Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, and Buffy X-overs. Thanks to my reviewers so far. I won't be adding individual responses as I heard somewhere they were banned, or going to be banned. Anyway I do appreciate the reviews. Thanks. Apologies for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, I'm not being beta-read at the moment. If you spot any, let me know and I'll fix them. A quick update. My fan fiction writing has slowed down a bit, partly because of other projects. I've got a new live journal account which is going to have some of my original stories as well as a few pieces of fan fiction that aren't posted here. It's also going to include some autobiographical work. The link is: http:///. Please check it out. If you like original science fiction work I am currently re-writing my unfinished NaNoWriMo 2005 project and posting it on my live journal. It is called Division D. I may not write much HP slash, but that is purely how I see these particular characters. However in my original work there will be reference to gay, particularly lesbian, relationships so if you are offended, then don't read it. I am currently working on a couple of ideas that might come to something and might not. One is a searching for Horcruxes time travel fic, the other is a 7th year Marauders fic for which I have, at the moment, one scene with a drunken Lily and Sirius in James's house, for which, it has been brough home to me, I need to write some background or I'll upset people. Unfortunately it would then be just background and silly drunk scene which is too shallow for a multi-chapter fic so I need to find a plot first. This plot will probably be Sirius, Lily and James all coming to terms with Lily and James's relationship. It kind of fits in with my Petunia fic as a sort of sequel to that at the moment. I also have a vague plot bunny for a more R-Rated fic around the sado-masochism of the concept of Death Eaters. If I write this, it probably won't be posted here, although I couldn't resist throwing a few hints in my Pettigrew fic below. Quick update: added a new short story, a concept that was originally going to be a flashback in a marauders story, but I've converted it to canon years. The story is Girl talk and it's set in the fourth floor girls toilets (where else). My most recent fan fiction story below is a very brief, silly little piece, called Muggle Relations. I wrote it for the Muggle Studies challenge at the Sugar Quill and am re-posting it here. Peter's Friends is a one-shot. I've recently re-written and lengthened it. My view of Pettigrew is a slightly different one to most fics I've read. There are some sado-masochistic references, although they are not overt. Pink is another one-shot, at the moment. This is exploring a totally different idea (well several totally different ideas actually!) and looks at the idea of accidental magic in a muggle-born family. I have a possible expansion idea that I'm not certain is going to come to anything. Everyone Knows, my AU, is not abandoned, although it might feel like that. I am struggling with it at the moment but there will be more coming. Who am I? is a one-shot based in the Everyone Knows universe. It is just a little insight into a minor character who appeared only briefly in EK. The Whys of Petunia has been expanded and updated and Beta-read (unlike any of my other fics). It's my current second favourite (after Peter's Friends) so please check it out. Ickle Firsties I think I'm abandoning as it is getting nowhere at the moment. Circular Reasoning & Circular Reasoning: Lily's Diary. These two are my first proper complete multi-chapter fics. Although I want to go back and do them again better now! I'm not going to, however, at the moment. Finally, Look Mummy No Hands is just a little song-fic about the joys and pains of motherhood. |