Author has written 10 stories for Inuyasha, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Immortal, and Power Rangers. What do I love? That's obvious by looking at my favourites list! It's Startrek, Seaquest, and Batman. Ok! The batman thing is not so obvious but it is a love of mine! I just have yet to look at the batman fan fiction, but it will come soon. I love crossovers! i.e. StarTrek meets StarWars,Seaquest meetsDark Angel, Seaquest meets Highlander, Batman meets Superman... etc!etc! You get the point! I'm Canadian eh? Gotta love those moose and beavers! Although most love us for our beer, hockey and sparkling cleancities! And NO! It does not snow in the summer! Except in green land, parts of russia, the north pole (which is technically part of Canada) and Antartica. And NO! I do not own a pet beaver. I own a polar bear. His name is fluffy!(just kidding!) I like some mary sues but have never written one. (I dream some Mary Sue stories, but who doesn't?) I love mary sue spoofs! i.e. The guide to StarWars Sue! (it was hilarious!) I'm a dog person, not a cat person. (This is a very important fact to know) Who do I love? Harper (so cynical! So meant for moi!) from Andromeda! Wesley (a cute dork) from Star Trek : TNG! Jessie (pure eye candy + sweet and sensitive) from Mutant X! Robin (bad boy superhero and hotty) from TeenTitans! Anikan (great bod in Ep. 3) and Obi Wan (looking sexy angsty in Ep.1 )from StarWars! Goodwin (clumsy, cute, angsty dork) from The Immortal! Simon (the sexiest doctor in the galaxy)from Firefly! That's about it! Please be kind! always R & R (read & review) your fellow fanfiction.The writers appreciate it! Thanks! |
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