Author has written 5 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Kingdom of Heaven, and Sherlock Holmes. Welcome to the Hell Mountains, potpies. What could you possibly want to know about me personally? I'm all 1s and 0s, right? Would you really believe I wasn't some 48-year-old man with a "The Little Mermaid" poster on the ceiling over my bed, just hoping someone will talk to me and think I'm a 16-year-old chick? weenk If you've tripped and fallen into my bio, then you might be looking for humor. Go to "Buds" if that yer kink. My latest project is a collection of Dr. John Watson drabbles-- exactly 100 words based on a prompt. There are more serious in nature. Which is sort of funny. Moo ha ha. Love you some Holmes? Come visit us at www (dot) holmesian (dot) net. 'Tis a party. I enjoy Bad!Phic, good humor, men in cravats, long walks on the beach with fictional virginal geniuses (or is that geniui?) and a nice Chianti. bows Chat, cheery |