"Kagome…we need to talk…" Inuyasha said nervously. Kagome sighed and stood up. Kagome knew she wouldn't be able to avoid this conversation, it

was inevitable. She was sure this conversation would be Inuyasha telling her she that she should not come with him anymore because she killed his first

and only love, even though earlier he said he didn't hate her, she was positive he was lying because she was crying then. Kagome's shoulders slumped,

as she walked in front of him into a more concealed part of the forest. "Well you know we had to talk about this sooner or later…"

Kagome took a deep breath and turned to face Inuyasha.

'Well here goes nothing…' she thought and opened her mouth to apologize. She didn't get the chance to because Inuyasha had already started talking.

"Kagome, There's something I need to tell you" Kagome winced

'Here it goes…the pain, the anger and the 'you stupid shard detector, don't ever come back!' Kagome bit her lip as if to silence her thoughts.

"When I was with Kikyou…"He noticed Kagome choking up again

'Great, good job, Inuyasha, how about making her cry a bit more huh?' The sarcastic voice in his head taunted him.

"I wasn't actually with Kikyou, she found me. I...I wasn't-"

"I...don't believe you" Kagome could feel her hands trembling slightly.

"Wh-what?" Inuyasha was in shock

"You heard me, I don't believe that you weren't looking for her, and even if you didn't find her, somehow, you probably followed her scent without even


Forgetting everything she regretted and her apology, her anger and pride took over, a bit like Inuyasha…

"You're forgetting I'm a human now, I can't smell!" He couldn't believe how ridiculous she was being, if he told her something, she should trust him,


"You still have some of you're demon senses, and since you were probably thinking about her after Sango left, you lead yourself right to her!" She was

blinded by her anger, and jealousy… all of the deep hurt feelings she had kept in, were coming up to the surface and exploding out of her mouth.

Inuyasha grabbed her hands.

"Kagome, stop being like this, I'm telling you I was wandering around, and she found me and started saying all this shit about me having to go to Hell

with her, and then she attacked me!" Since she was bigger than him now, she was able to wretch her hands from his tight grip. She turned her face away

from his.

"I wasn't thinking about Kikyou, I was thinking about…you." She turned her head towards him, and stared down at him with piercing amber eyes. No

wonder everyone was scared of Inuyasha whenever he stared down at them, it made him more appreciative of his uncommon feature.

"How about all the times you called me a 'just a little shard detector?' Huh? How about then?" He looked at Kagome directly in the eyes, and even

though they were his own eyes he could see the hurt that was in them, from her own life, and the hurt he had caused her over the months they spent

traveling together. He knew a simple apology wouldn't help him.

"Kagome…I'm really sorry I called you all those names. It wasn't really trying to hurt you, as it was to push you away so I could convince myself that I

didn't… love you." He looked to the ground and snorted a bit. "It didn't really work out." Kagome started at him with an expressionless face. He couldn't

even guess what she was thinking. He continued to stare at the ground.

'I knew it, Sango was wrong and Kikyou was right, she doesn't love me.' He thought furiously.

"She would never love a Hanyou like me!" He yelled out in his fury.

Kagome blinked a couple of times, when Inuyasha didn't hear her saying anything he spun around and crossed his arms around his chest. He stared at

the blue flowers growing at the base of a tree near him. He felt arms wrapped around him, startled he started to turn around but the weight pushed him to

the ground, and he lay on the ground starring into his own face.

"You… love me?" Kagome stared into her own face, which Inuyasha had 'borrowed'.

"Isn't that what I said?" Inuyasha spat hotly.

"You also said 'she would never like a Hanyou like you'? She meaning…?" Kagome said calmly. Inuyasha's brows furrowed, he was beginning to

become more confused every second so he answered slowly

"…you" Kagome's face cracked into a small, sweet smile. "Are you telling me what to do again?" Inuyasha squeaked, really confused.

"Why don't you ask me instead?" Kagome sat up right beside Inuyasha and pulled him up in a sitting position.


"Yes Inuyasha."

"Um…do you…would you ever love a Hanyou like me?" Inuyasha managed to get out. Kagome was quiet for awhile; she looked down at her clawed

fingers and back up at Inuyasha.

"I think…I already do love a Hanyou like you." Before the brilliant Inuyasha could ask who, both lurched forward and their foreheads collided, which got

a groan from both of them. Inuyasha, still holding his head looked up to meet Kagome's eyes. The last thing he remembered was Kagome's amber eyes

turning back to dark blue, and then everything was black. Inuyasha opened his eyes to find a grinning Miroku starring down at him.

"I see you are finally awake…Inuyasha" Miroku sneaked a side to his right and helped Inuyasha up from the ground.

"You okay buddy?" Miroku asked still grinning. 'What the hell's wrong with him' Inuyasha thought trying to figure how the pervert could always be so

chipper. Inuyasha grumbled thanks and started looking around for Kagome. Miroku stood suspiciously close to him with that irritating grin still on his

face. Inuyasha didn't notice though and continued looking for Kagome around the hut.

