A/N: This story originally has NC-17 content. For I've been asked to remove those parts so I will have to post around the actually scene; only giving the illusion of what had happened.

If this doesn't work out, I'll take it down again

Flashbacks are represented in italics

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha




"God damn all of those filthy bastards..."

The man growled inhumanly within the darkened room as he reached for lamp at his side. Lifting the item above his head, he all but demolished the delicate valuable into pieces on the soft carpet. He stomped on the shattered crystals, barely cringing, as the glass pierced through his sandals.

"Those bastards don't fucking trust me...yet" He growled viciously, turning to glare at a lone form on the four post bed "This is all your fault" he called in harshness "Get your ass over here now"

Slowly, the human slid off the bed and walked shakily to the enraged man, as was expected of her, and knelt to the ground. Her body trembled below him as her head remained bowed. She closed her eyes, waiting for her sentence……




The earsplitting scream of a woman instantly shook him from his slumber as he looked around for the source. The ears on top of his head twirled around pinpointing the sound, but there was no need to find the source. For, realization hit him quickly as he ran to his bedroom where the young girl was sleeping.

"Kagome!" he screamed out, nearly bringing the door out of its misery "What's--?"

His face fell as all he saw was an empty room, void of creatures that had been concocted in his mind. The only thing he saw was a paled girl breathing heavily as her body trembled rather violently. Though, just as on previous occasions there were no tears.

Her eyes were wide, as if the scream had startled her just as much as him. Her face looked paler than normal, her frame feeble and more than vulnerable.

Her eyes shifted quickly to his, growing all the more wide in fear as her body curled up into a ball, her back pressing against the back board. The board vibrated with her quivering, causing the wall it was set against to shake.

She looked completely terrified of him.

Hesitantly, he took slow steps to the bed, keeping eye contact with her, as she shifted away from his approaching form. His rear sunk into the mattress as he seated himself a distance from the disoriented girl.

"Kagome" he said her name softly, more so then he usual spoke to her or anyone "What's with the look? What's with the scream---Was it a dream...?"

Her eyes glazed slightly, though not shifting her lock from his golden orbs. Slowly, she nodded her head as if she was just coming to realize what ever had frightened her was a mere dream.

"You up for telling me?"

He mentally rolled his eyes. The girl hadn't talked the duration of her stay, so like hell was she going to open up now; but what else was he supposed to say? He never had to deal with situations as these before. He was a loner not a comforter.

As if sensing his discomfort towards the situation, her body slowly relaxed, enough to bring her legs a little out in front of her. Seeing that he wasn't the one to fear, she sighed, wrapping her arms around slim limbs and looked down to her toes.

He sighed too, watching the actions "Y'alright now?"

Not expecting her to answer he stood to re-pile the tossed blankets around her. Convincing himself that he had at least done part of a good job, since she no longer looked frightened, he turned heading for the door.

Back in the living room he reclaimed his spot on his makeshift bed. Since he had, against his better self, taken her in as a guest he allowed her to his bed while he would lounge on the couch. He didn't mind much and she sure looked like she needed some good warm bedding from her state.

She had been with him for two weeks now. Two weeks where she hadn't said a word. The only time she had spoken was when he had taken her in the first time. She had talked a lot then, with such power and force. That's how he had gotten her name.

But since he rescued her the second time, ordering that she stay with him until her health returned, she hadn't said a word.

Few emotions took her face, no sounds of protest or of fear claiming her lips. It was a point where he had almost believed she was soulless, though she did have movement just limited. And against himself and everything he was about, he couldn't help the tiny feeling of worry he had for her.

He knew nothing of her past or why she was running aimlessly through his forest to begin with. She didn't talk, move for herself, and it was more than a difficult task to get her to eat. Her body didn't look decomposed, just worn. When he had helped her change into better clothes the first night the bruises on her body only made him worry more.

How had she gotten them? And who had given them to her?

If only she would talk--like the night he had first seen her...




"Get. Me. Out. Of. Here."

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow from his spot in front of the door. The girl looked about ready to take him out--laughable--despite her overall appearance that made her look ready to pass out.

He'd seen a lot of humans in the time he had lived in the forest, but she sure took the cake for looking bad. Her clothes were torn, her face and hair were covered with mud, and don't even get him started on the horrible scent that was her fresh blood.

His silence seemed to anger her "I said let me pass!"

"What? So I have to rescue you from another fuckin' demon!" he snorted, leaning against the door that she was trying to exit from "There will be no second time of saving your ass so--"

"No! They're won't be, so just let me pass!" In her anger, she reached out for his arm in attempt to move him herself. But, oh gods, was that a bad move. It had been years since anyone dared touch Inuyasha, and with good reason.

His patience with the woman snapped, and before he could stop himself he had lifted her off her feet, walked over to his room, and dumped her on the bed. The whole time his face was heated and a growl remained in the back of his throat.

"You are staying with me" His nature now would to start swearing and cursing his head off at her, but she seemed to have changed herself completely before him. Instead he bit his tongue only able to ask "What's your name?"

The girl's eyes dimmed, the already pale color leaving her face. She bowed her head, shifting away from him "Kagome"




A light swish of cloth had him shaken from the memory as he raised his head to see Kagome standing in front of his little cot.

He blinked, unable to believe that she had made it all the way from the room by herself.

He had, until this point, carried her from place to place.

He raised an eyebrow, his voice barely a whisper "What is--?"

His eyes grew into an enormous size as the girl plopped into his lap, leaning forward to bury her face to his chest. He felt her small delicate hands clench against his robe as her body shifted more comfortably in his lap, curling into a ball against him.

His resolve was to snap, but that's when he heard it-- incredibly soft but there. The tiniest most pathetic, but audible to his ear, sound of a girl's sobs.

She was crying, he realized; trying to regain his composure and dismiss the blush that was beginning to tint his cheeks from the girl's unexpected presence. If she hadn't cried while being thrown around by the two demons, hadn't cried when she was bleeding...did something finally snap?

Forgetting the logic for the moment, he swallowed nervously as his arms slowly wrapped around her much like his mother had once done for him. With the contact she froze and silenced, as if not expecting to be comforted. He froze too, thinking he had just freaked her out. But if that was the case she would have backed off, instead she remained where she was, almost as if she was trying to see his intentions.

"Hey--it's alright" he said softly, wrapping his arms now firmly around her "It was only a dream., ya know…."

The words sounded so sappy and foreign traveling off his tongue. It was enough to make him want to punch himself in the face, though he pushed the thought aside as he felt her body relax to his once more. It was actually working...!

A hand lifted to pat her back a bit awkwardly in a sign of comfort. And soon with the soft whispers and gentle coaxing of his protective arms, she cracked.

Each cry that escaped her mouth, each tear that slid down her cheek, felt like a stab to his chest. It was painful to hear her cry, to feel her shake uncontrollably in his arms. And in that moment, he felt a surge of hatred for whoever had brought the girl into such a state of misery. In that moment, he wanted more than anything to kill whoever made her this way.

Silently, he vowed he'd find out. One way or another he'd find the tormentor and kill him.

But until then---

His arms held her tight as he leaned back, bringing her with him as his body reclined against a pillow. She didn't seem to notice the shift in positions, for as he lowered his face to catch a glance, he found she had drifted back to sleep.