Author has written 6 stories for Inuyasha, and Wolf's Rain. Name- Ashley Age- 14 Sex- Female. Location- Michigan Description- I am 5'6 , purple and brown eyes. Current Relationship Status- Single, and lovin' it! Race- I am Polish and German. Fave Colour: Grey, Pink, Green, and Purple. Shows I Like- Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Whitch Hunter Robin, FMA, Tokyo Mew Mew, Teen Titans, Code Lyoko, Samuri Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Family Guy, American Dad. Shows I Hate- alot :D Best Pairings- Inuyasha & Kagome, Sango & Kagome, Sesshy & Kagome, Blue & Higae, Robin & Micheal, Robin & Amon, Ed & Winrey, Yumi & Ulrich, Star & Robin, Star & Raven, Kyo & Tohru Okay, writers bloch for What is Love? Sry, i'm adding bits and pieces each day it's more then half done. I'll try to get it up. There are only 15 more chapters left. Stories Death and Back: Kogome's death has shaken all her friends but one more then others. Inuyasha's mind keeps replaying the scene of her death. What if Naraku some how brings his soul back along with somebody else Live With The Blame: When Kagome was 13 a tragedy hit her family, she blames the whole thing on herself. Kagome has hiden what happened in her family and when people ask about it she lies. What will Kagome tell her friends and Inuyasha. ~Completed~ The Pain: A poem when Kagome catches Inuyasha with Kikyo...together. She runs home and writes this. Vengeance Is A Powerful Thing: Blue is just a regular teenage girl right? Yeah if you consider someone who has no family, on a mission to avenge thier parents death, has no friends, oh did i mention she is half dog half wolf. Blue's search for her parents killer brings her to Tokyo ,Japan. What is Love: Kagome Higurashi is a stripper who will have sex with anyone who asks. Inuyasha is a thug who could give a shit. what will happen when thier worlds collide? Why: Blue and Higae are best friends then their parents made them move. They did promise before they departed to see each other 9 years later at their old hang out. Wait who is that with Blue's Higae? What will happen? Story Ideas It's funny how we run out of time so fast: ~sequel to Death and Back~Kagome's and Inuyasha's life has been perfect since Kagome's been back. They are soon to be married and expecting twins soon enough. But tables have turned for our couple and it's a race against time to keep Kagome alive. Rated T Fighting demons,becoming a half demon, getting married? All in a days work: ~sequel to Live with the Blame~ Kagome Higurashi has told the past of her life that she knows. But what happens when she turns into a half demon for more then one reason? Can the happy couple keep it together during this time? Or will their world come crashing down? Rated M Inuyasha's cries for Kagome's help.: Kagome and Inuyasha are in love, they know that and their friends know that. Why won't they tell each other. I guess they have to face death before actually telling each other. Rated T Cutting, Suicide, and Depression. Just a normal life: Kagome comes back to the feudal era down, everyone tries to figure out what's wrong. She says nothing, when in truth her grandfather has died, her mother is sick, and Souta is in the hospital.What is a girl to do? Rated M When flying feel like falling: Kagome Higurashi is a normal 16 year old girl right?...wrongo! Her mother has passed away leaving her with her abusive father. She turns to drugs, and alcohol to realive her pain. She doesn't have friends in fear of them finding out, her life changes when she meets Inuyasha Tashio Rated M When falling feels like flying: ~sequel to when flying feels like falling~ ?don't wanna give anything away? My new yahoo account is Goth_Grrl92@ or hangingonmycrucifix4728@ Myspace- http:///4everoutoflove Quizilla- http:///users/ Soon to come are Liver Journal and Xanga :P WARNING: STORIES THAT ARE RATED M MIGHT BE RATED BECAUSE VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, CUTTING, AND RAPE IN SOME. THE ONLY ONES THAT WILL HAVE LEMONS IN ARE 'LIVE WITH THE BLAME', 'WHAT IS LOVE', AND 'FIGHTING DEMONS, BECOMING A HALF DEMON, GETTING MARRIED? ALL IN A DAYS WORK'. |