"Kagome woke up awhile ago; she went for a walk with Sango." Miroku explained. "Oh here they are now." As they saw Kagome and Sango join them in

the hut.

"How are you feeling…Inuyasha" Sango asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice too. "Perfect" Inuyasha sarcastically mumbled his eyes were glued to

Kagome who was finally back in her own body. He looked down at himself and realized he was dressed in his fire rat Hatori again. 'Finally'

He thought while hugging himself, glad to get out of that tight uniform and those awful shoes. He soon realized everyone else was staring at him,

hugging himself, and he quickly let go.

"Why, Kagome if you were that desperate for Inuyasha I'll gladly be of assistant." Miroku said to Inuyasha without realizing Kagome and he had

changed back into their own bodies. (Miroku still thinks Inuyasha is Kagome and Kagome is Inuyasha, oki doki?) Before the couple could get over

their embarrassment and pulverize the pervert. Miroku reached over, and Inuyasha felt that 'technique' he despised so much.

rub rub, squish squish

Kagome's mouth flew open; Sango's hand flew to her mouth, and Shippo who had chosen that moment to enter the hut, fainted. Inuyasha who had

gotten his demon strength back, spun around grabbed Miroku by his rattail and dragged him out of the hut where he disappeared into the forest, with

Miroku 'tagging' along behind him. The two girls and Shippo ran outside the hut to find 2 dug in heel marks from Miroku's slippers leading into the

forest, All 3 of them laughed so hard they were rolling on the ground trying to stop the tears from coming.

"Inuyasha, you're not going to leave him like that are you?" Sango was a bit worried.

""It serves him right, stupid Hentai!" He yelled up at the trees where Miroku could be seen hanged up from one of the branches by the back of his collar.

"I didn't know it was you! I'm sorrrrrry!" Miroku ailed. Inuyasha brushed his hands off while walking away.

"Hey! Wait you're not going to leave me up here are you!"

"Don't ever…EVER touch Kagome like that! Or me for that matter!" Inuyasha growled loudly feeling his possessiveness taking control of him.

Kagome who was startled by his outburst turned to Inuyasha, who looked at her. Neither noticed Sango grab Shippo who was still laughing at Miroku's

misfortune and walked away, leaving the two alone, excluding the pervert hanging out of a tree.

Kagome spoke up trying to fill in the awkward silence.

"It's uh good to be back huh?"

"Ya…Thank God I'm not in that girl body any more-" Was cut off by Kagome's angry response.

"What is that suppose to mean? I'm IN that girl body you're referring too!" Inuyasha's eyes widened and he quickly held up his hands in defense.

"No! It's just that when I was in your body I couldn't-"

"Couldn't what Inuyasha?" Kagome looked down already assuming it had something to do with Kikyou, but then she felt a finger pull her chin up and

then pair of warm arms around her waist.

"I couldn't do this" a hot breath whispered into her ear, and then the source of the warmth came closer and closer towards her own

lips. It was the sweetest and deepest kiss, Kagome just wanted to be safe in Inuyasha's arms forever and never let go, but soon the kiss ended and

Inuyasha, still breathless for it was the best kiss he ever had as well, he breathed "I love you, Kagome"

"I love you too, Yashie." A soft smile played on her lips from the light teasing, but Inuyahsa just smiled and leaned down for a playful, flirty kiss.

"Aww, how sweet! Now, be a dear and one of you two lovebirds please...GET ME DOWN!" could be heard way above from the treetops.

Kagome eeped and blushed slightly, completely forgetting Miroku was still up in that tree they were standing under. Inuyahsa grabbed her waist,

Kagome laughed and caught his hand and they both ran to the village, laughing, happy and in love.


"Hey, uhh is anyone down there? Inu-kuns? Kaggie? Sango? Shippo? ANYONE?...It's not funny anymore! Come on please? Pretty please?..."

Could be heard from the treetops.


I am done! Finito! Khalas! Finished! Yaay. Okay first of all you have no idea how sorry I am for taking so long to update the last chapter! I still hope I

have some readers left… it's been really crazy here. I had so many exams and now I'm in Lebanon for my summer 'vacation' and I'm happy I was able to

get on the internet to post this My dad brought me my laptop. And in case anyone is wondering. I'm in the mountains of Lebanon so I'm in a safe place

but I am a bit scared! But its okay I with my brother and my dad and my Mom is back in Canada though and I miss her lots aaand I have no idea when I'll

be able to get back home, I hope soon… Ookay well I hope you guys enjoyed this story and tell me if I ruined the end or what. lol. Woooow I can't

believe I finished ill try to post my thanks to every one of my reviewers when I get back home. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING AND


TTFN… Ta Ta for Now!
