Author has written 19 stories for Naruto, Spirited Away, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Fullmetal Alchemist, Digimon, CSI, One Piece, and Doctor Who. 6.1.07 - Hey there! I have no idea how many people actually read this, but if you do you can consider this a little present from me! Thinking back to the couple of fics that I wrote for friends for various reasons, I decided that I like doing that, soooooo ... I've decided to write stories for those who ask. It's sorta like a commision for artist, but it doesn't cost anything. The story doesn't have to be fanfiction, it could be anything you want. All you have to do is: -send me an email telling me what you want written. Include fandom, characters, character profiles if they are your own characters, tell me what you want to happen, how long you want it and wait for me to write it and send it to you. Be aware though: -Unless you tell me otherwise, I will post fanfictions here or on my DA account. So let me know if you don't want me to post it. -Stories that are multiple chapters will take longer. This should be a no-brainer, but hey... -If you ask for a pairing that I'm not a particular fan of then the story will also take a little longer. I'll do my best and hopefully you'll like it. -If I do not know the fandom, I might ask you for places I can go to get information about the characters and plot. So if you'd like me to write something for you, let me know. I love to write! ~Bara I support : Yaoi & Yuri (male/male female/female relationships) because there is nothing wrong with this, and I am a Yaoi fangirl myself. That said, let it be known that I am not the best romance writer, so I don't write a lot of it for myself (I will if people request it of me), and if I do write romance the pairing will be stated in the summery as well as a warning if it is a slash/fem-slash/yaoi/yuri/malexmale/femalexfemale pairing. I do NOT tollerate people trying to tell me that gay and lesbian relationships are imoral and ethicaly wrong. I don't say anything against people who don't support it and I do my best to respect their opinion, so I'd apreciate it if you would do the same to me.If you would like to argue with me on this point, I would be happy to have a calm, respectful conversation, but you will have to find a way to talk with me without using . I will state it again I will not tolerate people telling me that homosexuality is wrong in any way. Some of my favorite quotes- To die will be an awfully big adventure. - Sir James Matthew Barrie's Peter Pan I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell you see, I have friends in both places. -Mark Twain It is our choices that define who we are, not our abilities. -Albus Dumbledore There are all kinds of courage ... It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but it takes a great deal more to stand up to our friends. -Albus Dumbledore Great man, Dumbledore. Great man. -Rubeus Hagrid (truer words were never spoken) Certainty of death, no chance of success ... Well, what are we waiting for? -Gimili Go away. I'm all right. -the last words of H.G. Wells Start at the beginning. And when you get to the end, stop. :siren sounds in background: Hear that? That means places. It also means the Nazis are coming. - my friend during play practice Some links: Random Anime Theories - http:///deviation/26446253/ Emi-chan's DeviantArt account - http:/// Thanks to Emi-chan for looking over all my written and drawn pieces, and making comments. Thank you also for putting up with my crazy plot ideas, most of which will never see a blank piece of paper. Thank you Emi-chan! Thanx for stoping by! Now READ THE STORIES! Buh-bye. |