Author has written 3 stories for Teen Titans, Artemis Fowl, and Invader Zim. ME Age- 13 Hair- brown with reddish highlights Height- around 5'' Skin-fair with a small tan and few freckles here and there Eyes- blue/green/grey Gender-female Heritage- Irish My screename is gigglegrl2793. You can IM me any time. My Myspace is http:///mollydannenberg wanna be friends? FAVORITE THINGS Colors: GREENGreen -Black Books: Artemis Fowl -Harry Potter -Eragon/Eldest -My Sister's Keeper Movies: Lord of the Rings -Harry Potter -Pirates of the Caribbean -Grease -Princess Bride -Shrek (both) Day of the Week: Saturday Subject: English Website: (take a guess! lol) TV Shows: Teen Titans -Invader ZIM -Danny Phantom -Seinfeld -Avatar, theLast Airbender -Inuyasha -Jeopardy -Wheel of Fortune Music Artists: -the Killers -Eminem -Simon & Garfunkel -Alicia Keys -Linkin Park -Fall Out Boy -Guns & Roses (many others) THINGS I HAVE IN COMMON WITH ARTEMIS FOWL CHARACTERS- Artemis- I like plotting, and i am very smart. (not lying, it was proven!) Butler- I am overprotective of Artemis lol :-) Holly-overemotional and I like to help people Root-sometimes I can get a little mad... (okay, REALLY mad) Juliet-pretty, but deadly lol Foaly-kinda paranoid, and i love carrots! THINGS I HAVE IN COMMON WITH HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS- Harry-brave, and good at making friends. Hermione-I'm a TOTAL bookworm and a bit of a know-it-all, but I'm still nice Ron-sometimes I just want to say 'bloody Hell' Hagrid-I love the outdoors and animals Dumbledore-I'm kinda... odd... (p.s., did you know that 'Dumbledore' means 'bumblebee' in Latin?) McGonagall-goddess of wisdom lol Snape-i like making potions Fred/George Weasley- Pranks are my life and a day without laughing at someone is a day wasted. "Every story you read, you should review, or else you are not a true Fanfiction.netian" |