I do not own any of the characters of Left for Dead or the game…..if I did I would so not have put that pink thong on the spitter. Ewww!
p.s. please review I'm kind of contemplating whether or not I should continue. Suggestions will be welcome. Please no strong insults or language.
-Dxlilith- thank you for your review you are awesomeness embodied. And I love your advice and suggestions.
Previously on Eden:
Ellis Coach and Nick decide to take up AAA's offer to go to Eden.
Ellis sat down at the kitchen counter top and fiddles a bit with a spring. He knew more or less what he was doing, he might be considered a redneck by everyone, but damn it he was a smart redneck. He'd been fixing and building things since he was old enough to carry a hammer. Ellis was smart, he had the opportunity to go to college but he didn't see the point in being stuck to a desk all day. He hated homework, tests were easier cause he could sit for an hour and be done with it. Besides he liked fixing cars and messing around with his pals. Ellis closed the casing of the radio and tried it out… damn still wasn't working. He opened it again and started grumbling.
"Baby why are you doing this to me? Don't yeh love me no more baby?"
"Is she being bad?"
Ellis head shot up from his work in surprise and he saw Thea leaning against the door frame. She was wearing a robe and fresh out of the shower, the steam was still rising from the nape of her neck. She smiled like she was laughing at him in her head.
"Shucks, ma'am you scared me."
"Sorry, but you were talking to yourself."
"Something you gotta do if you wanna fix something. Yelling ain't gonna help none. So I reckon if you speak sweet ta it, It'll be sweet too." Ellis tried to keep himself from cringing, his accent always got worse when he was talking to a pretty girl.
"Guess it couldn't hurt."
She poured herself some coffee and brought Ellis a mug with lots of cream and sugar. Ellis thanked her and took a few sips before getting back to work. While her presence was distracting for a few minutes she was quite enough that he managed to immerse himself in his work. He closed the casing for it again and it finally turned on.
"Is it working?"
"I don't know, I need to test it out with a signal."
"Try the Eden frequency, it's somewhere between 933 and 940."
They managed to find the frequency but couldn't get a message across. Ellis opened the radio again and Thea started cleaning the kitchen. Ellis used some foil to improve the frequency and tried again. Thea rushed over and started speaking on the radio.
"This is AAA, calling from sector 12, I am in need of a pick up crew."
There was silence on the other line for a few seconds, "Thea is that you"
"Rain! Thank God"
"I thought you were dead"
"That bastard Wilson knocked me out and left me!"
"That fat fuck! Where are you?"
"Sector twelve house #6. I got a couple immunes here, three males one female."
"All right, but you're going to have to wait a while. I have to kill Wilson and get Fang to give me a couple of men."
"Keep me updated ok"
"Will do, I'll keep someone on the line"
Thea hung up and smiled. "Go tell your friends that we're getting out of here"