Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Hello everyone! I'm a new author here and I hope that this site doesn't delete my account, 'cause I write some very dark and violent stuff. Oh, and I'm into yaoi! O_o Welllll, anyway... About me: Favorite Anime (Not in order): Favorite Books (Not in order): Favorite T.V. Shows If there is one thing you should know about me it is that I have had to deal with a lot in my life, a dysfunctional family, harrasment and much, much more. So writing became my release from the world. So for all those who might think it is fun to TRY and insult me, go ahead and try. I really won't care 'cause I've put up with far worse than anything you can say, trust me. This isn't meant to offend anyone, but a friend of mine got a lot of harrasment from people on this site (not that she cared either). Other than that, I hope to meet some other good authors and readers as well. Just glad to be here! Story Status: |