Author has written 37 stories for Beyblade, and Evangelion.
Vital Stats
Name (and various nicknames): Meg, Meggles, Megglefish, Panda
Age: 21
Nationality: Australian
Occupation: Professional Procrastinator (aka university student)
Favourite Food: Anything sugary
Plug: You should totally check out my blog where I talk about fan fiction, writing and the vageries of literary theory and construction. But in a not boring way. Hopefully.
Less Vital Stats
I'm a university student studying business and arts. In my spare time I write, draw and read far too much.
I’m an English nerd. I’m fascinated with fiction and the way that it works- from over-arching thematic and character concerns to the nitty-gritty stuff like sentence structure and word-choice. And I will talk your ear off about them if given the chance.
Speaking of, I tend to run off at the mouth a little. Due to my studies my brain is constantly set on the 'analyse' setting. That means that whenever I read anything I'm constantly searching for meanings and overthinking everything. And, me being me, I’ll probably tell you all about them when I review. Be prepared for an essay. Be prepared for several essays.
I like chats. Seriously, if you have a question, a comment or are simply bored send me a PM. I like talking to people.
I’ve been around FF for... a while. I got into fanfic back when I was 15 or so (I’ve been reading over my early stuff and editing out the typos etc and can I just say youch. What was I thinking?) then I had a hiatus that lasted around 3 years before getting back into it hardcore. That’s why there’s such a stylistic difference between my old fics and the recent ones (Only for the better, in my opinion. Seriously, I cringe my way through my old stuff)
On Fanfic (Otherwise known as my Soapbox)
Just like the Care Bears :)
But seriously, there's one thing that can take a story from the 'meh, it's all right, I guess' level to the 'holy shizznat that's fantasmagorical!' one. And that's the level of care an author has put into a story. It shows in many ways- from trying your hardest to catch all of those pesky typos, keeping everyone in character as best you can and even down to attempting to write a decent summary for your story (It matters). Even if you're terrible at all of those things (and, trust me, I can totally relate. Typos and summaries are the absolute bane of my existence) it shows when you try your best and care. I know that it's 'only' fanfiction and that you really can just publish anything you want but... If you don’t care about your work how can you expect anyone else to?
Ridiculous action sequences
Are your characters fighting with ridiculous and improbable fighting moves? Do they have an improbably high pain tolerance? Can I imagine the words 'Boom!' and 'Pow!' accompanying every blow? Then I am officially in love with you and everything your writing style represents. Bonus points if they also have guns.
I don’t really care what emotion it is, to be honest. If you can make me laugh, cry, get angry, get frustrated, actively cheer for the protagonist or any of those emotions in between, your story goes on my favourites list. No exceptions.
Humour and Angst
Preferably together and in quick succession. Ridiculously ridiculous humour full of snarkiness and wit is fantastic. Just like angst that makes you stare at the screen, willing your eyes to stop reading because it’s too painful but unable to look away. Like a trainwreck of clowns. But seriously, I love it when an author can combine these two moods successfully without mood whiplash occurring. Humourous fic with serious, angsty themes underpinning it? Angstasticness with an extremely black wit running through it? You have my eternal love and possibly a marriage proposal
Crack Pairings
Because nothing’s funnier than trying to make a pairing that clearly would not work in the series work in fanfiction. I like crack!fic because it often comes up with very interesting personality pairings that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought of.
CanonOC Pairings
Honestly and with all seriousness. I have tried to like these pairings. I really have. I've tried to discern a reason for my hatred and I can find none. I like OCs. I like OCs that are important to the plot. I like OCs when they're paired with other OCs. But a CanonOC pairing will have me immediately ragequit.
Whether it be within the story or within dialogue, Exposition is another one of those ones that makes me grumpy. Not quite to the point of ragequitting but it’s close. I don’t want to be told that your character is sad because he had a shit childhood. I want to see the effects of your characters shit childhood through their actions. I don’t want someone helpfully explaining the plot to both me and the other characters there. If your plot isn’t strong enough to tell me what’s going on there’s some serious issues there that exposition can only exacerbate.
OC-Centric Fics
It’s fanfiction. Though I think your OC is charming and I understand that they need to be there in order to drive the plot forward, I didn’t start reading the story because of them.
One-Dimensional Characters
You can blame my love of badguys on this one. This is a problem that plagues bad guys in fanfiction... in everything, really. No one gets out of bed declaring that they’re going to be especially evil today while twirling their villain ‘stache. On the flipside, no one is a selfless and understanding saint. People are people. They’re messy, and short-sighted and contradictory and they’ve got reasons behind everything that they do (even if they’re supremely stupid reasons). Realistic, fleshed out characters, lead to good, engaging stories. I know that many plots need bad guys to drive them forward but nothing’s more compelling than a sympathetic bad guy or a conflicted good guy. Nothing.
