is a stud. Flat out. He flirts with EVERYONE and anyone. Even old ladies, no joke.

So when he struts over and wants to hold my hand or cuddle with me, there's no way I can take it seriously.
But god do I want to. I want to be able to think that he likes me best.

I try to push him away, try to explain to him that he's breaking my heart, but I always get lost in the moment and give in to his temptations. How dumb am I?

It's bliss for a while, until he leaves me to go do the same thing with some bimbo. Kairi only ever talks about him lately. She thinks she's in love. Ha. That's a laugh. Kairi wouldn't know a proper emotion if it ran up and pulled her pants down.

But who am I kidding? I'm just Sora, some guy that's not really important or popular...Just a normal guy. Sure, Riku and I are best friends, but that's all the more reason for him not to fall for me, aside from the fact that we're both guys.

This process continues, but it gets better! I have a million girls glaring at me at all times of the day. All my so called friends won't even speak to me anymore. GOD. Riku, I love you, but you're a slut.

I don't even know what to do.

It's so hard to break free.

It's so hard...because I want you to touch me the way you do. Only, I want you to do it only for me. Only for me.
Is that selfish?

I don't even know.


Ha, yeah. I'm at summer camp right now and having these sort of troubles. None of my friends like me anymore. I'm causing problems for the other people that like him. But HE comes up to ME. Be mad at HIM, jeez. But, yeah. It's just got me a little down. : 'Night loves.