Author has written 26 stories for Resident Evil, Legend of Zelda, Shadow Hearts, Tales of Symphonia, Elder Scroll series, Dragon Age, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and Walking Dead. That, above, is my Facebook page. Please, do Like it ;) Name : Gamesplayers Age : 26 Important : my maternal language is French. Do understand that when you read me, please. :) Bachelor degree in creative writing & script writing Minor degree in video game studies Internet degree in ranting ;) Stories I am writing or will write : Father : Resident Evil. Completed. Poem from Sherry to her father. Blue Eyes : Zelda. Completed. Link's reflection in a dark moment. Lady in Red : Tales of Symphonia. Rated M. Kratos & Anna. Completed. What happens when Anna and Kratos attend a ball together. Fluffness. The Meaning of Love : Tales of Symphonia. Rated M. Kratos & Yuan. Completed. Kratos is acting weird and Yuan insists on finding why. Temps : Zelda. Zelink. Complète. Link et Zelda se retrouve après bien des années simplement pour être séparés encore. You are my Moon : Shadow Heart : Covenant. Rated M. Yuri & Karin. Completed. Yuri and Karin admit their feelings to each other. Sexual Education : Tales of Symphonia. Kratos & Lloyd. Complete. Lloyd wonders if he's a normal guy or if he'll become some kind of serial rapist because of the wierd urges he got recently. So, he asks his father!! Father and son moment. Lloyd's sexual education! Please, Leave me :Tales of Symphonia. Raine and Kratos. Completed. T for mention of sexual acts. This is a one-shot I wrote because I needed to get some negative energy out. In fact, you've got a piece of my personal life right there. Impossible relationship is the theme here, and everything it brings. Experiences : Zelda. Sheik & Link. Completed. Rated M for lemon. This is a two-chapters story my friend, Chani, and me created. Link goes high with mushrooms and Sheik's got to deal with him. Stupidity, fluff and naughtiness. Enjoy. Whole : Zelda. Sheik & Link. Completed. Rated M for safety, mainly. This is a oneshot, angst story. I had the idea while showering yesterday (december 23th, 2009). It's all about Link's awakening as the Hero of Time, how he manages to fulfill his role as a Hero while he feels so very destroyed. Well... It's rather hard to describe, in facts. I recommend you read it. Much, much symbolism used. Sheik would be his salvation, in the end. :) Almost lemony scene at the end. Almost. Cold : Zelda. Link & Malon. Completed. Rated M because it's a very short lemony one-shot. This is a small something I wrote to prove my friend that Link would still be cool even if Malon would be down on her knees and well... Taking care of him in a back alley. Link is one hell of an asshole in that one. Read and Review, please! The Legend of Zelda : Twisted Destiny : Zelda. Link & OC. Sheik & OC. Oc & Oc. Completed. Rated M because there is enough lemon, yaoi, violence and "fuck" used. It is a remake of Ocarina of Time. In fact, it is how it would have turned out if Link had never reached Kokiri Forest and had been raised under Ganondorf's influence. Nobody-Alchemist and I's story. I just love my characterization of Link! Heavy Rain : Zelda. Link & Sheik. Completed. Rated T as nothing wild of any sort is involved. Dark and angst one-shot that was a challenge from Darklinkwolf1. Too Late : Zelda. Link & Zelda. Completed. Rated T for safety, mainly. Angst and mysterious one-shot as you know nothing of what is going on between them. Hero Hill : Oblivion. Dark Brotherhood. Completed. Rated T for safety. Angst and dramatic one-shot that shows the character's feelings after the Purification. Pillar : Dragon Age. Elissa Cousland & Alistair. Completed. Rated T for implied violence. Much like Hero Hill; the feelings of darkness that overcomes the noblewoman after the death of her family and how she sees Alistair as a source of strength. One-shot. Yours Truly : Dragon Age. City Elf & Zevran. Completed. Rated M for slight lemon. She is going to Amaranthine to train Wardens and Zevran is to stay behind and wait. Therefore, he decides to make sure she is his before she leaves. One-shot. Lucky Charm : Amnesia : The Dark Descent. Daniel. Completed. Rated K. As his insanity lowers, Daniel curls up near a candle to recover from that incredibly stressful meeting with a creature. And to comfort himself, all he can do is hug that peculiar lucky charm, his motivational item, that he found in the castle. Short one-shot. In The Darkness : Zelda. Zelda Link Completed. Rated M for safety, mainly. She had always loved the darkness. And in the darkness she condemned herself to stay. For he hated her light. And she loved his dark side Angst unresolved love affair between a princess and her hero who's history cannot be. Because I love drama. Short one-shot. The Master Sword : Zelda. Rauru and OCs. Completed. Rated K for mention of death. The story of the Master Sword told by Rauru. Tragedy as there is mention of character death. Takes part in chapter 15 of Twisted Destiny, but isn't covered in the story. No need to read TD to understand the one-shot. Beat You Within an Inch of Your Life : Zelda. Link and Girahim. Completed. Rated T for the fact that we're talking about yaoi. Short novelization of Girahim and Link's meeting in the first temple of the game. That scene got me laughing... And surprised. Way to go, Nintendo! Safe : Zelda. Fledge and Link. Completed. Rated T for mention of homosexuality. One-shot. Fledge, left in the sun, has nothing better to do than think, and think rhymes with Link. Wrote this for Princess-of-all-saiyins. The Legend of Zelda : Twisted Legacy : Zelda. The same characters are back, with new ones. In-Progress. Eighteen years before, Ganondorf was slain. Eighteen years before, the Hero of Time left Hyrule, and behind himself, a legacy of chaotic event and people who's story was not finished, who's world and life had only started... This is the story of their lives, of the Twisted Legacy that they have become. Rated M for a lot of violence, sexual matters and controversial stuff... -Chapter 9: Online.- Brothers : Walking dead. Rick grimes / Daryl Dixon. Completed. Not yaoi. Rated T for safety and swearing. Daryl isn't doing so good after Merle's death, but he hides it well. However, Rick sees through him and tries to make the Redneck talk. It takes some time, but Daryl finally opens up. And in the end, so does Rick about Lori. I've got stuff on under the same and eternal penname. Here's the link : http:///authors.php?no=1296879665 But for now, everything that is on is also here. Also, I have an account on fictionpress, but what's on it is in French... : |
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