Author has written 8 stories for Left 4 Dead, Teen Titans, Dragon Age, Hey Arnold, and A song of Ice and Fire. I'm a nerd who loves comics,(both foreign and domestic) cartoons and games. Don't ever tell me I'm too old for cartoons. I wish i could marry Tom Hiddleston, he's like a living breathing Disney prince. I'm uncomfortable with writing or reading yaoi or yuri. Oddly enough i do believe in same sex marriage it's just i cant connect with the characters so I can't enjoy it. so dont expect Any slash from me. Following pairings i like to read about Teen Titans: Raven/Red-X Raven/Aqualad Raven/Speedy Raven/Machior &(or) Rorek (I looove Raven) no BB he just doesn't seem serious enough for her. TDA: Gwen and Duncan (it actually is happening in the show :D) Hey Arnold: Arnold and Helga (poor girls family situation makes me wish she could have someone to love.) 6 teen: Nikki & Jonesy Danny Phantom: Danny and Sam X-men: Rogue/Remy X-23/ Elixir (if you dont believe read X-force!!) X-23/Hellion Z-loan: Chika/ MIchiru Shito/Yomi Ouran Host Club: Hikaru/ Haruhi Mori/Haruhi Left 4 Dead 1&2 Ellis/Zoey Ellis/OC ... OC usually represent me and everyother girl that fantasizes about Ellis. You know you do!!! Skip Beat: Kyoko/Ren...Is there anyone else!! maybe beagle but thats more creepy than anything I take constructive criticism and suggestions, just message me at aztecchick7@ please no cussing or wierdness If I'm slow on updates, understand I am poor and have no computer, internet or cable. so unless your willing to buy me a laptop (preferably a gaming laptop) suck it |
Airplane (19) demon sloth (28) | Tamarai (26) TheUltimateGambit91 (14) | Xaphrin (113) |