Beyblades, Beyblades, Beyblades. Every now and again I venture into the realms of Harry Potter, Gundam, Yugioh and whatever my friends happen to be into at the time (Oh True Blood- you have so much to answer for) but I’ll always be a Bey!Fangirl at heart.
I’ll also probably always be a yaoi fangirl at heart. My favourite pairing is KaiRei but, honestly? I’m pretty easy (snerk). As long as everyone’s in character I’ll try any pairing at least once, yaoi, yuri or het.
Except (and this is a big exception) ReiMariah. Words cannot express how much I dislike this pairing. And it’s nothing to do with my KaiRei fangirlism as mentioned above. It’s purely because I cannot see them together in any way. In my mind they have the same kind of relationship as siblings and putting them together would just be weird.
Favourites KaiRei, Rei/AnyCanonCharacterExceptMariah, Kai/AnyCanonCharacter, KennyHilary, BryanBrooklyn.
...I’ll stop there before I go through every permutation of pairing Bey can offer.
My Fics (Updates and unfinished business as of 14th June)
This is How We Fall Apart: This is my main focus at the moment. My goal is to finish (or at least have all the broad strokes written) before NaNo this year. We shall see.
36 Alternatives: Working on the next and final chapter. Hopefully it’ll be out in the next few weeks but you never know..
Would You Rather: I’ve tried to write the next chapter for this at least 20 times. Maybe inspiration will strike? Maybe?
Frozen Dreams: Discontinued (I know, shocker, right?) I was writing this years ago with a friend but unfortunately we’ve fallen out of touch and it would feel wrong to continue without her. Besides, She was the funny one XD
Other Stuff
I run the Beyblade Community Project which you can find in my favourites list. We’re on the lookout for new authors so if you think you could contribute a chapter to a GIANT collab fanfic then you should totally check it out. It’s a lot of fun
Shoutouts to iluvbeyblade and phoenixandtiger both for being awesome and seriously writing some of the best fiction I’ve ever read. Go check them out.
I keep seeing this in other people's profiles and I wanted to try it for myself
Number your 12 fave Beyblade characters (In no order) and answer the questions!!
1. Rei
2. Kai
3. Bryan
4. Tala
5. Johnny
6. Brooklyn
7. Kenny
8. Lee
9. Oliver
10. Enrique
11. Balcov
12. Mr D
--Read below here. --
1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before?
BrooklynBalcov XD No! But that would be fascinating don't you think? I'd be totally into that should anyone want to write it.
2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Tala. Oh Hells yes! He's just so pretty!
3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Mr D and Lee I would laugh. Uproariously. I would then cringe because... well... MPreg.
4) Do you recall any fics about Nine?
Oliver. Not really. I've read a few where he's been a minor or supporting character but none where he's been the main one.
5) Would Two and Six make a good couple?
KaiBrooklyn. I don't see why not. Though the element of competition and opposition they'd have in the relationship would be an interesting dynamic to play with.
6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten?
JohnnyOliver or JohnnyEnrique. Tough. I'd go with JohnnyEnrique, I think. They'd both only be using each other for sex, I think.
7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Kenny, Kai/Mr D. I would start laughing and wouldn't stop until I physically couldn't move any more. That's what would happen. As for Kenny I'd hope he wasn't wearing his glasses otherwise Kai's going to have to do some explaining about the REAL reason the bladebreakers are so favoured by the BBA
8) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten Fanfic.
BryanEnrique. Enrique thought it was just another fling. Another chance to show off his impressive amounts of money. Bryan knows better.
9) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff?
ReiLee. I would imagine so. Haven't read it myself.
10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic.
Kenny/Mr D (Oh quiz. You are messing with me). A Failed Experiment.
11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?
Tala to deflower Rei. A lot of cunning on the part of Tala combined with an insistence that they are hands down the best looking people in the BBA and the fangirls need their fodder, DAMMIT
12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Bryan. I'm sure they do XD
13) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Balcov. Not unless he's a bad guy, unfortunately. He needs more love.
14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five ?
Kai/Tala/Johnny. Dear God. That's like my dream threesome right there. SOMEONE WRITE THAT.
15) What might ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Enrique 'AWW YEAH!' in as seedy a voice as he could manage.
16) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
Lee. Animals - Savage Garden
17) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
ReiBrooklynMrD. SexyRexyOldManLove.
18) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two?
Enrique to Kai. 'How's that not-talking thing working out for you? Good? Saving your tongue for other things?'
19) How might Eleven describe a relationship between Two and Eight?
Balcov. KaiLee. 'Disturbing beyond words'
20) How emo is Seven?
Not at all. Kenny's too selfless to be a little emo child.
I challenged people to find the odd paragraph and to count the number of times I wrote the word half and to find the odd paragraph. Half is written 36 times and the odd paragraph is the second last one because it has no fractions in it.