Author has written 16 stories for Fruits Basket, Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, and D N Angel. A little about me: There is absolutly nothing interesting about me if you take away the fact that I'm slightly deliusional...only slightly. R.I.P Nathan Maneul Ferguson Jan.18, 1990- May 10, 2006 I love you man. Miss you everyday. Your one true master Kayla Favorite movie: Stay Alive or Labyrinth Favorite quotes: Bitch that's cheating. I'm not dead yet Swink Stay Alive Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave Jareth Labyrinth Through hardships unknown and dangers unnumbered I have fought my way to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen from me. For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is great. Damn I always forget that line. Sarah look at what I'm offering you your dreams. My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is have no power over me. Jareth and Sarah Labyrinth Shut up Swink! Most of the cast in Stay Alive We're in the bitch's backyard Swink Stay alive I don't think you should play that...Shut up! Swink and the cop Stay Alive It's like a sayounce or something Swink Stay Alive She's got body Karate Finn Stay Alive Go fuck yourself October to demon spirit Stay Alive Ello. Did you just say hello? No I said ello but close enough. Your a worm aren't you. Yea that's right. You wouldn't happen to know the way through the labyrinth would you? No just a worm. I have to get through this labyrinth To all those that read this I want you to know This is no way to free your soul. Give it wings and let it go with just one blow. Load the gun and say goodbye. Because the life you know will always be a lie. |